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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Happy holidays everyone!

    IT'S FRIGGIN' -25 HERE! (that's about -12 F.) SANTA, BRING US SOME GLOBAL WARMING! anyway, happy holidays, merry christmas and all those other things that muesli listed. I think he just started making stuff up.
  2. The Person Below Me

    True. Bronson wasn't bad, but nobody can top Connerey, especially after the line "I'm afraid you've caught me with more then my hands up" The person below me loves snow as much as I do.
  3. The beatles

    "With a little help from my friends" or "Day Tripper", maybe even "Penny Lane"
  4. Lets see how far we've come

    who needs space? I'm perfectly happy strapped in to a Citabria or a 172, or even a cub! Although I would prefer an F-35 or -14 or something of the like.
  5. May 1st, 2009

    OOH! OOH! OOH! more comic book movies!
  6. Dang, between those water textures, the terrain work and all these superb planes, the TW series is looking damn good! Who needs LOMAC?
  7. Well, I tried it again, but still no luck. I did the replacing of th e.dat file, I made sure my editor is the newest one, I checked the data.ini entries and everything, but still no tanks in game. The only things I can load out on the cat are sparrows and 'winders. Anybody?
  8. well, I am using the editor that's in the downloads section. I replaced it a couple times just to make sure. Still no tanks. and what good would an exacutable file be?
  9. The Person Below Me

    True and false; they sure are annoying when you are the target, but they are handy when you're the pilot of the plane they are in. The person below me has crashed into trees on mutiple occasions.
  10. Will all the current mods for TW gamse work with this new setup?
  11. The Person Below Me

    False. I wouldn't know. I stopped watching the NBA after the Vancouver Grizzlies dropped out. The person below me thinks that "Canadian" is a language.
  12. Water Walking

    It's obvious that he managed to generate some sort of force field on which to stand while the bull fell in the water. That's what is making the splash that you can see. can bulls swim?
  13. The Person Below Me

    What, did Dave finally get the operation done? The person below me is waiting for this thread to crash and burn.
  14. huh? I thought they weren't posible with the TW game engine.
  15. theres times a good joke just seems wrong

    Timing: It makes or breaks the joke.
  16. I do believe that there are some nuke effects avaliable for download here, and as for getting blown up, either use smaller nukes, fly higher or turn and burn after dropping the bomb.
  17. VW's answer to terrorism

    wow, I didn't see that coming. (in best Eric Idle falsetto voice) "Oh, he blew up."
  18. The best way to kill a fresco when you're in a phantom? With a high-deflection shot and a healthy dose of Vulcan. GET SOME!
  19. "Strike Fighters: Final Strike" or "Wings Over Stuff you can Blow up"
  20. Famous WW2 quotations

    "goddamn mutherf*cking nazi bastard c*cksucking sunsab*tches!" -Frank O'Doherty, in letter home after getting shot in the leg by a nazi in Italy.
  21. here I am, to push the point that I have been pushing ever since I joined! CF-105!!! CF-105!!! a Valk would be cool too. but to tell the truth, I'm perfectly happy with the stock aircraft alone. For the last couple months I have been running a fresh, patched install with no add-ons (save a couple of skins and the quick takeoff mod), and I am enjoying it more than my previous install, with which I had maxed out my PC with weapons, skins and aircraft.
  22. The US and Northern Hemi is doomed!

    yep, it's an omen. The gods are smiling on all you guys while our Canadian economy continues to plummet and the opposition parties team up to take over the minority government... I'm half expecting the stars to form into a big "F U" or a middle finger. Or at least a frowny face. :-(
  23. Rambling

    "Where the heck are we?" "On course." It was the first radio call since we formed up and turned south-east. It was a long strike mission, and my first 8-plane flight in a long time. It was a strike mission, disguised as a CAP, because we took off from a base far from the front lines. Flight one was the strike force, with 500 pounders and rocket pods (in addition to sparrows, 'winders and a gun pod), while flight two was escort, with 450 gallon tanks and rocket pods (and the above A-A stores). There was an other flight airborne, callsign "Zipper", made up of F-104s. Their job was to divert any MiGs while our wing flew in under a cloud of ECM jamming. We knew as well as they did that if we engaged anything other than bombers, our Phantoms were going to be much more useful than their Starfighters. "Lead, bogies, 100 miles off, eleven O'clock" We couldn't get them on our scope. "Okay three, track 'em, but no lock." "Roger" We flew on for a couple of minutes, then my RIO (conveniently callsigned "rio") piped up. "Ram, I see 'em." "what?" "the bogies. I got a return." "how far?" "75-80 miles" "gotit." The MiGs were a ways off, and they didn't know where we were. As we drew closer to the DMZ and our target, not much farther beyond, the MiGs traced from left to right across the top of the radar screen. They had picked up the starfighters. "Rambler lead, Nash lead. we have contact on bogies, almost in range. Should Nash flight engage?" "Negative, Nash lead. Don't let 'em know we're here." "Rambler lead, Zipper flight. Engaging MiGs. You've got the front door." "Roger Zipper. good luck." "Ram, we got one... oh sh*t two more flights inbound!" "how far?" "50 miles, closing fast" "heading?" "They're going for Zipper" Our flight hadn't been seen yet, but these next two flights would see us for sure. I decided to take my flight in for the strike as fast as possible. "Nash Flight, break and engage air after visual contact ONLY." "Roger Rambler, engage with vis." "Rambler flight, stick with me. We're gonna hit that comm building." "two, copy." "three, copy." "four, copy." we located the target and turned twards the communications building. "Lead, Nash one. Engaging air." "Rambler flight, bandit at your six!" "Three and four, break off and cover us." "Rog" "Rog" My wingman and I streaked forward towards our target while the rest of our flight engaged the MiGs. There were calls all over the radio, and so far it didn't sound good. All but one of the F-104s had been downed, with only one MiG accounted for. Just as we popped up before our bombing run, the last zipper called out a kill. "One Fishbed down!" "Tallyho. Confirm it." We were bearing down on our target. There were two AAA sites on either side, and their shots were good. A couple of bright green tracers flashed by my canopy, not far from a hit. My speed is high, put out the binders a little rudder to keep on target select 3 bomb pickle setting 450knotstargetlineduppickle... NOW! "Bombs gone" "Bombs gone" 6000 pounds of bombs dropped off their pylons and fell along an invisible curve towards their target. Mine hit first. "Shack! right on target!" without even a second though, I jettisoned all stores and went to full military throttle. The fight was behind and above us, and we had to help as much as we could. "Two, cover me." my RIO was trying desperately to distinguish a target from the pandemonium ensuing ahead. I didn't plan on using sparrows unless I had noting else left. "Watch it, three! you've got one on your six!" "Jeezus! GETIMOFFME!" "I see 'em!" "break off, I got a tone!" "Don't fire! It'll track me!" I looked up ahead to see a Phantom break hard left, and then I saw the MiG at his tail and the last starfighter behind the MiG, unable to get a 'winder off. I put my Phantom into full burner and lined up for a high-deflection shot with guns. I fired a burst off, and it sailed ahead of it's target. The MiG saw the shot and broke off. Zipper 3 followed and got his shot off. "splash one!" There was MiG-19 or -17 below and to the right, banking and climbing, trying to line up on some thing. I saw the glint off it's wing, silently thanked the person who decided to put all the MiGs in polished aluminum schemes, and rolled right, taking the MiG head on. He banked left, then right, then ruddered to try to line up a head-on shot at me. I nosed down, the up again, and as he and his green tracer whipped underneath, I reefed the Phantom into a hard left turn. The MiG was going up and over, so I decided to keep on the horizontal. as my vision greyed and the Phantom slowed from 500 knots down to 300, the MiG topped out of his loop and dove in on me. I pulled back and tried to line up a head-on shot, when I realized that I was in a fight that I could not win. "Lead, two. I got your MiG." That was enough for me. I passed up the head on shot and banked away right. With a quick look at my fuel gauge, I looked for another MiG. "I've got this one." "guns!" "Nice shot!" "one down!" "I see one. Four cover me." "Fox two." "Dammit!" "he's firing! break! BREAK!" In my mirror I saw the telltale flash and smoke of a missile lighting up. It was coming for me. I had committed the cardinal sin of flying straight and level. sunuva b!tch. roll inverted, no burner, 450 knots that's good enough for a 6G turn more if possible damn it's still trackingIwishihadflares! keep diving turning vision going black keep turning dammit ourfatherwhomartinheavenhallowebethynamebykingdomcomethy... "Ram! we're not dead!" my vision was coming back, and I rolled out of the 8-G split S. That must have been good enough to dodge the missile, where's that MiG? HOLYCRAP The MiG had tried to match my turn, but he overshot! Oh, this bast@rd is gonna pay for making me overstress my Phantom! He pulled up and right, and I punched into zone 5. The acceleration from 280 knots was staggering, and then I saw why. I now had 7500 pounds fuel remaining. Bingo is... "Rio, what's bingo?" I was gaining on the MiG. He continued to turn, just enough to prevent an easy 'winder shot. "6000" Bugger I gotta get this guy quick. I was following his every move, every twitch. Closing in. then he screwed up again. He doubled back on his turn. "Fox Two" I cut inside and popped off two 'winders. the first went straight and the other tracked. Just then, the MiG rolled inverted and deaked the missile. then he finished his barrel roll and stuck to his turn. Closing rate high, out of burner, 709 left, haul upppppp, G force bleeds off speed, high deflection shot. twenty rounds of gun. to the right of the target. pass him on his tail, full burner, pull up.... and over... The MiG had leveled out, not sure that I was high and behind him. Coming from the sun. Then I saw exactly what I was chasing. A pristine MiG-21PFM in polished silver, with a neat red star on the tip of one wing. I could see the pilot's head trying to find me. I almost felt sorry for him. Roll over and in behind, got a tone, one 'winder off. "Fox Two" The missile streaked like a dragon, leaving a serpentine trail of smoke. It tracked and flew up the Fishbed's tailpipe in textbook fashion.The explosion was more satisfying then awesome. Better you than me. "GODAMMIT RAMBLER! AWNSER!!!" "eh?" I pulled throttle back to cruise as my adrenaline ebbed. I didn't realise how much I was sweating. "Finally! what the hell happened? you just stopped talking!" "Any more MiGs?" "yeah, but they're all splitting. a couple of our guys RTB'd after you didn't awnser." "good. how many'd you get?" "one." "total?" "6-7 total, estimated." "damn!" "Nash three got two, so did Rambler four." "Four's bingo." "RTB, four. Nash and Rambler squads, form up. Let's head home." "two, roger." "three, roger." "four, roger." "Nash lead, roger." "Two, how many'd we lose?" "one. Nash four caught some cannon. Two 'chutes. All the Zipper guys augured in too." "Damn! sounds like I missed the whole fight." "Now I wouldn't say that." "Ram, Bingo fuel."
  24. Thanks for TK

    Yes, thank you TK for allowing me to blow up things the way that I've always wanted to... with a fighter jet. TK for prez 2012

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