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Everything posted by centrinoe

  1. not only the wing is different,the air intaken system has been re-designed Personally, I think chinese is ok for aerodynamics.However, there is a long way to go to catch up with the avionics and weapon system of the western countries
  2. J-10 is not designed for compete the EF2000 and Rafale, It's something like the later F-16 serials like block50
  3. 中文顶帖,楼主您辛苦了
  4. the f-15DJ package posted yesterday said that the cockpit had been modified ( the MFD has been moved) could anyone show me a picture of the new cockpit? BTW, Can this MFD work ? In the earlier released versions of the f-15, the MFD didn't really work, am I right?
  5. It's a great idea!!! Go for it! (As a Chinese, I'd like to call it Taiwan Strait terrain...):) :yes:
  6. In WOE welcome to www.insky.cn Rick did a fantastic job on modeling J-10
  7. personally speaking, mine is the cockpit of F-16 series. What do you think?Which is your favourite cockpit in the game? BTW,where can i find cockpit of the later variants of F-16, I know that wpnssngt has a beta version,has it already completed?
  8. I want to learn to build a cockpit myself but i can not find a tutorial for the cockpit modeling anywhere could somebody help please?
  9. I have come with the problem that all the aircraft supported by avonics70.ini conld not use the groundmapping mode in game such as F-16 block 60 F-2 or Su-27. Yet aircrafts supported by the avionics60.dll like F/A-18,Mig-29OVT just display their groundmap correctly. Why does this happen?Who can help me, please? thanks!
  10. Hi,everyone, i've got a marcfighters' su-27 v1.0 at present from his website. but is there any other later su-27 mods or other mods for the variants of the flanker family? if there is, where can I get it?
  11. Thank you but i've already downloaded them. Waiting for the new version

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