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About Brydog

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  1. Ghost of Kyiv

    The theory being passed along on the internet is that its not a single MiG-29, but the UKAF is using what is described as guerrilla tactics, with single aircraft using hit and run on VVS.
  2. So, when I try start campaign, its crashes instead of showing the campaign screen.
  3. Here after years, my first SF2 screenshot lol
  4. You know what, i figured it was that .lod in the file.
  5. This A-4EL I downloaded won't show up in game. When I start a mission, it shows just the weapons and no plane. I check the .lod files and every seems in order but the plane doesn't show up in the game.
  6. Ok, to clarify, i mean puting soviet weapons on a friendly aircraft. I have change the country to friendly and put Soviet in the attachment type but the russians weapon will not show.
  7. Is it possible to have a aircraft carry a mixture of Soviet and NATO weapons, example MiG-21 LanceR.
  8. I need help with adding squadrons. I used the CAT extractor to extract the squadron list, but when i put them in, they don't show up in game.

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