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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. I just finished a strike mission with her and yes she is now my favorite Rhino OF ALL TIME!! Great work men, Great freakin work! The ccip is a dream come true! Now for some wishful thinking/praying: Is there any possibility that she could be incorporated into a campaing? In any case, truly awesome guys!
  2. Oops Don Imus Again...

    My Question is why is he STILL on the air?(Any Air) I guess there are those that find him and his bigotry to their liking. It is really a shame that we as a people are still putting up with him and this kind of crap. The radio station(WABC) that has hired him needs to be questioned. I guess negative publicity beats no publicity. Truly sad and shameful.
  3. George Carlin Dead At 71

    Well another one of the greats is gone, "Lets all get small" While his brand of comedy was not for everyone, I thought he was good. In any case he did have a long career. RIP my man.
  4. I just changed their accuracy to reflect a more realistic amraam shot and i never fire one at a modern fighter, i just use the trusty gun technic: get on their six close in and hose em! works EVERY time!
  5. updates about myself

    It is Great to hear from you my friend! Hope that you can join us more in the near future!
  6. How about the decent civilian population that does not support this craziness start speaking for themselves? The people in Iran that are just trying to live their lives without conflict or war of some type need to make their voices heard. NFG, you are right the innocent will be caught in the middle...again!
  7. Let them continue, then there will be a very good reason to turn that place into a parking lot minus the innocent folks of course! The UN has always been a joke!
  8. Midwest Floods

    Not me personally, but my sister lives back there in Germantown and her daughter in milwaukee. We used to take school trips to the Dells and Ripon. I hope all that live in that neck of the woods are doing as well as one can do after such a mess. BTW, I hope that the people there don't have to wait as long as the katrina folks have waited for help.
  9. I Love Guam!

    Some Guys have all the luck! Do you plan on doing any WORK there? lol :yes: Enjoy it, Next duty station might be Tucson
  10. Is there a 'ReadMe' file or instructions?
  11. Right, If you are flying too low, the blast should rock the AC and maybe even knock out some systems, if then the blast should buffet the plane. In any case you are still the Heavyweight champ of pyrotechnics! Rock on Bro!
  12. Happy Birthday............

    Well Happy Birthday my friend! If you don't like the way the candles burn on the cake Mod them HollyWood style, KABOOM!!
  13. I have a question for the Mirage Factory and Column 5, (or for anyone that might be in the know) What is next for them? any new planes or Campaigns? what are they planning to release?
  14. And to think just how close we came on a few occasions!
  15. SparkVark? You KNOW i'm staying tuned in!
  16. Damn! That would just suck! would she have been hit by Nukes herself? In any case i'm really glad we never had to find out!
  17. To Eject? Hmmm...I'd hate to leave my baby all alone.
  18. Lt. Col. Chessani Cleared!

    Great! Good to see great Marines cleared of some 'CRAP' that some non-combat experienced butt wipes brought about.
  19. Oh Baby! That is just sweet! Forget the 'Iron Hand' Im dropping the 'Iron Boot'!
  20. Stary, You Freakin ROCK!!! I have your other works and you just keep out doing yourself! Put both hands in the air, Now wave them like you just don't care!
  21. Happy Birthday EricJ, Erikgen

    Happy Birthday men! We do not get older here, we get better!
  22. I have the latest IE and i had no trouble downloading a F-4 skin a moment ago. BTW i also have dl'd both Norway terrains with no problem

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