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Everything posted by jeanba

  1. Hello For instance, in the War Of Attrition Campaign : how do you shift from one phase to the next one ? Can you force the change at a given date ? Thank you in advance
  2. I also try to add the BarLev line and the multiple Egyptian Artillery batteries along the Suez Canal
  3. Hello What has started as a "campaign customization" can now be interesting for everybody / Based on the 1979 WOE, I made a (relatively) new campaign : "Red Flail" in 1980. Basically, there are more aircraft available on the Nato side : German Tornadoes and Alpha-jets Dutch NF5-A French Mirage IIIC Danish F35 I did not change the WP order of battle due to lack of info, maybe I will add a Su-25 evaluation unit ? Are you interested in me uploading this campaign ? If yes, do you have ideas on how to update the WP order of battle ? Thank you in advance
  4. Yes, that's already done : I forgot about a-jet (maybe a 1983 campaign ?) and try to adapt the Fiat OOB from NF5 1979. The new Gina would be nice :)
  5. Do you model the salmons as ground targets ?
  6. It looks good Maybe you can use as a basis the TMF Mirage IIIE cockpit ? The BF rwr is working perfectly there ps : check pms
  7. Hello Do you have wp units which could have sent L-29 or L-39 into battle in 1980 ? Just to add more variety Thank you in advance
  8. Yes, I assumed this too. There is a su-20 available (B and C versions), and being updated, but the versions are "late one", not used in 1973 (but ok for Jun 82)
  9. Mig Yes, this is the reference article. The Rafale had an advantage but did not claim a "sure kill". Still, the Rafale was not as ridiculous as was often claimed
  10. Well, in this case, and whatever the reasons : The F-22 was loosing quickly :)
  11. Hello This video is much discussed on french forums. Its interest is more on the HUD views during a complete dogfight than in the comments. The comments must be at best "discussed in the context" : the author seemed to have been fed up by other countries fanboys denigrating the Rafale. As to the Typhoons, it seems that the context was "training novice typhoon pilots" by "experienced french pilots", who "played the red side". A good matchup would have been experienced Typhoon vs experienced Rafale pilots.
  12. Thank you for this work, the Su-17/20 family has a lot of "potential"
  13. Nice one Do you intend to make a "true" Etendard IV ?
  14. Aero L-29 Delfin "Maya"

    Very nice model, original plane, lot of fun !!!
  15. Interesting idea, nice campaign, though there is so room for improvements. For instance by adding links for the cockpit in the readme ...
  16. Great I had to change some file formats, but it works now. I made 2 missions but was shot down by "maneuver kill", trapped between a Haw battery and a Shahak ! I just would like to add the Su-20, which squadron did they belong to ? THnak you in advance
  17. It's been 8 years that my Mig is flyable ! And you don't need to "read only" the file. The problem is that the screen freezes when I select the campaign.
  18. Bad news, it does not work with my install. :(
  19. Lot of framerate drops disappeared, so it looks ok to me

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