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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. sounds great! I'll keep an eye open for it.
  3. no, no, no. It's the only 3 things a good wingman ever says. 1- Two's up 2- Lead, you're on fire! 3- I'll take the fat chick. I've said all of those twice or more so far. and yes, we do sometimes have pancakes and back bacon after de-brief. But it's not cooked on a coleman stove. We're not ALL Bob and Doug McKenzies. I should note that when we're taking off, instead of saying "one's up", "two's up" and so on, we say, in order as we take off, "foxtrot" "uniform" "Charlie" "kilo". Beauty, eh?
  4. Camoflage (the song)

    that IS a good song. How come i've never heard it before...?
  5. Finnaly i got my 1st thousand !

  6. whoa... hi-vis camo! looks cool, I want it.
  7. Finnaly i got my 1st thousand !

    knowing these guys, yes. However, if you make a big enough deal, it's sure to attract some attention.
  8. Yeah, right.

    it'll be released in a storm of propaganda, but nobody will buy it. I've heard of long development periods, but this is ridiculous. I remember playing the original Duke Nukem on my dad's IBM with windows 95 back when I was 5!
  9. Ultimate Avengers (2006)

    they DID have a troop transport version of the Liberator. It was called the C-87. <http://home.att.net/~jbaugher2/b24_26.html>
  10. TEST, TEST

    I got 35 seconds first try. It's not as hard as i thought, but my laggy comp didn't help. second try- this is fun!
  11. 3,947

  12. Finnaly i got my 1st thousand !

    is there a something like a secret club for people with >1000 posts or something? or is it just a bunch of hooplah becase you've been around for a while? I think a post milestone should be trated as a birthday. :yes:
  13. that's what I do... is it not a good way?
  14. I know. I owe both you guys a beer. Once I'm legal age.
  15. okay, I think I'll try that first thisn that comprnt said, it sounds good. Sparky, you obviously didn't know the three rules being wingman. #1- Make your flight lead look cool. #2- Make your flight lead sound cool. #3- Make sure anything stupid your flight lead does doesn't end up making him not comply to the 3 rules of flying. Brainless- you've no idea how tough it is to follow my flight lead around. He likes to randomly turn right in front of me to roll in on a target without saying a thing. also, he NEVER flies in a straight line.
  16. you saw it too? I thought I was just going nuts. EDIT- again
  17. well I know the REAL one's inbound (unless it's a lie like the apollo landings ) but is it even possible to make one for SF? mind you, I'd be perfectly happy with a "no" awnser- the F-22 is that good!
  18. Makes me want to go back to airline

    wow, I'm suprised 'MTL hasn't come in here and dropped the "closed" bomb. and your guys' comments make me wish I could have seen theat video.
  19. there is one inbound, right?
  20. I donno... I think the F-35 is going to be tomorrow's "fighter of today". Unless I've been wrongly believing that it is just as manuverable and capable as the -22, but with weapons load/range(?) traded for VTOL. oh, and by the way, THE RAPTOR ROCKS OUT LOUD!!! YEAH!!!
  21. In Case You Haven't Noticed.....

    well, nine of those downlads were me having to get the weapons pack again because I somehow managed to bugger it up... Congrads to everyone! :fans: free drinks all around!
  22. Did you say mattress?

    PINING for the FJORDS?!?!?
  23. Sorta like SFP/WOV,and WOE

    good idea.

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