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Everything posted by Denzil

  1. Movin' on up...

    Thats excellent jeff...its a great site, its what you deserve :D
  2. You know we are looking for more people with any skill level in CAD to come aboard...I don't know...if you don't want to (or don't have the skill to - like me -) model jets :D we still need people to model buidlings and bridges etc. At the moment we are a little short on modellers... you got icq mate? my number is: 143324124 just make sure you tell me who you are
  3. Unfortunately the F-5A has been put on hold. Between his other models, uni and moving house dave has had to postpone any development. If it gets to the point where he will not be able to complete it, we have a few modellers who we think will be able to finish it off *Denzil looks at Dan* *cough* ... We'll have to wait and see, for now i guess you can watch some Topgun mj Denzil
  4. Funnily enough, it is likely that the su-17 will be the first aircraft we release. We allready have the naked model in the game, still got a lot of work to do though, finishing the pit, FM's, animations, texture(s).....ARG so much to do! Denzil
  5. Mod Squads? Odd Squads? Your Squad?

    Hehe i guess there will be a Skunkworks squadron we need somewhere to test our campaigns, skins, terrains and models online...or something :D wheeee we can put a skunk on our tails 8) Denzil
  6. Its great isn't it...heeh going to go and fins that guy that said it wasn't coming out this year! *Denzil does a little dance* Denzil
  7. heeh looks good (you're addicted) Denzil
  8. Haha, offended...thats a good one! I like beers "naval units" poly count may be a little high but very detailed! :shock: Keep us informed about the project! I look forward to seeing it. Denzil
  9. Howdy all, After subtle prods from Mad Jeff and Ratbastard for an F-4 wallpaper and a tac grey camo wallpaper respectively...I decided this afternoon to have a shot at it. Tried a bit of a different design for this one, obviously, this isn't the finished version. This is a very low quality shot (you'll have to get the better resolution higher quality one from skunkworks) and im using it to ask for feedback before i put it up After any changes that need to be made it will be posted at skunkworks! Denzil
  10. Its a beauty isn't it :shock: Unfortunately our modellers are stretched to the limit with an absolutely massive project list :shock: So i can't really see it happening in the near future...i'll be sure to put it on the ever growing "must do this after we finish what we are doing now" list! But anyway, i'll pitch it to the team and maybe one of our modellers can start working/researching on it... Denzil
  11. Hrm, i just went in to have a look at weasles "oops" post and i noticed (on my screen anyway) that it had zero replies...then i went in and it had 2...just thought i'd mention that :D Denzil
  12. Its sites like these that keep 'em pumping
  13. Site changes coming...

    uuuuhhhhh, I hate packing :D
  14. I tried to reply (i put slow as heck) and i got this: General Error Could not find email template file topic_notify this was after i pressed the submit button....its happened once before but then been fine, until now.....i went back and tried it over and over but no luck :shock:
  15. Slow as heck at my end.....i endure though :D
  16. Cool, We had some small problems if someone put e-mail notification on, doing that seemed to totally bugger any thread that they started! Anyways, it seems to be in good hands Denzil
  17. *Denzil cons the barman into giving him a free beer*
  18. Welcome

    You don't mean the SimHQ Strike Fighters forum? :D :) :o :? :D As for keeping the quality up via skunkworks, well yes we are hoping for that to happen... ...I know your talking about the FM's and stuff, but maybe you want to see some of the most recent stuff that we (or more specifically Slueth) have been doing, hes made these airbases up in FS2002 and is a simulated view of Ubon Airbase in Vietnam, I tell you they are a real eye openers :shock: Probably hurt the FPS but we can dream Denzil
  19. I presume you were joking :D but you can't believe the problems we've been having at skunkworks!!! *Denzil punches php forums* Its all good now....breathe....
  20. Saitek X-45

    hehe, you should get him into medieval: total war...brilliant! anyway, i saw it at www.estore.com.au , the thing is you'll probably loose any savings from the S&H costs :? as it is in australia And the exchange rate is going up i believe :shock: Denzil
  21. Saitek X-45

    Cool, Thanks for the reply...I've pretty much decided I'm going for it...i saw it for 30% off so I guess I can't go too wrong with that :D I'm running '98 so I doubt I'll have too many problems... ...I can only dream about a Cougar at the moment but maybe when I make my 3rd million I might be able to move up in the world 8) Again, thanks for the response, Denzil
  22. Heres a little preview...get full version (1024x768) at skunkworks dl's section =) Denzil
  23. hehe thanks jeff, if i read between the lines you want an A-4 next right???? :D Anyway my latest incarnation is up called The Fighters Of Project 1 and you can get it from our downloads page (see link in my sig) I like this one the best so far as i went for a more proffesional look with the lighting and layout ! Oh and its got a phantom on it! Denzil
  24. Yeah, i like the new look...very nice shot of the hog in the upper left :shock: Php can be a little troublesome, but i think its good! Denzil
  25. Good to see another site acknowledging the presence of Strike Fighters ;) Its also good to see you've linked our site (Skunkworks) we both have small member/post counts so hopefully we can be complimentary to each other :D I'll pass it by the team and see if we can get a link back to you happening! Anyway, hope it all goes well! Denzil

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