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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. it seems ansons2 uploaded the shots here
  2. @Wrench: New tiles for Cuba? well, i think it would be nice to have a Nato Fighters: Anatolia.
  3. Well this is good to see.

    or eat the famous Harold & Kumar's Cock Sandwitch.
  4. Well this is good to see.

    and we're starting to beat the trolls, the next one should be the spammers.
  5. This is sad

    as i said, those were not a problem 100 years ago, why ? Nix and Lex have already pointed that out ;)
  6. This is sad

    am i hijacking the thread? if so, say i'm not sure if i'm doing right. would you accept your salary as 1/4 of a regular legal citizen would make ? this is not racism, that's captalism. besides those 'pandilleros' do not come from mexico what those problems have in common? they did not used to exist 100 years ago. that's gone cultural man. besides, i do not see any correlation between illegal immigrants, drug use and violence.
  7. This is sad

    agree with you point rugg, illegals are not good for economy(don't you think they do not want the benefits of being a legal, such as state security ?), however, this is a deeper problem....Those hard workers for low profit want a better life, this should be fought in their country of origin , not in in the foreign country itself. many of them are trapped in american dream that and go to US, but many of them don't know that when they come they'll be hostage of their employer,and their coyote, i think pretty much of us here know what those immigrants pass trough, they many times live in poor condtion and can't blame any authority , otherwise they'll be hunted by the law enforcement. they're more kind of a hostage compelled to slavery than troublemaker itself., and making hate comments about them is just terrible. Besides, who hires a illegal immigrant service ? certainly aren't other immigrants, many of them are native, am i wrong? here in Brazil we have a big problem with Chinese and Bolivian who are kept slaves in our biggest city...hard to see any of the employer being punished here, how it work in US? hate the smugglers and the employers , not the people who unfortunatelly go there try a better life in their rich cousin country. The sad news is that the news i receive here from US are not the better ones away of the hypocrisy , they're treated like criminals only for living,sent to jail and finally deported, treated like crap, if their suffering crossing the damn desert isn't enought.
  8. This is sad

    criminals , what's your problem ? c'mon i can give you a bunch of reasons to start a flame war with such a comment.
  9. i tough the same and came to conclusion that i'm screwed D:
  10. This is sad

    wtf, i'd feel insulted.
  11. yup, latest patch... Terrain] TerrainFullName=Anatolia(SF2) CatFile=GermanyCE.cat DataFile=Anatolia_Data.INI TargetFile=Anatolia_targets.INI TargetTypeFile=Anatolia_types.INI MovementFile=Anatolia_movement.ini NationsFile=Anatolia_nations.INI BriefingText=Anatolia_briefing.INI WaterMap=Anatolia_Water.bmp DogfightFile=Anatolia_dogfight.INI DogfightOnly=FALSE EnvironmentFile=Anatolia_EnvironmentSystem.INI Longitude=23 Latitude=46 [Map] FilenameFormat=Anatolia_Map%d.bmp Width=1304000.0 Height=1304000.0 NumZoomLevels=3 ScatteredChance=45 BrokenChance=20 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 [season001] Directory=winter StartDate=11/10 EndDate=12/31 ScatteredChance=25 BrokenChance=40 OvercastChance=17 InclementChance=8 Thank you (:
  12. Good Luck, you guys will need!
  13. also,i can't have any ship to work, even with the water bmp and the entrie in the terrain.ini...... i just can have it to work in a clean new install :/ i've added the carrier stations and nothg. the worse thing is that i keep get to choose ground units , even if it is over the sea any ideas?
  14. HOLY s**t!

    Happy Birthday tomorrow !
  15. Thanks man! looking better now!
  16. THANKS MAN! great mod!
  17. Dudes, we don't know what is really happening, seems this dude don't know the rules of how we do it, so don't bash him so hard, maybe he doesn't even speak english, so i think you guys should only warm and remove the file.
  18. No fly Zone over Libya...

    YEAH! its about f***ing time! hoewever the Lybian government rats said that they will take benghazi trough another dirty play , using assault teams to go house by house searching for the manifestants. and the UN resolution doesn't previews that they'll use airstrikes against artillery, they seems to be pretty f***ed. i don't know at which point the No Fly Zone can help anymore, but i'm pretty sure this increased the moral of the troops so i hope they can carry the fight.
  19. hello guys, i've just recently brought the expansion pack 2... but when i try to make a carrier mission, any carrier appear in the ground objecs list...do i have to make any changes to make 'em appear? this happens with any terrain i am playing with :( thanks in advance.
  20. it is: WaterMap=GermanyCE_Water.bmp the GermanyCE_Water.bmp is not in terrain folder, maybe it has some to do with it/ EDIT: i've tried with the core install it worked fine, is that any way i can be able to put this feature with NF-4 + or any other map?

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