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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Purple exhaust

    Was it the exhaust smoke or the afterburner flame that was appearing purple? The smoke is not supposed to be purple, but, depending on the afterburner, the flame might have some purple in it that is supposed to be there, as some afterburners (F-18 especially) actually do and are supposed to appear purple/pink.
  2. perhaps you could make the other ships part of the carrier, just positioned wayy off to the sides, and with their own wakes, guns, etc. Sort of like the fake pilot method of attatching parts to a plane, but have the parts you add on spaced hundreds of meters off. EDIT: this is just a shot in the dark, btw. I haven't done much with ships for a while.
  3. HOLY SH!T! I thought this plane wasn't possible because of game limitations! That video was awesome, too. I really can't wait for this one, even if I have to run it in ultra-low resolution. @ FC, you must be some kind of savant or something when it comes to flight models, because I don't think anybody else in the world could have come up with a plan as innovative as that for the thrust systems.
  4. Purple exhaust

    well, the natural response is to re-install it, but that might be a problem since the pack is, I believe, some 40 MB. You could also go into the RF-4C's data.ini file and change the ExhaustEmitterName to "DirtyExhaustEmitter". This will give your RF-4C the stock TW F-4 exhaust smoke. Remember to do it to both engines, too.
  5. The Person Below Me

    False. I laughed uncontrollably. What a way to go. You'd think that the Martin-Baker crew would have found a way around that obstacle... ..oh wait... they did! The person below me is waiting impatiently for the snow to melt.
  6. Purple exhaust

    I used to have the purple haze problem in the game. A fresh install solved that, though. I think it's caused by either a missing .tga or running your game in 16-bit colour (as oppsed to 32). And I now have the Purple Haze song in my head, too.
  7. An old cowboy went riding out one dark and windy day

    Then, Cowboy, change your ways, or one day with us you will ride...
  8. Skiing Accident Claims Natasha R.

    YGBSM. I heard that she fell over on the bunny hill at Mont Tremblant in Montréal and later that day was sent to a hospital. If you're that fragile, should you not be wearing a helmet? Now everybody is going ballistic about making helmets mandiatory, just because of this freak accident. This is nuts. 'course, I crash on a regular basis, so I wear a chrome dome regardless. RIP
  9. Hey all, I'm working on a plane with a P&W R-2800-8W engine, and one of the things I want to do is give it reasonable range and fuel load. Unfortunately, there seem to me no entries for fuel consumption in the .ini, just an entry for the idle consumption. I was wondering what entries are supposed to be there (if any), and especially what measurement they are supposed to be in (lbs/hr? Kg/min? M/Ns?). I know that for jets, the entries are TFSC0 and TFSC1 and you enter a value, but what that value is and what it represents, i don't know, just that a lower number is more efficient. Maybe that's efficiency ratio of fuel burned to thrust produced. I DONNO! I DLed the Corsair and the Hellcat, which both use the R-2800 as well, to see if the entries were there, but no banana. Any help?
  10. Prop Engines

    well, actually, this is the engine from the plane in question. Assuming that the dry power there is in W, it was actually running a slightly less powerful R-2800-8 (without the water injection). //P&W R-2800-8W [Engine] SystemType=PROP_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 SLPowerDry=1677000.0 <--- was 1502000.0 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=0.0,2.0,-0.0 ThrottleRate=0.5 AltitudeTableNumData=8 AltitudeTableDeltaX=1524 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.995,0.99,0.985,0.98,0.358,0.277,0.000 SpinnerNodeName=Spinner StaticPropNodeName=Prop_Blade SlowPropNodeName=Slow_Prop FastPropNodeName=Fast_Prop SlowPropRPM=200 FastPropRPM=2000 MaxPropRPM=2750 IdlePropRPM=900 BSFC=0.01 <--- ? ExhaustEmitterName=CleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=0.0,1.10,0.0 FireSuppression=TRUE MinExtentPosition=-0.447,3.733,-0.462 MaxExtentPosition=0.49,2.3,0.32 MaxPowerAnimationTime=0.1 MinPowerAnimationTime=0.3 ConstantSpeed=TRUE NumBlades=3 PropDiameter=4.00 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableNumData=11 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableDeltaX=0.1 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableStartX=0.0 PropEfficiencyAdvanceRatioTableData=0.023,0.40,0.70,0.80,0.86,0.9,1.0,0.87,0.87,0.86,0.85 MomentOfInertia=0.2 so, using my reliable internet sourse (wikipedia!), I found out that fuel consumption is 540g/KWh, = 0.009g/Wm. That means that at full throttle, I'll be burning 15.1 kg of fuel per minute. That sounds about right. Now I'll just enter 0.009 into the "?" space and be done with it. Thanks, guys!
  12. Nothing special here, no high-res action shots of the latest tech fighters. Just the stock TW F-104G, which I have really been enjoying lately. Maybe becuase of the good gun, maybe because it's light and nimble(ish), maybe because it's FAST, or maybe because I have been cashing in with AIM-9Bs as of late. Despite the poor graphics, you have to admit, it sure is a nice looking plane.
  13. that's not a bad looking plane! I knew there was something familliar about it, then once the big image opened I realised that the canopy, landing gear and most of the fuselage are dead ringers for F-14 stuff, and I find the F-14 as one of the nicest looking planes ever. Natch. Those inakes sure look out of place, and that tail is interesting.
  14. I think everybody just drops out of their established routine now and then, especially in these late winter months of general pergatory. No need to apologise at all, but it is good to know that you didn't REALLY go off to start a commune on mars called "Zurtopia Mk.I", and inadvertantly take a wrong turn at TMA-1 and end up in orbit around uranus.
  15. now THAT is one nice-looking Phantom!
  16. My New Toy

    Grenade launcher/RPG with a truckfull of rounds. Zombies are easy to stop when they get blown into hash-brown sized pieces. 'Course, in Canada here, we are only allowed to use tazers and mace against zombies, otherwise they might sue us for "use of extensive unneccesary force".
  17. Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag

    That would explain an F-16 getting waxed by an F-15, but in the movie it shows the eagle doing the "Area 88" manuver (pop out the air brakes and DO A BARREL ROLL, forcing an overshoot), and the fact that it was illustrated in the AWACS by a 3-D imaging system similar to the replay mode in Ace Combat just made me laugh.
  18. Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag

    I rented red flag. It was okay, but some oth the stuff was kinda whizmical, like the 3D imaging in the AWACS and the F-15 outmanuvering the F-16. And the landing shots where it shows an F-15 on approach and then an F-18 landing were a bit annoying. But at least it didn't have some big movie star pretending to fly.
  19. My New Toy

    Gonna kill the dog next door, Dave?
  20. MUAHAHAHAHAHA! F-104G GUN AND RAM KILL IN ONE PASS AGAINST MiG-17S! WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW? you can jettison your bombs and turn away all you like, because it won't help you at all.
  21. The Best Books

    The Rolling Thunder series (Rolling Thunder, Steel Tiger, Phantom Leader, Eagle Station and another one that I can't remember the name of) by Mark Berent are really good reads, and the facts and dialogue are pretty accurate, historically and flying-wise, despite the books being fiction. You can really tell they were written by a pilot. Yeager, Chuck Yeager's (auto)biography, is also a good read, it covers everything from WWII to breaking the sound barrier and even more.
  22. ooohhhh, Rapier! I like! I'm starting to like the F-104, it's great as long as you know how to use it!
  23. Bear over Canada

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/7915517.stm "Canadian air force jets intercepted a Russian bomber approaching Canadian air space the day before President Barack Obama visited Ottawa, officials say. Two fighter jets met the long-range Bear bomber over the Arctic last week, Defence Minister Peter MacKay said. The Russian plane turned around after being signalled by the Canadian pilots, he said. There has been an increasing number of similar Russian flights in the Arctic in recent years, Mr MacKay said. The Canadian jets "met a Russian aircraft that was approaching Canadian airspace. They sent very clear signals that the Russian aircraft was to turn around - turn tail - to its own airspace, which it did," Mr MacKay told reporters after meeting North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) officers in Ottawa." My friend called me, and he was all upset because he though that it was a nuclear attack on Canada... I told him that it was just a bear, noting to really worry about. I'd really like to know how quickly the CF-18s picked it off, though.
  24. Recon in an F-104G, got chased by 4 MiG-19s from 15,000 all the way up to 45,000 feet and mach 1.5, almost got my a$$ blown off, too! I was feeling more like an NF-104 rather than a normal old starfighter. At least I got home in one piece, with fuel to spare. Phew!
  25. The MiG-23s are fun to spar with, especially in Tomcats or Phantoms. You can get some nice ones at C5's site, but they're not patched to october '08. I'm working on that, though. I do like having worthy opponents, because it makes victory that much sweeter and defeat that much more bearable.

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