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Everything posted by hgbn

  1. Got the T-33 temps No need to think more about them
  2. USNF97 and XP

    Maybe it will work with that game to.... on my old it wasn't nesesary to set in compatibility mode, just run it!! you can allways try it out first in xp
  3. It quickly became: If you see the FLASH, duck and crawl to the nearest cemetary
  4. Yeah I Know, just hated those NBC drills all the time when I was in service :tomato2:
  5. Unless you download the B-52D/F and drop one bomb at the time Then you got 108 bombs
  6. Actually I think this is a great idea, and if made, a outrunner mod from the Korean War in the early 50's could be made too, if MacArthur has gotten his will and dropped some on China, No Doubt it will had be spread out to Europe too..
  7. On This Day

  8. USNF97 and XP

    It's no need to have xp on the same drive, you can just make a partion which runs in fat32. it is just the game itself which needs to be on a fat32 hd, or find a old hd somewhere to use with it
  9. USNF97 and XP

    USAF will run in XP, if you install it on a FAT32 Harddrive it cant cope with NTFS
  10. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24876 I guess that explains your question
  11. File Name: Royal Danish Air Force F-100D Esk727 High Rez File Submitter: hgbn File Submitted: 26 Jan 2008 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Just unpack and drop it in your F-100D folder and fly I will say thanks to Sundowner for letting me use his EXELLENT High REZ templates . Also to USAFMTL who done the Numbers decal, which he kindly permitted me to use. This mod is free to use at will, but not never in ANY payware mod. Just credit my work and I will be happy. Hope you will like my bird hgbn Alias Henrik Nielsen Click here to download this file
  12. Version


    Just unpack and drop it in your F-100D folder and fly I will say thanks to Sundowner for letting me use his EXELLENT High REZ templates . Also to USAFMTL who done the Numbers decal, which he kindly permitted me to use. This mod is free to use at will, but not never in ANY payware mod. Just credit my work and I will be happy. Hope you will like my bird hgbn Alias Henrik Nielsen
  13. A little effect on the engine area I've been working on, what do you think guys???
  14. teen arrested for hijack plot

    Couldn't it be that his only plan was to visit a kinky girlfriend
  15. My Useless Post for 6000

    He has probably much to say
  16. File Name: Royal Danish Air Force F-100D Faded green File Submitter: hgbn File Submitted: 25 Jan 2008 File Updated: 2 Feb 2009 File Category: US Air Force Aircraft Unpack and drop the F-100D_RDAF folder in the AIRCRAFT directory, this will create a seperate RDAF F-100D aircraft and is nesesary, if you want to use those green droptanks I made. Now comes the "hard" part: the LOD,BMP and Out files in the Tank_F100D folder SHALL be mowed to the weapons Directory and the following text added to the Weapons DATA ini [WeaponDataxxxx] TypeName=Tank_F-100Drdaf FullName=335-gal Drop Tank RDAF ModelName=Tank_F-100Drdaf Mass=1115.000000 Diameter=0.870000 Length=6.870000 AttachmentType= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=987.330017 Asymmetrical=FALSE Remember to give this entry the next following number marked by xxxx I will say thanks to Sundowner for letting me use his EXELLENT High REZ templates and for the help learning me creating plane specific droptanks. Also to USAFMTL who done the Numbers decal, which he kindly permitted me to use. This aircraft comes with two skins, a light one and one I darkened a bit, then you can pick you own favorite. And if you want, you can pick Turkey as nationalty in the loadout menu, they flew ExDanish F-100's which they didn't repaint. It will not be in correct numbers but it will be a Turkish bird This mod is free to use at will, but not never in ANY payware mod. Just credit my work and I will be happy. Hope you will like my bird hgbn Alias Henrik Nielsen Click here to download this file
  17. Version


    Unpack and drop the F-100D_RDAF folder in the AIRCRAFT directory, this will create a seperate RDAF F-100D aircraft and is nesesary, if you want to use those green droptanks I made. Now comes the "hard" part: the LOD,BMP and Out files in the Tank_F100D folder SHALL be mowed to the weapons Directory and the following text added to the Weapons DATA ini [WeaponDataxxxx] TypeName=Tank_F-100Drdaf FullName=335-gal Drop Tank RDAF ModelName=Tank_F-100Drdaf Mass=1115.000000 Diameter=0.870000 Length=6.870000 AttachmentType= NationName= StartYear=0 EndYear=0 Availability=0 BaseQuantity=0 Exported=FALSE ExportStartYear=0 ExportEndYear=0 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=5 MaxFuelAmount=987.330017 Asymmetrical=FALSE Remember to give this entry the next following number marked by xxxx I will say thanks to Sundowner for letting me use his EXELLENT High REZ templates and for the help learning me creating plane specific droptanks. Also to USAFMTL who done the Numbers decal, which he kindly permitted me to use. This aircraft comes with two skins, a light one and one I darkened a bit, then you can pick you own favorite. And if you want, you can pick Turkey as nationalty in the loadout menu, they flew ExDanish F-100's which they didn't repaint. It will not be in correct numbers but it will be a Turkish bird This mod is free to use at will, but not never in ANY payware mod. Just credit my work and I will be happy. Hope you will like my bird hgbn Alias Henrik Nielsen
  18. I can make them both, ones as an Danish bird and the other one as an Turkish, then all you need to do, if you like the one more than the other one is swap the bmp's
  19. Which is the best??? The lighter one or the one I darkened a bit view previous post to see the lighter And the skin can be used as an Turkish aircraft too, just need to make other numbers
  20. Yeah I know, but I have some pics where the org paint faded to something like this. That paint we used was very bad, but hey I can make more which is different in shade

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