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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Iron Heinkel

    well, the cockpit was kinda underground, so I couldn't strafe it, and I suck at head-on attacks. Oh, and sorry jb42, I didn't see that you were this thing's creator in the readme, but I guess I sorta followed proper bug report protocall...
  2. Zero Punctuation

    LINK Any of you guys seen this? probably not the type of thing for you old farts (), but I find it really funny. The SSBB review and follow-up Mailbag Showdown are hilarious, and if he did a review of a game you've played, it's well worth it to see what he thinks about it.
  3. Iron Heinkel

    Much Obliged. waitaminute... I never looked here for a good nazi bomber to shoot at... To the downloads section! AWAAAYYYY!!! or maybe tomorrow.
  4. Oh boy 'er girl!

    Yikes, today I almost put the mag in my dad's .22 backwards, but I was really tired. I'll bet that the average person wouldn't even realise the clip is messed. btw, I hit 4 out of 6 beer cans from 50 paces in standing position. I wasn't THAT tired.
  5. Look, up in the sky! Is it a Tomcat? Is it an Intruder? NO! IT'S A SUPERBUG!!!! hooray! somebody is working on the only hornette variation I actually like! However, my last flight with one didn't turn out too well... turns out it was poorly modeled for FS.
  6. Any Race Fanes out there?

  7. From 31,000,000 miles away

    I can't seem to find a copy of the sequel, 2010.
  8. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    yeah, I just looked it up. I thought the F-14 had a charge in the canopy to shatter it after it is jettisoned, and I thought there was a bar in the seat to punch through the canopy in case it didn't come off. I got my ejection sequences mixed up!
  9. Ubisoft Caught Red Handed

    I never did like ubisoft.
  10. Can't believe no one's seen this snippet

    OH GOD NO! EJECT! EJECT! AAAHHHHH!!!! (*punches out but gets KILLED AFTER HITTING THE CANPOY*) I'm still mad at top gun for that. We all know that is completely impossible.
  11. there's a simple solution to your bombing problem: Fly faster. Or use rockets. Or go all "Wild Weasel" and take out all the AAA before your run. I find that green tracers of doom bring out my best flying, and it makes every run somewhat more sporting. Tallyho!
  12. So, are you eclectic?

  13. Any Race Fanes out there?

    Way to go! nice car, looks like quite the warrior. What are those dings on the right side from? Waht kind of mods do you have? I've got a friend who autocrosses a ford ZX-2 (he hates it when you call it an "escort"), and he keeps up to stock Porsche Boxters with it.
  14. yes, the hard AI is well worth it. Battling one worthy opponent and finally downing him is much more satisfying than knocking off a hundred dumb-a$$ MiGs. I suggest the SuperAI upgrade, it's great fun.
  15. So, are you eclectic?

    I've only got Strike Fighters on my itty-bitty little HD, that's all it can handle. Pathetic, I know, but the only other computer game I'm interested in is Flight Sim, and you need a freaking supercomputer to run it. If I ever get a new comp, though, I wanna try Falcon 4.0 and Xplane, they look good. I'm not a fan of shooters, because I'd much rather go paintballing or lazer tagging, and I don't play driving games because I could just go rip up the local go-cart track instead or go ride my dirtbike. For me, the only objective my computer has is to fill the void created by the fact that I am not yet a pilot.
  16. Any Race Fanes out there?

    Aaron Yates and Jamie Hacking in AMA superbike! YEAH! I also like F-1, the Rolex sports car series and motoGP, but speedvision doesn't show that stuff nearly enough, or at least not when I have time to watch. Usually I'm stuck with watching stupid re-runs of auto-based reality shows and do-it-yourself garage stuff. And how much airtime does NASCAR really need? between pre-race, post race, practice, qualifying, and then actually watching the cars drive in circles, it's gotta be a solid 12 hours per weekend of airtime. I'd much rather watch some sports cars with unknowns for drivers duke it out on a track of twisties.
  17. I use normal for most planes, but for the F-14 I use Hard because otherwise it's just tooo easy. I don't go for absolute realism as much as I go for a challange, but that means that everything is at "hard". Also, sometimes I set the fuel usage to "easy" so I can stick around and gun stuff down.
  18. I thought that was called a "Full Moon". oh, and very nice story telling, Shin. Have you considered writing novels? Or actual military reports?
  19. If there's ever a contest for best sig pic...

    I like Icarus999's sig. I couldn't stop laughing first time I saw it.
  20. From 31,000,000 miles away

    I wonder if Dave has seen it... "Dave... just what do you think you are doing dave... ?"
  21. now THAT is what I call "Customer Service"!
  22. B-52

    Niet, niet, Soviet. I tried it a while back, and it needs the .lods and .outs and .whateverotherfilesIdon'thaves. Unless it's been updated.
  23. From 31,000,000 miles away

    wow... especially weird because I just finished watching 2001.
  24. Do you actually watch profiles here?

    I think that NFG's secret admirers make up most of the 20% for "Only certain people"! I usually don't look at people's profiles, unless they said something outstanding. Then I grace their page with my presence! Also, this thread makes me wish I had at least $200 to spend on a less cruddy computer, but my current 200 dollars of cash is going twards a K&N air filter, a SuperTrapp exhaust and a carburetor re-jetting for my trusty dual-sport. Priorities.
  25. Happy Birthday To....

    congrads on another successful voyage around the sun!

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