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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. Jedi Baseball

    ROFL! this was good!
  2. Mirage IIIS

    xD yeah i know ! hehe you should worked hard on this one
  3. Mirage IIIS

    yeah sure, i have the MSFS pit, but i haven't the game anymore hehe http://www.mirage4fs.com/panels_all.html http://www.fs98fabmil.hpg.com.br/projeto/h...rage3_26na.html
  4. Mirage IIIS

    :/ anyway, if you could put that "mfd" at artificial horizon and other over the azimuth, as Mirage IIIEBR this can be super cool xD hehe
  5. Mirage IIIS

    Cool black bird! IIRC Saganuay have one done! and it's very beautifull hehe
  6. Será que o F-X sai antes de 2100?

    bem, pq o J-10 não tem supercruzeiro, muito menos carrega a carga /variedade de armas que o typhoon, além é claro do EF ser Swing-Role hehe
  7. Será que o F-X sai antes de 2100?

    pq não o EF-2000? hehe
  8. Damn, This is a real multi-role aircraft in game! with all modes presents in real typhoon!
  9. Happy birthday to ya!

    o/ i guess i lost that! Happy birthday xD i wish i have a time mchine o/
  10. o/ the Italian AMX. few years ago i saw one F-5E taking a basket to home as souvenir in all case ask STORM xD
  11. Damn this is a WikiThypoon :D
  12. President William palmer sented this gif?
  13. S.O.S Craig! why i can't see the shadows?
  14. public appology

    I want He's head! anyway, if you reveal he's name the community will have a public enemy ;)
  15. Coooooooool job! i hope you release a full enviroiment pack hehe
  16. Damn, is that what i love with internet, classified documents and registrations fluid free without any problem HUD and Voice caption: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=zwvInbDQYdU&...feature=related More F-16, a combat air patrol mission http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=ibe4eUi9BQM&...feature=related
  17. Kosovo Air War-Operation Allied Force

    O.o that's the best thing in a forum like this o/ people who lived that heheh thanks all :D
  18. Women in uniform...

    I don't know how, but she's photo acrossed the atlantic :rofl:
  19. Damn, when i uploaded my FA-18 Skin it happens , than i give up :( idk, but maybe any issue with provider service?
  20. hee cool! i want it xD is there a way to modify the frequency of shadders?
  21. B-1 crash in Qatar

    B-1 have ejection seats?
  22. Women in uniform...

    O.o OMG , really?

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