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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. I would recomend a seperate install for now. Or like I did 2 merged installs one with SF2+SF2V+SF2E and one unmodded with them all. It use some HD space but I can still mod in the 3 others without SF2I porking my mods
  2. Do you have some good refference to work from FC??? I had the F-108A in mind. Just a caution I'm not the fastest worker if you can live with that
  3. It works in WOE Okt08 patch in Vista, So why not?? If it dosnt you can allways delete the files again, they wont pork up anything
  4. Happy birthday bobrock

    Happy birhtday
  5. The labels are in easy mode... You can only fly from a carrier in either campaigns or in custom build single missions, the randon single mission generator dosnt support carriers
  6. And in NF4 for the classic WOE and in NF4+ for SF2E too
  7. Die Sim Fanboi! gone?

    One thing I just cant understand is that some people cant accept others peoples joy about something they dont like themselves. Taste is different from person to person and luck for this. Or the world would be a uniform borring place to be.
  8. "You're not cool!" blog

    Oooh you mean stigl
  9. ODSViper

    From the album hgbn's album

  10. Have you tried the HDR plug in?? It gives really good FPS if you got a high end rig
  11. img00022.JPG

    From the album for who to know

  12. img00021.JPG

    From the album for who to know

  13. Actually there is Dave. a nuke for the F-101C I think C5 forgot to remove it
  14. Fantastic new terrains?

    This terrain is just awesome.....
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/topic/46321-daves-rf-101g-strange-line-at-nose/ You mean like this??
  16. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

    6 in top 10 is owned by Combatace members
  17. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

  18. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

    2.21 :yes:
  19. You might want to take a look at the CombatAce Forum rules page and update it. Otherwise I like it, havnt had any trouble
  20. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

    Me too. had a real good one running with three asignments in 0.0 and a couple under 1 then I screwed up big time with those
  21. Annoyingly addictive eye test game

    2.97 so far dumbed it for now. may try again when I feel more focused
  22. http://forum.combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/
  23. img00020.JPG

    From the album hgbn's album


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