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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. We can have 2 leaderboards. One for A2A and for mudmoving. would only be fair
  2. Anyone who has a SF2 ready M-42 Duster?? Need it for my NF4+ install. Friendly forces need some firepower. The soviets are laughing at the AA defences ( only seen M-55 quad .50 cal so far). would be nice to have a single 40mm bofors to.
  3. Thanks guys. where do I find the bofors gun?? remember I've seen it before but cant remember where
  4. I'm only praticing now... Starting with a fresh pilot january 1.st
  5. You still needs 5 air 2 air kills to become a ace... only way. never seen someone in this game being a ace without those kills
  6. You can copy/paste the entire SP2E install to a new folder like the old games. Then rename the SP2E exe to NF4+ run it once. then you have a seperate mods folder to install the NF4+. You can do the same if you want do a merged install with all games.
  7. I hate Bill Gates :angry2: In the middle of a very good mission suddenly my Rig rebooted without warning... Windows update!!
  8. Man I hate these long range CAP. when you do arrive in the target area you have 5 min of loiter and fighting time before you're Bingo fuel. And even more frustrating is it. When you call Red Crown to vector you to the nearest target and the answer is the area is clear show no bandits in your area. and when you turn your nose home, the bandits is being called out.
  9. Started praticing a NF4+ 62 RDAF Hunter Campaign. First mission CAP over Hof. 2 ship flight. Bagged 3 Mig-17 and a Beagle. Wingman never fired a shot. All settings on hard except FM and campaign setting on normal. Not bad for a first mission.
  10. hgbn.jpg

    From the album DiD Stuff

  11. Okay I posted the rules and the starting date in the first post. Might be easier for new people then. My plan is to keep this thread for all DiD stuff. No need to create another thread.
  12. A beer to end all beers for SAC

    I need a pint
  13. Okay Guys and Gals, I'm letting this poll run until December 1.st. In case of a even vote. I run a new poll with the names that ended even.
  14. Navy SEALS Charged for Asault?

    What a world we live in. Those guys should be decorated instead...
  15. It also could be Operation Dessert Storm, Iran Iraq or Korea.
  16. Try to rename the lods you extracted and the change the names in the ini to. I had a similar problem when I converted the F-105D-RE25 to SF2V. Even if you placed the extracted lods in the aircraft folder it still use the one in the cat with the same name
  17. RIP Colonel Millett

  18. Couldn't Stop Laughing

    I think you guys needs to ban lawyers. Only in the USA you can suit compagnies and people for not using your own brain. Like the suit at McDonal with hot coffee..... Coffee is surposed to be hot. Or the Cat in the dryer. Your system rewards stupid people for not using their own brains. Just my 2 cents.
  19. Last chance to add anything that needs to be fixed Guys and Gals
  20. Or the ThirdWire Zombies. They'll never die they just go to Hell to regroup
  21. I,m thinking of doing either a NF4+ 62 F-100D campaign, a NF4+ 62 CL-13B Campaign or one of the campaigns in the new enhanced Vietnam Mod by eburger and malibu. Or maybe OTC and ODS. So many great campaigns to choose from

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