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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. Christian, we know the fake rocket gun method. But now TK have implemented the real thing, we might as well see if we can the stuff to work properly.. The gun doesn't have the same effect/effects as the rocket when it hits a bomber. Not to mention the smoke trail of the rocket.
  2. I tried to go another way around and ad the line AirToAir=TRUE for the Mk4 MightyMouse rockets and didn't alter the original rocket tray at all... Player aircraft works like a charm. Shot down 3 Bagders in one mission hitting with 6 out of 24 rockets. Not bad if I may say so. But the AI seems to jettison all the rockets instead of firing them when they are close enough to shoot I don't get it as I could select the rockets as A2A and A2G. So I haven't had the AI to engage with the rockets at all.. BTW AI don't handles the FM very well.. Seems they are struggling just to keep airborne
  3. Afraid not. Think there is only the hard way
  4. Try add this line in the data ini under flightcontrol section, RocketBoresightAngle=2.5
  5. Must be an case for the FBI to solve or?
  6. try in the download section. there is plenty of templates http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum33-tutorials/ A good place to start to learn skinning
  7. I think TK should have credit for the addon of the year Exp1 which introduced bump mapping for SF2x
  8. Harrier Takes her final Bow

    Defense cuttings while you are at war The world have turned MAD
  9. I can follow your point Spinners. But without the high quality mods people have done for TK's stuff. The series would in my eyes have been dead years ago.. So in my eyes TK and we walks hand in hand. Both TK and we benefit from the changes that have been done. If stuff gets broken everytime he adds something new to the game. Then he will loose the support from the modders first then his customers. Yes we adapt, but rebuild all stuff every time he do another patch is not fun at all. And btw input and feedback from the customers ain't bad or? In the end he lives of our money
  10. RAR FILES and thanks

    http://www.7-zip.org/ get it here
  11. BTW sorry for hijacking this thread
  12. Can you point me to that post?? Because I haven't seen it
  13. Well the problem is going to be solved http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8056&start=16
  14. I had at a point all his stuff converted to SF2x.. Works okay.. But some of the FM's is screwed in the the 2.gen
  15. Soon?! Do you have a magic wand we can borrow? The Korea is far from finished.... We still need to do a lot of work.. So don't exspect anything released this side of Christmas.. Maybe Spring next year.
  16. Yup, you just have to use the old lods from the old series and rename them.. And change the ini pointer to the new name..
  17. Beaten for wearing Trousers

    I really feel with the women living such places.... Glad we are doing our part in Afghanistan. So women can have a better life there
  18. Happy Birthday Bongodriver!

    Happy Birthday Craig
  19. http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/forums/forum37-photoshop/ A good place to start learning how to skin I think you'll find it very useful
  20. I think there is a carrier campaign with the new F-14 available for NF4+ somewhere http://combatace.com/files/file/11101-alternate-1986-red-storm-campaign-for-nato-fighters-4-dec-2009-patch-and-beyond/ Yup found it

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