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Everything posted by Silverbolt


    Kids, god damn , hard to hear about it.
  2. The video is great, but i'd like it in SF :/ -Brain32, are you There?
  3. Oh well, this will not end soon

    I'm +- in your situation....but for what was passed here, he was implementing social policy (since 50% of the country is under poverty line, and the usually the upper classes dislike) wich means state intervention in giving food or money to population directly , it happens here ,i guess with about 30% of population, and indeed this makes the money flow better inside the country. well, such policy can't be implement in one time administration, since the thigs here work via personal intrests like, selling your vote. For what it seems, Zelaya was trying to keep him im power to keep with his social policy, since other in power could stop with that, so he was trying to modify they constitution to get one more mandate.(nothing related with abuse of power here was broadcasted) but he was discharged, by the court and the military, this last one thinks he is walking side by side with ''Chavist Block'' in Central/South America, so they discharged him for it. its a delicated situation wich information and desinformation are colliding each other, so i may be not 100% sure of what is happening. IMO my country is interventing too much, and i fear that some of ours can be out hurt...
  4. Air Parade @ Brasilia /09/07/2009

    Because we can't fly F-5s for more 30 years, or AMX for more 40 years, our Oceanic Paltroll Ships Have about 30 years old and our subs are getting old like 20~30 years old....man till 1980's we were operating WW2 submarines We also need dacent Main Battle Tank ASAP. Man, it still Small IMO, those buys aren't enought for a country that have USA size.... Well, i'm happy at least the Navy start to talking about carriers...they have plans to Build 2 indigenous Carriers...
  5. and it wasn't in my pak unfortunately:no:
  6. Back to 06' patch, like all WW2 planes, unfortunately
  7. demo this year?

    well, i know a mad dude who does this.... he spent hi friday night doing a Transatlantic flight in FSX online. he left the machine flighting automatic till he hits the continent, while that he takes a beer and chat on msn.
  8. Well it reminds me the episode that somebody found the debris of an FW-200 in middle of Brazilian amazonic Jungle i think nobody confirmed that but there are photos and i can't find the photos of it now

    and i'm ronaldo
  10. Life - What Makes You Happy?

    Same as Marcos, i have 19, damn, i love the small momments speciall with friends Specially in Concerts! till i don't find a GF i'll stay with that. @AmokFloo:Congrats!
  11. UAE C-130 DETAINED

    Well, Lavi is a Way smaller than J-10, as a matter of fact those were never said oficially were copies of Lavi. Anyway,Lavi was Israeli Techology , the Americans disincouraged Israel to build their own plane in detriment of F-16 and F-15. btw, in the time that they ''supposed sell'' the lavi Blueprints, Nortrop was about to do a modrnization in Chinese F-7s and MiG-21s, wich means, US never had a bad relation with China at the point to put an embargo over Weapons(did it happened anytime?)
  12. Air Parade @ Brasilia /09/07/2009

    cool,are you from republica domenicana?
  13. A Montanha

    bem interessante [/b]
  14. i've never saw an HD model around
  15. yes, its folder is called clem_65 IIC and its hosted at check-six
  16. Happy Birthday Brain32!

    Happy Beerthday!
  17. Attention! MSgt Nesher ready for your orders!

    Congrats Nesher!
  18. well, if the original source model is from Anders Lejczak (www.colacola.se) , you may contac him to get the layered PSD template, if there is one.
  19. TK Could give us this gift today
  20. Shana Tova. (Happy new year)

    Shana Tova Umetuka ! Lechaim!

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