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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Everything posted by purolator

  1. SU-85

  2. Parani Su-17

  3. L63

  4. Von Hippel Blitz

  5. Paul Baumer

  6. SE-5a Flying Shark

  7. Lay Me Low-The Reality of WWI

    Darn it, I'm old enough to be called mature and I am deeply touched by it. Greetings from 'Hunland'... yes, horrible times. I remember my great-grandfather, who served under the Kaiser, but we didn't speak about WW1, as I was nine years old when he passed away. Telling memories of not one, but two wars, were not just on. These images should remind us what it really means for anyone, regardless which side of no man's land you are. Luckily nowadays I can sit in Britain and sip a pint of ale without getting arrested and it's likewise for you when you come to Germany. I have friends in Scotland for years and just the chance of having to shoot at them makes me sick
  8. Hello ezequiel, if possible I try to help. This sounds like a classic "crash to desktop". I'd like to know if you run the standard installation of SFP1:Gold, or if you have added any updates to it. Troubleshooting will be easier if you just use a plain 'vanilla' install without anything added to it, however insignificant it may look. Furthermore, just to be on the safe side, have you checked the error logs of Windows XP? Since you are from Argentina I assume you run a Spanish version of XP, so I have to be a bit general as I do not speak Spanish. Especially the log dealing with application errors could be interesting, secondary the system log. It is possible though that no errors are given. If however you get an error though which is related to the error of SFP1G (check the system time of errors in the logs and correlate it to your starting of SFP1G), please type in what is said there. Albeit it may be in Spanish, there may indeed be an error code which might (emphasis on might) help solving the problem. And there are also online translators, it could be funny to see what they make out of a by default cryptic Windows error desctription...
  9. Pentium 4 3.2Ghz, Nortwood Core - in use since March 2004 2GB DDR-400 RAM Ati Radeon HD3850 512MB AGP-card Asus P4C800 Ram upgraded, also two video card upgrades (Ati Radeon 9800Pro, GeForce 6800Ultra). Still more than sufficient for all games of the Thirdwire series.
  10. Hmmm.... Maybe F-29A Cheetah? It would really fit, as the plane looks fast and was very agile, but afaik it did not have extensive range.
  11. Same here. 4 missions flown in a campaign and not one issue came up, and I'm talking about my 'all planes go in here' install. The new inflight sound needs to get used to, but that is no problem at all really. So far it works smooth and no reinstall from scratch was necessary. I haven't tried other terrains than the desert terrain yet - but the improved terrain by deuces still works
  12. That means to me a bug was found and before complaints come up it was decided to fix things in order to provide a properly done campaign :)
  13. Hello ( new member here)

    Hello Billfish. Or should I say 'Salute!'? ;) You may remember me from RB, nice to see you are still around :)
  14. ROFL! Many thanks for this one. Took it out for a ride, actually I was assigned to hit T-34s, but it was an opportunity to attend to those Mig-19 drivers apparently being assigned for CAS as well. I guess they never knew what hit them! "Towarisch Kommandant, I am under attack! The enemy flies a...disc???" "Towarisch Wingman, stay off the Vodka before the flight and proceed on your attack!" And now we enter the Twilight Zone, take a short trip to This Island Earth and finally we'll have a cold one at the little Ale-Inn in Rachel, Nevada.

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