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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. My Useless Post for 6000

    oh dang, what a bummer. I can't do that because I don't have WoV. Unless you'de be kind enough to donate a copy and a comp good enough to run it on.... We were all just waiting for a spammy thread. :yes:
  2. look at this. I was going anti-ship with the new crusader, and I took a hit from a MiG-21 that blew my wings and most of my weapons off. All I had left was one AIM-9B and some guns. I took out the other MiGs with guns (and no wings), and then I took carfull aim and let the 'winder loose on the cargo ship. Lo and behold, it hit at the base of the bridge and the ship blew up! AHAHAHAHA!!!! this is to reply to a couple of things, the ongoing 'winder-B ability issue and the new 'sader. Methinks there's a problem in a damage file or something, 'cause my wings got blown clean off and I still kicked butt. And if you can't hit anything with your AIM-9Bs, try practicing on ships.
  3. My Useless Post for 6000

    curse my own incompetence. I should have seen that one coming.
  4. teen arrested for hijack plot

    oh crud... when I signed on to MSN to check my emails (nothing but junk- I should have known), I was assulted with a volley of messages asking if I heard about the crazy homicidal lunatic 16-year-old who tried to crash a 747 into a Hannah Montana concert, and only pulled up when an F-16 fired a sidewinder. I laughed for twenty minutes straight. Oh, how the news gets distorted....
  5. I actually think I understand. I donno if I want it changed, 'cause it sure made for some cool screenshots!
  6. My Useless Post for 6000

    AHAHA! and his avatar is a pun! Viggen, you can just take off becuase tomorrow is saturday.
  7. Haha, sucked in!

    funny... My dad told me this story about how his friend, a vietnam vet, had been carrying a box of old fatigues and khakis up from the basement. He slipped and fell, the box went down the stairs with him and broke open, and then he found himself laying at the bottom of the stairs with a two pound lump of C-4 on his chest. It had been in the box along with some detinator caps under the uniforms. Luckily it didn't blow. bonka bonka bonka bonka bonka bonka BOOOM!
  8. My Useless Post for 6000

    waitaminit... if USAFMTL is the 230th member... what happened to the 229 before him? who was first? does this count as history research?
  9. does it say that somewhere in the forum rules? it should.
  10. naw, i had flight settings to "normal" and everything else was "hard". It had a real tendency to roll left. Also, as soon as I tried to put it on autopilot it spun out of controll straight down. Sparky, To add the anti-shipping mission all I had to do was go into the .ini in the 'sader and adjust the avaliable mission types, but this was in SFP1. I donno about WoE.
  11. Major Lee's Aerodrome...

    That's one of the things I am going to do before I die. Make a pilgramage to aeronautical hollowed ground and have lunch at the Valkyrie cafe. The only air museum I've been to is the one in fort langley, 4 hours from where i am. All it had was unrestored CF-100, CF-104, T-33 and Lysander displays. oh, what I'd give to see the 'Valk or SR-71 up close...
  12. I always figured that the SF/WoV/WoE series was all about close-up, in-your-face 60's style close combat action, not long range demolition. Everything is more fun with bombs!
  13. well, the kill with the 'winder didn't suprise me that much, but the accuracy did. The unguided 'winder was more accurate than my rocket pods on the next mission. Oh, and yes, I did go into the .ini and make anti-ship missions possible, and I added my personalised pilot.
  14. Superbowl

    aw maaannnn.... Chargers LOST, played well, not well enough. Patriots WON, suprise suprise. Cheeseheads LOST, what's this world coming to?!?!?! Giants WON, now THAT is suprising. I was expecting a boring old Pats VS Cheesies soup bowl, but no. Pats are in, no suprise there (congrads on 18 and 0!!!), but Green Bay couldn't move the ball enough to pull out a win. Also, Manning had a good game and made his big bro proud, and Plaxico Buress (who names their kid Plaxico? no offence...) had a great game. Every time I looked he made a catch. I could go on and on, but I'll leave that to you guys. Now we can start placing bets! I see a Pats 21, Giants 17 final score in my crystal HUD.
  15. I'm sure it's been asked before, and I even skimmed through the KB (which I almost never do) before posting. BUT; What's the deal with the F-4's "dirty exhaust emitter"? It looks okay as long as the conditions are right, but it usually looks purple and it blows sideways from the engine. Is there a replacement or fix for this? you've no idea how much flak I've taken because of the purple exhaust in my videos.
  16. Funny Superbowl commercials...

    stupid Canadian broadcasters... they take the good commercials out of American programs and replace them with stupid food, skin lotion and diet plan commercials. Jeez...
  17. New assault rifle

    the eight-year-old girl next door was picking off skateboarders
  18. Area 51

    bah. I'll be serious later. Besides, what good is invisibility if the plane is come and gone before the eye can track it, let alone train a gun on it, lead it and fire. Speed and radar stealth is the way to go. Or at least that's what I think. Hey, I was just serious!
  19. I only use 'winders to take out strike planes that don't turn, or If I've run out of guns. My rule is that If you can get them with two rounds of guns, you can get them with a 'winder-B.
  20. I JUST REALISED THAT. unfortunately, it would require a whole new model, with thise swept-foreward wings.
  21. gee, that kinda sounds like a promo to me. Not that the new 'sader needs one...
  22. Area 51

    I wonder if it had a bathroom? it was only invisible because they lacked the ability to design a new jet that didn't suck.
  23. Exhaust

    tried the hollywood effects pack, frame rates were unbearable. whine whine whine complain whine b1tch moan grump. Now then! I'll do the clean exhaust thing. Maybe I can make the particles REALLY dense. btw, I was told that we'd be getting a "new" computer, but it turned out to be a mundo clunker that lagged running "paint". Someday....
  24. Exhaust

    comp specs= Dell Demension 2100, 997 Megahertz on the Motherboard, 512Mb RAM (as much as possible), ATI Radeon 9250 PCI video card (256MB DDR). wow, that sounds nerdy. I already have all the graphics set to the lowest possible settings with mirrors, shadow and reflection turned off and horizon set to "near". Otherwise the frame rate drops like an F-4 with no gas and the whole game crashes. It's VERY obvious that I need a better computer to run SF, but I have no money, as usual. I was hoping to find an exhaust file that I could just substitute in for the dirty exhaust emitter one, 'cause this is just gonna lead to a conclusion I've met many times before, that I need to get a new comp. and when I do, It'll be so full of SFP1/WoV/WoE/FE/WoI that it'll make EVERYBODY jealous!! AHAHAHAHA!!!!!1!!!!!! BTW- I'll go look for newer driver now, just in case.

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