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Posts posted by MarkF.

  1. TM Cougar. Forced to sell. Less than 10 hours use, all switches work and calibrates nicely.

    Original box, manual (in great condition) and disk (which is pretty much useless, since the required software is a download)-Make Offer.


    Saitek Pro Flight Pedals- 75 bucks. Like new, no appreciable hours on them.



  2. TM Cougar. Forced to sell. Less than 10 hours use, all switches work and calibrates nicely.

    Original box, manual (in great condition) and disk (which is pretty much useless, since the required software is a download)-Make Offer.


    Saitek Pro Flight Pedals- 75 bucks. Like new, no appreciable hours on them.

  3. I'll try to get some pics but it might be a few days because i'll have to get my buddys digital camera.


    My uncle used to fly them all the time but they ended up in a shed in his backyard rotting away and when i asked about them he told me to take them if i wanted em. I grabbed everything i could find but i know next to nothing about them so right now they are just in my storage room. Theres a chopper (he wrecked), A P-51D,Spitfire and a Stuka thats in the very early stages of construction, a few radios and some other kits that look like they got water damaged.


    That would be great. Love to see them. I'm into anything relating to model building. I'm trying to learn the hard stuff now, making molds/parts, etc.

  4. Thats cool, I want one! I wish the video had shown how this actual product will fly, i've already destroyed a Airhogs P-40 and lost a Airhogs Chopper into a treetop, i hope it has better control than those do. I've got a huge real RC P-51D and Spitfire my uncle gave me but i have never flown them out of fear of destroying them.


    Can you post some photos? I'd like to see them. I'm a scale builder, currently working on some X-Wings and a 22" TOS Enterprise I'm planning on doing the whole lights and motorized "fan" effect like this:






    I'd be scared of crashing those expensive aircraft, as well. I crash enough when in the simulated pit, let alone flying from a control box on the ground...

  5. Hello, Gentleman, and Lady or few..( Not too many lady flight simmers around, );

    I just thought I would say hello, in case you see any retarded posts from me and wonder who I am. I registered here a while ago, but RL and sim time kept me away.

    I got killed over at the other HQ site, so I am currently homeless, and thought I would start hanging around here, if it's OK. Been messin with sims and airplanes since I was a kid, and that's starting to be a long time ago. I remember when the Blue Angles flew A-4's at airshows here in Dayton. I used to watch B-58 Hustlers and B-52's fly out of Wright Patterson. I grew up in the Army, and was priviledged to see stuff like the Fire Power demo's they used to do in the 60's for dependants. Very scary stuff, even then.

    Been seriously flying sims since the Commodore64/ Atari days, and am in awe of YOU, the Community, for your dedication, and comeraderie. The flight sim community never ceases to amaze me.

    With that said, I just wanted to offer greetings, and wish everyone good luck in these trying times.



    Mark. ( Formerly EAGLE, in 96, Badger in 2000, Raider in 2002, and Whitehead (stress will kill ya) recently)

  6. :blink:


    Anyone have a fix? I'm pulling my hair out, and I can't afford that. One mission will run fine, but any mission after that without re-loading the entire program results in blank screen, with the sim running behind it.

    I have tried everything from resolution settings to NV driver settings, to installing older drivers, which don't go back very far for Vista, to setting compatibility for XP, Win98, etc....I had it running good once, but F'd it up somehow, so there HAS to be a fix.



    3.4 Dual



    X-Fi fatality

  7. Hi Mark - glad you got that to run on Vista - knew something must run on it :)



    Well, as is always the case, I guess I spoke too soon. I did something wrong, and now I've got the Black Screen problem again. Have no idea how I got it to run right in the first place, other than what I described above, and don't know what I changed that caused the problem to appear again. I've searched for an answer everywhere, and it seems to be a Vista specific problem with no solution at this point, but the Free Falcon forums hint at a fix in the next release, which is 4 to 6 months away. I am determined to fix it, somehow...if I do I'll post the answer at all the major boards. Red Viper is too cool to let go of.


    But, as far as getting stuff to run on Vista, I haven't had ANY problems with anything up till now.. and I've got about everything you could think of..SH4, SH3, LOMAC, F4AF, Bioshock(not impressed), Half Life, CoD 2, ArmA, GTR2, Nascar Sim Racing, FSX, I've even got MW4 and an old copy of X-Wing Alliance running...RV is my first real problem with Vista.

  8. Hi all,

    I don't think I've ever posted here before, so Hello, nice to meet ya!

    Red Viper gets my vote. I've done the Falcon Dance since the day it came out, and just found Red Viper last week...after some trouble configuring it to work on a Vista machine, it's running like silk, and has beautiful graphics. The flight model is WAY above all other itterations of F4, and the AI is awesome...most challenging and realistic I think I've ever flown against. They seem to have no cheats..like BoBII..they are as limited as you are. No more Mig29's going verticle like an X-Wing or something. Can't speak for MP, I don't have a net connection on my flight PC, and I haven't digested the entire sim yet, been away from F4 for quite a while, but Red Viper is as much of an update to F4 as you could want.


    Like I said, I initially had trouble getting it to run right..it would run fine one mission, then I'd get a black screen any time after that. Changed drivers, did a reinstall and added both FreeFalcon patches right afterward WITHOUT rebooting, THEN rebooted, and have not had any problems. The graphics are almost as good as LOMAC, and gun kills are alot of fun.

    Red Viper is installed over F4AF, so it does work. Be forewarned, though.. if you install RV, the sound and graphics will spoil you immediately.. you won't ever be able to go back to a vanilla F4 install! You should see and HEAR a flyby in RV..it'll bring a tear to your eye.

  9. THANKS !!! Yup , that was it. Back in the (really) old days we had an expression that covered this kind of thing ~ RTFD...

    I did that, but completely missed the "mini hud" [?].

    Anyway, many thanks again. I can see what you mean in using this feature - at least now I know it's selectable.



    This feature has been in Flanker since version 1.0. It helps you with situational awareness due to the fact that before Track IR, the only way to keep your eye on the target was to "Padlock" him, and start yankin' and bankin'...real easy to get lost and become a Dirt Torpedo. I've been so used to it since the Flanker 1.0 days I dont even realize it's there most of the time, and use it like second nature. I don't have Track IR, and without the Minihud, I couldn't fly worth anything.


    Hello all, BTW. I'm new here as well, been at SimHQ forever, but things are changing there that I don't agree with...


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