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Everything posted by Silverbolt

  1. Musical Extremities...

    Damn, the tendons this last video is awesome , i reallya admire who plays like that the song is good great technique( but should be very exaustive)! here a lot of bands abuse of double pedals and ''frying''(id if its the right term) the guitar, so i, it turn in to a way booring, besides of gutural abuse. yep, Gilbert is a way conservative, but Malmsteen sometimes broke all limits and turn boring, i've got some traks of him and Dio covering Mr Crowley and Gates of Babylon, IMO he ''crapped'' the song about the noise, just Joking :blush2: i've posted here while ago an thread about noise: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry260171
  2. and as a bonus, a flyby over USS Ranger ops, i've posted in wrong section...if some moderator could move it, i'd be happy :)
  3. Musical Extremities...

    What? That's Noise! j/k what about intense rock? hehe
  4. Flyby Over USS Independence

    yes, it was tragic, and it came from this article http://sovietrussia.co.uk/cold-war-blazing-skies/ not the first time a plane crash during the cold war when the enemies were around. anyway i've never seen such of madness before.
  5. Flyby Over USS Independence

    "It happened in early 1990 in the Persian Gulf, while U.S. carriers and B-52s were holding joint exercises. Two B-52s called the carrier (USS Ranger) and asked if they could do a fly-by, and the carrier air controller said yes. When the B-52s reported they were 9 kilometers out, the carrier controller said he didn't see them. The B-52s told the carrier folks to look down. The paint job on the B-52 made it hard to see from above, but as it got closer, the sailors could make it out, and the water the B-52 jets were causing to spray out. It's very, very rare for a USAF aircraft to do a fly-by below the flight deck of a carrier. But B-52s had been practicing low level flights for years, to come in under Soviet radar. In this case, the B-52 pilots asked the carrier controller if they would like the bombers come around again. The carrier guys said yes, and a lot more sailors had their cameras out this time".
  6. Donating 100% of the proceeds from my book

    well Done!
  7. wow, it seems something is messed up with your video card. have u tried to d/l again? it maybe came corrupt.
  8. EricJ's beauftifull skins again !
  9. Happy Birthday Jimmybib

    Happy Birthday!!
  10. Those Soviet old paints are a way more exiting than present day's Russia's.
  11. Simulator Promotion

  12. well, i've did, it surely looks great, but the sun is a way too small :/

    no me admira...tiveran muchos años relaciones cuase carnales con los EEUU btw, por onde anda lo chico Español, Macelena?
  14. Crash during MAKS 2009 preparation

    S! More Photos and one video Photos http://www.aereo.jor.br/?p=11186 Video http://terratv.terra.com.br/Noticias/Mundo...s-na-Russia.htm
  15. Hey man, awesome! btw could you do a version for SF2 Series?
  16. Do you think military service should be mandatory?

    No it should not be mandatory,at least here in my country's reality...many people here are called to serve here don't matter if its rich or poor, but the Army don't want know if you want study or keep up with your job(if you get one before get 18), so you have to re-manage your life and most part of time needs to give up the university , orother jobs. in other hand , there is a thousand of peoples that see in Army an Oportunity to grow in its life, but many times those people aren't called for service, so the people who is serving, do a crappy job,just because army is sticking this person in nothing . well, i hope i was clear enought hehe
  17. Birthday's Galore

    Happy Birthday!
  18. Happy Birthday 76.IAP-Blackbird!

    Happy B-day!!!!!
  19. Well, i've played WoV Multy-player for years, but i really gave up.... its deffinatelly terrible IMO. if it at least give the single player gameplay....but it does not,and again, IMO an acceptable Gameplay would be the IL-2 one, but as we know IL-2 isn't one open architeture game :( i hope TK implement a decent MP with SF2:I because it was an internse air combat OT. if TK wants implement it, the time is now, but i would hold my breath for it, unfortunately.
  20. 764 knts? wtf?!? i can't even reach this on a F-15 Oo

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