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Posts posted by hgbn

  1. Or he/her is misunderstood. it should be possible to obtain images of the "back" side of the moon since all you got to do is placing a satelite in orbit around the Moon. Waiting for the next Solar eclipse then there should be plenty of light to capture all the images you'll need

  2. The last couple of months have been a weird experience for me. No phone, no web and no TV. effectively cutting the access to the outside world. I can't say that I missed it a lot except for this place. The time off the web revived one of the other hobbies I have. Scale aircraft modelling a hobby I have neglected for the last past 5 years or so.


    It also revielled what a time robber the web actually is :blum: So I have decided not to fall back to the old habit of turning on the PC the first thing to do, when comming home from work.

  3. You're most welcome Paul.


    BTW the camouflaged birds used the scheme on the drawings from 1954-57 from 57 green and gray swapped place. Don't ask why. Must be some sort of bureaucratic drill. My guess is that at the office where painting directives are made. They had a wrong drawing and instead of swapping out the drawing, They ordered all existing aircrafts which was camouflaged to be repainted. Just a guess but the only plausible explanation I can come up with :blink:


    The Day Glo painted aircrafts belonged to the Training flight based at Aalborg. Used at target aircrafts training the F-86D squadrons.


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