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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. Happy Birthday Old Diego

    Happy birthday!
  2. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    provavelmiente el nuevo presidente de Brasil....
  4. Happy Birthday Aleks

    Happy Birthday man!
  5. true, as a matter of fact Dom Pedro II didn't abolished the slavery... unfortunately in the late 1888's his daughter, Princess izbel abolished the slavery with golden law, under the pressuder of republicans, one of the last acts of our empire...some months later the military took controll of power and Dom Pedro was exiled in france...he government brought some modernizations to our country such as telephones, eletric energy and fire corps, the parliment... hehe Mako, are you a historian or something like that? hehe it seems you quite like my country's history.
  6. please, do a conplete strip tease of this new game!
  7. Lookin' great mako! Dirty bird? just a detail...we don't usually name our carriers as president's name, mainly because all of them did a craptastic job doesn't worth to be reminded i bet our A-13 carrier will be called Pará or Rio de Janeiro (state names) btw, there is a navy plan to build from scratch a new carrier at AMRJ right after our new scorpenes are finished.

    gracias zonda. creo que eso sea lo mejor angulo
  9. Today I just got...

    Congrats i suppose... but , i hate pepper spray, i've got a little bit of it while some friends entered in a fight during a party some months ago....dude i didn't took much and i felt sufocated, and extremelly annoyed, also had to withdraw my fellas while they had the huge portion of it while they suffocated or they would be totally screwed in that party. that' why you deffinately should never mess with a cop's wife.
  10. OMG........It's

    Happy Birthday Wrench!
  11. Vuelo Conmemorativo

    hey, muy buena la iniciativa... deveriamos mostrar eso para TK, o hacieren un report en el foro en ingles de que el juego online es si viable , especialmente para el SF2. algun dia deseo volar con ustedes.

    http://cinema.uol.com.br/ultnot/multi/?hashId=trailer-do-filme-seguranca-nacional-0402993472E4A18326&mediaId=1849943 trailer de la pelicula : seguridad nacional - la menanza.... debe sener bueno, ya que la FAB esta en el tema principal de a pelicula.
  13. RIP. acording a friend of mine who was there...he said that the engine failed seconds before the crash and the pilot only had time to put out the aircraft over the public
  14. F-22 en Sudamerica

    en Fidae 2010...alguien estuve en la Fidae 2010? Peace Puma?
  15. Mazal Tov pcpilot

    Happy Birthday man!
  16. Dúvidas

    bem, não é uma boa falar disso aqui andré ;) além disso, nem é tão caro, eu comprei o meu com uns 3 dias de economia de meus gastos normais.
  17. Dúvidas

    www.thirdwire.com www.thirdwire.com
  18. To the Families of the Moscow Victims

    I'm with you my friend, that's terrible, the scum of humanity will pay someday.
  19. Veteran...

    Nice plane..its a company plane? perhaps a transport one hehehe isn't there any unified European Aviation Legislation? Europe is not like other continents that you have a long way to fly before to get in other country border...just a mistake and in a few minuts you are in a foreing country
  20. The Official Sub-forum translator system

    bien, puedo ser volutario tambíen, mismo que mi español sea una bueeeeena mierda

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