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Rambler 1-1

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Files posted by Rambler 1-1

  1. SF2 Starfox Speech Pack

    This is a mod that I have been working on with the intent of replacing the generic wingman voices with those of the Star Fox team, as in Star Fox 64. This means you'll no longer be flying with "anonymous wingmen #1, 2 and 3", you'll be flying with Falco, Peppy and Slippy.
    It's a bit of a tribute to SF64, because it was one of the first games to have full voice acting, rather then just text. Some of the voices and quotes are legendary as well. I have tried to fit in as many phrases from SF64 as I could, and replaced some calls and responses with generic chatter.
    You may have to play Starfox 64 (or at least know something about it) to appreciate this mod.
    don't forget to read the README!


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  2. Canadian Armed Forces CF-4C skin (What-If)

    Here's another "What-If" skin I have been playing with for a while: If Canada's defence budget was enlarged by some factor and we found it neccesary to re-enforce our Voodoos with Phantoms.
    Based on the stock Thirdwire "USAFGrey" scheme, I edited the .bmps to my liking and then applied the decals, graciously sent to me by Spinners with some mappings to boot. Thanks a million! Check out the Readme file for the full story.
    Unfortunately, this skin isn't high-res and fancy like most of the others.It is but a simple, 512x512 affair. However, even with the relatively low resolution, the skin still looks great thanks to the use of decals. As a bonus, it is ultra frame-rate friendly!
    This was originally a Royal Canadian Air Force skin, but the SF series seems to favor the Canadian Armed Forces, and the F-4C was a bit late, so I went with CAF instead.
    EDIT: Version 1.2, with the squadron included in the Readme and the appropriate tail markings to boot!


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  3. Canadian Armed Forces CF-166 Skin (What-if)

    Here's a "What-If" skin for if Canada chose the F-16 over the F-18 for our frontline fighter.
    Based on the stock TMF Belgian Armed Forces skin, with some little tweaks to the skin itself and a new set of decals to create a CF-166. Check out the readme file for more info.
    This skin is for the Mirage Factory F-16A Block 1 ADF. It's a great little jet!
    for the squadron (414 Black Knights), add the following to your "Squadronlist.ini" in your "Pilotdata" folder. If you don't have it, extract it from the "FlightData.CAT" file in the "Flight" folder. Fill in xxx with the next number in the sequence.
    DisplayName=414 Black Knight Squadron


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  4. Player flyable stock B-57B

    For the minimalists who would rather use an existing model then download a whole new one, I give you this mod. It makes the stock Thirdwire B-57b player-flyable. More info in README. READ IT!
    - Kesselbrut, Fubar and 76.IAP-Blackbird for the cockpit
    - Wrench for the hanger screen
    - both the above for joining the freeware licensing agreement
    - I included only modified files and left out some important ones that you should have already, so it's not illegal.
    EDIT: File was corrupted, so I replaced it.
    UPDATE 2.0: Dec. 20, 08: Updated flight model, bomb placements, pylons, cockpit position and angle, A-G rocket sighting and AI data. Tested in Post-Oct 08 patch SFP1.


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