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Rambler 1-1

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Everything posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. ok it happened again, but this time I noticed that it was the same plane that one of my 'winders allmost hit, and I couldn't shoot again because there was anothe MiG on my six. Also, there was no exhaust as he flew away, so I must have just damaged the bugger and he bellied out on his way home.
  2. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Joining air cadets in december... No uniform yet.
  3. waddayermeen? The AI on my SFP1 are allways running their tanks dry. more that once I've put my plane on autopilot and watched as that one MiG I didn't get slows down to just above stall speed, then belly lands in the desert with no exhaust smoke. unless they just shut down their engines, which I just found was impossible, they must have run outa fuel. Besides, the only thing with endless gas is my dad on taco night.
  4. It's kinda weird that the on/off engine thing isn't in SF/WOV/WOE, because there is a sound file for prop start-ups. I once thought that I had accidentally turned of the Allison in my P-40K mid-dogfight, but it was a bullet that was responsible for that one.
  5. Halloween Public Service Announcment

    Done, done and done! that bloody long John booglie bones aint gonna get me this year!
  6. To madmonk: Actually, most of the models are pretty accurate, as far as I know. The F-4 wasn't designed to fly slow or to turn, and neither were mose american planes, come to think of it. Just use the sheer brute force of your engines to get you out of trouble. To Grosse Hosen: Actually, changing the stall and manuver speed is really called cheating. If you just wanna blow 'em up, fly with everything on "easy". MiGs were designed to manuver, and that's just the way it is. also, I think your caps lock is stuck.
  7. Which type of song?

    sometimes while jinking flak or MiG guns, I find myself humming "Can't touch this".
  8. Poll: Batman vs. Superman

    I broke the tie! yaayaayyayayyyyaayyy!
  9. Frivolous

    (Ahem) I am hereby sueing a ZU-23-4 AAA unit for blowing the bajeebers out of me on my first strike mission in an F-18. Also, I'm sueing McDonnell Douglas/Boeing for building an aircraft that can be destroyed by ground fire. And I'm gonna sue Martin Baker because despite the fact that it saved my A**, it cost me several hundred dollars in chiropractic expenses. So there.
  10. Infidel of the week

    nice, but.... ..... who's next?
  11. the XF-8U looks like a great plane, but.... ...isn't it kinda ugly? (*braces for impact*)
  12. Vectors- FSX (Youtube)

    I'd go with FSX. '04 is just '02 with a bunch of planes you usually don't fly. If you have a good enough comp, defiently go for the new one. Besides, if it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing.
  13. Blue Angels defeat Measure...

    what a loser. I hope that if they do crash, they auger in on him.
  14. Which type of song?

    where'd you come up with that one? It's funny 'cause it's true!!! I like to listen to Flight of the Valkyrie while dogfighting. The Prelude to Lohengrin is good too. Also, blurry, waste my hate, and I wanna rock are some good flying songs. I kinda tune out when I'm fighting. the only song I need is while flying is the one played by a J-57 and four 20mm cannons! YEAH!! wild blue yonder's good too.
  15. Competition with Prize Money to be made!

    I thought it was the seventh, or maybe eighth. There's Ace Combat, Ace Combat 2 through five, then Ace combat Zero and now ace combat six, and wasn't there an ace combat type game for the arcades?
  16. Jeez, I'm away for three days and this happens. Eels? more cowbell? big pants? ghay? Giant Claw? 2 weeks? huh? EJECT! EJECT!
  17. Hey everybody I have wanted to change the stock "Burning Sands" mercenary campagn in SFP1 for a while now, but I've tried and failed many times. The main thing I want to do is move it foreward in time to the mid to late 60's, and I want to change the plane you fly from an F-100 to an F-8. Is this possible? How? Any help is appreciated.
  18. A new control stick !

    WW1 sticks? That's simple! just stick a toilet plunget to the floor between your feet! Just kidding, just kidding. actually, the replica joysticks sond pretty good. A general 60's style fighter joystick would best suit what most of us want, I think. Where would I be able to get my hands (pun) on one of these things? I'm gonna need a replacement for my Logitech pretty soon.
  19. I'd rather have something new, like an avro arrow, even though the 'cat with AL-31s sounds interesting.
  20. Sentō Yōsei...

    looks good.... kinda angular though. Where can I find those suckers for SFP1? woot? whatever hapened to "wahoo!" or "Banzai!" or Ybba-Dabba-Doo!"?
  21. hi everyone

    all right, fresh meat! naw, just kidding. Singapore huh? Isn't that the country that has the same name as it's capital? pretty cool.... anyway, a big welcome from the frozen north!
  22. Happy Birthday To...

    happy B-day! I was gonna bring you a birthday MiG, but... ...it started to fly away so I had to blow it up. it's the thought that counts, though. Have a good one
  23. The Burning Questions

    I think Badfrank and Goodfrank would make a frank that is good and bad. well, not good AND bad at the same time, but so bad that it's a good bad bad. or maybe they'd cancel each other out, leaving a rip in the time space contunum where good met bad and positive met negative and sweet met bitter, and it all combined into a black hole full of nothing. I have a headache. Eels? where does that come in?
  24. 40 years ago today

    Yeah, yeah. waddever. I got my latest issue of Air and Space Smithsonian today, and it has a special article on the X-planes. Did you know that in wind tunnel tests, the X-15 was carried under the left wing of the B-52, but on all the flights it was carried under the right wing. Pretty cool, huh? :yes:

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