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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    right. Fergot about that. I got kicked off my last forum site for being off topic.
  2. On This Day

    I'd rather die in a plane than in a hospital bed, to tell the truth... AND NO, I DO NOT NEED DEMONSTRATIONS OF #s 1,2 AND 4.
  3. WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    is it counting up, or does it continue to go down?
  4. Gamecam, and espacially gamecam lite, work really well on slower computers, and on fast comps, you can't even tell it's on. Also, it's free. I couldn't get Fraps to work, game would freeze then CTD.
  5. Strange happenings over VA

    the funny thing is, I've eaten there. It was good, too! gotta love Saskatchewan!
  6. sounds kinda like the F-8.... Come to think of it, I always wondered how the Tiger flew...
  7. A-4 weirdness

    good point. I have to admit, I should have seen that one coming.
  8. A-4 weirdness

    yes, and we ALL know how realistic Ace Combat is...
  9. oh yeah, I've heard them all. My Lead fancies himself a bit of a singer... let's see, there's the wingman song from the commercial, "two's blind", "has anybody seen my wingman?" and so on... around the campfire or on ski lifts we'll sing "I wish i had a gun just like the A-10", "world war 3" and, most of all, "Jeramiah weed". also, there's the famous quote: "there's only 3 things a good wingman ever says: "Two's up", "lead, you're on fire!" and "I'll take the fat chick."
  10. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    what I never understood about those starfighter games is that if two armies are coming at one another in large space ships, wouldn't they almost allways be meeting with the other side seeming upside down or something? I think I was bad at those because there was no up or down, so you couldn't really play to your advantages. but isn't this a little... er... off topic?
  11. On This Day

    I don't like water unless I'm drinking it or it's cooling an engine. #3 sounds bad #5 would suck, and #5a would REALLY "suck".
  12. A-4 weirdness

    SWEET PIC!!! Unfortunately, if you look at it, the lighting is all wrong on the skyhawk. If it really was going through the hoop, it'd be in a shadow, I believe. Still, it reminds me of a praticular "Area 88" episode.
  13. not "MEDIC", I don't need a medic. I need a carrier-borne Sukhoi!
  14. On This Day

    the top five were: 1- drowning 2- suffocating 3- big boom, small room 4- bad ejector seat, downwards victory roll at mach 2 5- bleeding to death I suppose the "burned alive/suffocated in space capsule" fits into "suffocating" and "big boom, small room".
  15. A Real Bummer

    I can get on here from school... I considered posting on here between exams today, but I didn't.
  16. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    rouge squadron- I fergot about that one. I kept getting blown up.
  17. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    yeah but the closest to a good flying game that Nintendo got on the '64 was.... uhhh... Starfox 64, I believe. My PS2 readily runs Ace Combat and Heatseeker.
  18. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    heheheh... my 6 year old PS2 is still going strong :yes:
  19. This thread was closed due to it's lack of .......anything good

    you guys are... weird.
  20. just putting this out there, but you could put your plane onto autopilot ("A" is the stock command, I think) and once it levels off at a cruise-ish altitude and speed, take note of the throttle setting. That way you'll get the most efficient cruise. This added about a minute of extra burner time for me in the Su-27.
  21. Strange happenings over VA

    PETA=People Eating Tasty Animals don't worry about it russkie raider, I'm sure one of the F-15s went and bashed a wing into the UFO and took it out.
  22. must.... have.... Su-33 or Su-27K..... (*falls over*)
  23. Sorta like SFP/WOV,and WOE

    I think it was a combination of awesome stability, the lifting body and the wumbo engines. To quote whoever said it first, "if you give a brick big enough engines, It'll fly, survive an inflight collision and land safely above the top speed of a cessna." This loser on youtube ("Texasfathead" was his screen name) thought this F-15's wing had come off because it was going too fast, and then challanged my flight lead that an F-15 would fall apart if it passed 700mph.
  24. On This Day

    man, the other day i was talking to my flight lead about the worst way to die, and that's definetly in the top ten, possibly 5. S!
  25. Top 10 Biggest Dissapointments in 2007 Games

    you do know that microsoft sells an Xbox 360 Cooling pack, right? it's this little thing you stick on to the back. It's got three ducted fans that keep the system cool. $30 at the toys-r-us here, though.

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