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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. #3 is a good choice because it'd keep the game (relatively) simple, and it'd attract buyers. Also, if the game is based around a couple of select planes, could we not specialise the missions for these? EDIT: D'OH! I clicked #2 by accident. Not that it's gonna make a difference...
  2. my point is that if you make a sim with a couple of really detailed planes in there, you could make it more appealing just by adding in some already-made planes. They would make for more interesting AI, and you could fly them too, because I found they are just as good as some of the stock planes. Thog, the problem (as far as I see) isn;t making other planes flyable: you can tell that just by looking in the downloads section. I think everybody is trying to decide what to do with this sim, what the focus should be, ect. Also, a storyline is a good idea, but it'd be tough to integrate (I think) and we don't really want another Ace Combat. However, adding a charachter for a campaign wouldn't be a bad idea. It could help showcase the highlighted planes.
  3. Dear Technical Support

    sound advice, brainless.
  4. I still think more than just two planes in the base game. Maybe one pair for each definite era? or the most popular pairs? The more planes, the more attractive the game will be.
  5. <S>

  6. I'll try that out. I usually only fly planes in the first couple of years they're avaliable, so i wouldn't have noticed.
  7. seriously? Is there such an animal in the downloads section? Maybe I'll just make that quick ini edit I was avoiding for reality's sake... still, I like the gunslinger feeling of raw distructive power I get when I pull the trigger and those 4 20 mils start blazing away.
  8. If it's too much based on study, it won't be as popular and you might run into trouble getting people to buy it. One-plane biased games have never really done well. I'd put in the F-4 for studies and a bunch of planes from the downloads section for publicity. The F-14, -22 and others are good enough.
  9. I would have voted for the 106, but it has NO GUN. The -100 has 4. I don't think there was an F-103... I'm off to google! EDIT: Tallyho on the F-103! actually, it was the republic XF-103. looks kinda "Thunderbirds". Very improbable.
  10. hey, that's my job! sounds like a good idea, but I think there'd have to be more than just the phantom in it. Maybe take a pole and find the 5 or so most popular planes and the most popular terrain? I think more people would be interested if it was like a "cream of the crop" version of SF. I'd pay $50 for that.
  11. I spent hours working on this

    my 85-year-old neighbour had a BB gun. He used to shoot crows that were making a bunch of noise early in the morning. and we live in a suburb too. one time he missed and smashed a window on the house of the equally grumpy 85-year-old guy across the street. I thought they were going to give each other heart attacks. I've never heard anybody swear so loudly and fluently in my life. good thing he didn't have an AK!
  12. Combatace the Musical anyone?

    with the 6 rivets.
  13. Combatace the Musical anyone?

    freaking hilarious! It's funny 'cause it's true! however, I fear for allenjb42's health, well-being and mental sanity. You know you've seen too much disney when you start re-writing random dance numbers.
  14. the hun's the one for me, despite the fact that it definetly wasn't the best fighter or bomber. Maybe I like it because my only sucessful Burning Sands campaign was with the F-100. But where's the CF-105?!?!?
  15. I always saw the century series as the stepping stone between prop planes/slow jets and the mach-2 fighters we have today. The USAF took so much pride in those planes. Let us not forget the CF-100 and CF-105, I believe those count as century fighters too (the CF-105 definetly).
  16. my grandpa (or maybe great grandpa) flew an Il-10. I'd really like to get my hands on one of those!
  17. well, being wingman by nature (and rank), I was wondering If I could fly as wingman in SF, more for filming than actually playing. I think that back when I had the stock game (pre-service pack), you could choose what part of the flight you wanted to fly in via the loadout screen, where you choose which plane you're loading the weapons on. For example, you could choose "Rambler 1-2" and then fly as the wingman. I tried this with my current install, and it didn't work. So my question is: is there a way to make it possible to fly as a part of the flight OTHER than leader?
  18. ...doesn't look like shania... whoa, did you google "Canadian celebreties" or something?
  19. cfs1

    trying not to.... not trying hard enough..... I actually really liked CFS1, but it's definetly not the best sim out there. I upgraded to a semi-legal copy of CFS3, but then I deleted to make more room for SFP1. Now I quench my need for prop combat with the (newly re-organised) WWII downloads section!
  20. Dear Technical Support

    bloody freaking hilarious.
  21. Bob and Doug are closer to real Candians than Pam Anderson and... whoever that is.
  22. Speed and Angels

    DOH! probably not in Canada yet anyway.

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