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Everything posted by jeanba

  1. EtIV00035

    From the album North Atlantic

  2. Hello I am under windows7 sp1 and I have a GTX570 card. I consider updating my drivers to 376.(...) version because of other softwares such as Il2 BOS. Did some of you encounter some problems with recent Nvidia drivers on SF2 ? Thank you in advance
  3. This is basically the same as for me (w7) Mue's fix does not seem to work very well (I tried increasing coefficients)
  4. I want the others too
  5. I basically have +20% performances + less stutter ... on some other games (BOS)
  6. The good point with the new drivers is that I can now run the anatoliav2 map
  7. Yes With 340 drivers, and Mue's modification, the object shimmering had gone down to an acceptable level, but with the new 376, it was back to "bad". As far as I have seen, it mainly applies on "user objects" and on cities like VN modded using Eburgers SF2VG => "Mue's mod" was to solve this, but not anymore As there is some "finetuning" in it, maybe I should restart the work ?
  8. I don't know, but this will be the next thing I test
  9. On the current (376.33) I lowered ground objects textures from unlimited to very high I remember having made some changes to work on shimmering (based and mue's shaders and gerwin work), may be they have to be retuned for the new drivers ? edit : here : http://combatace.com/topic/85970-shimmering-tods-and-target-objects/
  10. Tu be true, there was siome flickering with my previous drivers (340....) but not that high. On the other hand, I diminished them by lowering texture quality for objects
  11. I installed 376.33, performances are usually good but I feel I have more flickering and shimmering textures than before (particularly on the Viet Nam map with SF2VG installed) I deactivated vsync and am still using gerwin's trick (should not change from one driver to another) Any idea ? I think that I need to recheck my settings
  12. As to my screens, I have a modded install taken from combatace http://combatace.com/files/category/363-first-eagles-wwi-and-early-years-terrain-and-environmental-mods/ for terrains
  13. Rise Of Flight Screeshots

    November 1916 : Sop2 squadron bombing a railyard : Target hit !!
  14. 2017 1 3 18 4 56 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  15. 2017 1 3 17 56 46 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  16. 2017 1 3 17 56 2 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  17. 2017 1 2 18 42 10 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  18. 2017 1 2 18 38 29 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  19. 2017 1 2 18 37 41 1

    From the album RoF_jpg

  20. 2017 1 2 18 30 19 1

    From the album RoF_jpg


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