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Everything posted by Viper6

  1. Happy Birthday To..........

    Happy b-day to you! It is up to us Virgos, (mine was Sept 5th) to keep the world sane! Lets roll baby! Viper6 out!
  2. Ok, I'm back with yet another question on how to get my wingman and or flight/squardern to help me, I got a intercept mission in the '68 campange and by the time my flight got there I had just enough time to down 1 of 8 when the "failed mission" banner popped on the screen, after analizing this, I used a different tactic, after takeoff, i put the pedal to the metal and much to my chagrin my wingman and flight were nowhere to be found! I blew by the enemy escorts to the primary, but after downing one my rear view was FILLED with bandits on my tail. I tried calling my wingman and flight to rejoin but nada. I have tried to asign the flight to engage air targets, but they go after the escorts and not the primary. Can any one shed some light on this? Any other tactics i can use? On some other missions my wingman comes back with out EVER firing a shot! Others in my flight don't even drop a single bomb! There has GOT to be a better way! viper6 out!
  3. lol! In any case, it is a very good game, lol
  4. Rgr that! I'll give it a go tonight. thanks for the insight and advice. Viper6, out
  5. Wings over viet nam is on now on the military channel on digital cable two hours of it first show is rolling thunder
  6. I have a 350gb HDD with nothing on it but some games and music so I still have over 280gb free.
  7. I too appreciate you hard work, can you make the finished product easy to run in WoE? if at all possible? I'm really not adept at finding and reconfiguring .ini files and im really itching for some more missions/campaings that i don't have to "gather" skins, planes, etc, etc,... in any case, thanks for your work!
  8. Does anyony know if the medals you recieve in the campain are saved? if so where? I'm thinking not because i don't see them in the pilot log. any insight into this would be appreciated.
  9. Rgr that and thanks Viper6 out!
  10. How about ALL these great ideas for WoE? How great would it be to have you great modders and mission creators produce something and have it be brought into the game with no need to edit any .ini files or anything? just extract it to the proper place and be able to enjoy it right away! Wishful thinking?
  11. I fly both, I really like the ability to do various missions with different ac in single mission mode but like the campaingns for the "other" pilot pukes, i also do multiplayer missions without the other players! lol. I just wish things were easier to bring into the game i realize that it takes LOTS of time to create ac's and campaigns and stuff and love you guys that are doing these things for this community. I wish it was easier. I would not trade this experience for ANY other flight sim! Viper6 out!
  12. Rgr that, Viper6 in holding pattern!
  13. Yes don't do what i did, When i first got WoW cold war gone hot, i started downloading planes BEFORE i downloaded the weps pack and i've been having troubles with modern weaps ever since, as the man said do things in the correct order Viper6 out!
  14. This is just what i mean, the router settings, all the same aircraft, trying to find the host pc, weapons pack, come on some of us do not know how to figure out router settings, what if the host does not know how to make his router settings available to us or how to make his pc "seeable" the players MUST have All the AC's the host has? how do you find out this info if you can't even find his pc? this is way too much to do for a noob, Strike fighters? I'm talking about WoE cold war gone hot. Man could the dev's streamlined this process? it just seems a bit too much "stuff" to do just to get to play online.
  15. Hey Guys, My question is two-fold, First can I re-install the game(WoE) without any problems? I purchased the Download from Thirdwire, I don't remember if there was a CD key to input, I'm considering doing this because of the cool things i can't get to work because i did not do certain things in order. And second, by doing the correct things will the weapon pack work and will the DL'ed planes work?, some planes that I DL'ed show up in the single missions list but with no weapons that they are supposed to have, while others do not show up at all, I unzip the files with WinZip and extract them to the Objects/Airplanes folder, same with the weps pac, i was not sure which folder to extract it to the instructions did not say, in any case this is my SitRep.
  16. It is hard to believe that thirdwire, or whom ever the developers are would not look into making online play a lot easier than this, I can understand requiring the same version, the list of planes that came with the cold war gone hot title are good enough, but no internet play? man, how sad is that?
  17. Rgr that you are much help! it is a shame that she does'nt carry any agm's the lg bombs are ok but in and around the target area things tend to get a bit hectic and hot so trying to keep the target lased is a "challenge lol
  18. Rgr that. Will recheck the steps that you have listed.
  19. I just went to the site and there is no WoE game supported, just WoV and SF what gives? I've been trying to get online with WoE(I have WoE cold war gone hot) ver.8.30.06
  20. Hey Kevin, Can you come to ontario and help me this weekend? I STILL cant get the f-15d to have amraams in the load out screen in the single mission nor can i get the f-15e to have agm's or any of the new mud mover weaps. I konw you can't just wishful thinking. any ideas? worst csae is that i'll re-install the game and do it in order,sad thou i've been promoted to Capt. with some medals and other good crap.
  21. yes and thany you much, my mistake was that i started downloading add-on planes before i downloaded the weaps pack. i'm still murky as how to get the add-on craft to have latest weaps. the info on the weaps pack sends me to the download screen of the ac in question, well i'll figure it out...eventually lol
  22. thanks, i did not alter the path so now the default ac's should have the "right" weaps?

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