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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. On the history channel they are showing Dogfights involving the f-4 right now here in california it is Mr. Driscoll and Mr. cunningham and they are talking about the wagon wheel in a real mission this stuff is GREAT!! It is May 10th 1972 they are going up against Col. Tomb
  2. Hey Great idea! Looks good will try it.
  3. LOL you guys are too funny! At least someone else has watched this show other than me!
  4. My post is just a wish, I have zero reasons to bitch about anything in the TW series, I have played Falcon, and LOMAC and with all the stuff you must know about BEFORE you even take off is staggering! With all the great things that this community offers, there is no comparision. If i can't send my flight #3 and #4 to hit certain targets that is ok there are MANY more things i enjoy than not.
  5. I believe you must have a clean install before you can run it. Which is why i did not download it, i deleted my links to my games and did not make a copy on disk(hey, I was a real noob then)
  6. It is sad that the series is not to be continued. I'm going to write to the Military Channel and see if they can pick it up and produce a 3rd season.
  7. Have you went in the WoI game options, control and made the nessary changes?
  8. They look awesome! I'm going crazy waiting for the finished product! Bro, you rock!
  9. I would like to be able to order my flight to hit specific targets it does not have to be the primary target, but, at least be able to try and clear the way to the primary for me and wingie. Just a thought
  10. WOI Review By Spectre_USA

    To me reviews have much more credence when they come from a person that actually plays the item that they are reviewing so I can read it and know this guy knows of what he speaks good job!
  11. Keep it the way it is it makes me better and makes me find better ways to ingress to the target. I love it!
  12. What i don't get was i was no higher than 100ft but it made no difference! BANG! im toast!
  13. Ok malibu, I just tried your campaign I was sent to knock out the Paul Domner bridge up in the north just me and my wingman in F-16's armed with 4 2000lb bombs and ecm pod. OMFG!!! at 50 miles out we started to get painted by SAM sites that were EVERYWHERE! By the time we got to within 10 miles of target i was out of chaff and on the deck at 100ft MAX altitude! Next thing i know there are MULTIPLE SAM's inbound. I was over Hanoi and could not go any lower than 50 ft I evaded the first two sams but in doing so had to rise up to miss hitting a building and POW! 2 more sams hit right behind my AC my ccip is knocked out and my engine is smoking badly just before i try to punch out 2 more sams finish me! Talk about intense! Did i mention that this was just the 1st mission Excellent work my friend! you should consider making more of these campaigns. Lawd! im hooked. BTW, ANY mission over Hanoi even in 1985 is just asking for trouble!
  14. ok i have it all in WOV im off to try it now
  15. And you know I'm all over that!
  16. it will all come together for you my man! Great work so far!!
  17. Oh man so there won't be a new wep pack? No more Bunyap? well someone is adding bits and things that is better than nothing.
  18. Sir, It does NOT get any better than this! Your insight is priceless! I always try to keep the fight in the verticle and use the "egg" a LOT. What I did not know is the 'winder' rule. I've been trying to use guns as my missles always seem to miss or turn into duds. Another thing is i spend a lot of time saving my wingman and the other guys in my flight even though i told my wing to cover my six. Please keep your memories comming I could listen to them til the cows come home!
  19. umm... any and "contributions" will be nice. Sanity can take a back seat once lol
  20. Man! you guys never cease to amaze me! Kev, that ish is off the hook! Great work!

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