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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. I voted for the 62 and 68 Campaign because I'm a Aluminum type of guy. And I like the challege fighting the reds with guns only, more or less. My favourite Campaign is the 62 Danish Hunter Campaign. With any one of the Luftwaffe CL-13B Campaigns in second place. Besides that I'm a BIG TIME Century Series fan.
  2. One of the most challenging Campaigns I've fought ever is the F-101C Campaign. Man this sucker needs half of Germany to turn But the reds sure did lose some of their aces anyway You'll just have to use your head when attacking and choose the right fight at the right time.
  3. You can add a line in the decal.ini Reverse=TRUE for those particular Decals which needs to be mirrored
  4. What is your porn star name?

    Currently it would be Bella Town Earlier it would have been Blackie Blacksmith
  5. A good trick to ensure that at least one number is showing. Is to name one of the serials exsample NUM if you are using NUM000-NUM018 if the game cant find the next number it automatic use NUM.
  6. Getting this project moved over to my new rig today. Man what a difference comming from a 9 year old worn out fuzzy 19" CRT to a crisp 22" LCD Monitor.
  7. Madness in the Netherlands

    Every single person who were killed or injured in this madness should be awarded with the highest decoration Holland has to offer. If they had not been hit and slowed down the vehicle, then he would had hit the bus. Just hoped that Idiot died in BIG TIME Pain
  8. My little green snake

    My 1/72 Dragon Mig 17 in North Vietnameese colours. It took a lot of superglue to fill the joints and sanding to make this seamless
  9. Maybe you should not try to make a seperate folder. try place the lod and the bmp in the weapons main folder. sometime older weapons dont work in seperate folders. The file is still there. dont know why the link send you to the main page
  10. Any Sudden Strike Fans around?

    Man that brings back some good memories. Really liked that you could shoot everything up in the game. Only down side was enemy artillery. It was way to quick in response time and acuracy.
  11. Man those skins are just looking AWESOME great work
  12. which settings are you using when it crash?? I cant go higher than high or it will crash at my system too. I got 8600GTS 500 Mb ram 2 Gb ram memory and a clock speed of 3.2 Ghz. But my guess is that much more objects are loaded in the Campaign than in single missions. I dont think that is a bug withing the terrain as 60% is the terrain and about 80% loading Objects are loaded. NF4 just eats a lot of memory
  13. Did you transfer the lod file and the bmp into the weapons folder?? it's sounds like you maybe missed that step. From what I can see it's the long slim ones. Got them from sundowner when I made the skin if it's this you are trying out. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5930
  14. Finnished doing the panels on the top surface of the wings. Now it's the Riveters turn
  15. Membership question

  16. No they just do not allways shows. Sometimes they are just blank viewing in F6 mode

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