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Everything posted by BirdDogg

  1. What Do You Think Of The New Forums?

    Hey Jeff I'm glad ya got things sorted out. I can't wait til you get the color thingy going again. The White on Black was easier on the eyes BirdDogg. BTW: I need that paypal number agian cause I still owe ya 25 bucks, I didn't forget.
  2. I Fought the Law...

    The way I see it is that Music Companies are screwing themselves out of major profits by not taking an AOL approach to the industry. Let me explain: Arista Records should host a Site with a subscribtion fee ($15.00 monthly), with that subscription you should be allow to download say 30 tracks or three complete Albums, (Showing my age ie: Albums). and then say maybe .70 cents a song or whatever after that. (Lets face it they're in it for profits) The main two problems I see would be: 1. making the site secure. from theft 2. Having the artist you like available (like off Label Artist) Anywho, I would subscribe to something like that then I could ensure I get what I want and not some crap filled CD. Also they are losing money on thier outta print Albums. ie: (The Best of Slim Whitman) anywho just my take on it, Good Luck Cowboy and watch your six when downloading! BirdDogg 8)
  3. Where was you at 9-11-2001

    I was at work in Washington DC about 5 miles or so from the Pentagon when the first plane struck the tower. We pulled out the mini TV we keep here and could not believe what we were seeing and hearing. Needless to say that they started evacuating our building after the Pentagon was hit, I opted to stay around do the mass exedus from the area. people panicing and and all sorts of stuff. Now 2 years later nearly at the same I day I sit exactly where I was then and recount that most awful day. My heart goes out to the victims and thier families as I offer up a silent rememberance to the men, women and children who perished that day. Let us never forget. God Bless. BirdDogg.
  4. I agree with what the author wrote to a point, After Project 1, and the 1 millionth delay of LOMAC I've learned two things in my years of Flight Simming... have Patience and avoid Early Purchasing. I'm personnaly delaying my purchase of LOMAC. Why? because frankly I feel as though I've been teased, by the countless screenies and movies. I've been with the Flanker Sim Line from near the beginning and I know LOMAC will be Kick Ass; however I'm tierd of rushing out the door to be the first kid on the block with the new toy. What that has gotten me in the passed was dissapointment and being a Full Price Beta Tester. Look at Project 1, this thing almost a year later is still unfinished for lack of a better term. yeah you got testers who pop in and say TK is working on this or that and patch 2 is just around the corner, yah, yah, been hearing that s**t for months. Oh well ya think that didn't teach me something. I delayed for almost a year in purchasing IL2 (the best dam Sim I own BTW) Not only did I get a good sim but the Bugs were mostly squashed. I hold companies accountable now. I do this by my hard earn dollar. I will wait, let the price slide and pick it up for about $20 bucks or so. Call me cheap if you want but it's the only way I can execute my financial enpowerment. This economy is bad folks, and money is tight not to mention the most important thing (to me) is that we have troops in Harms Way out there. Some of them are our own community members. Who aren't playing a damn game! So yes I will purchase the Sim but not right away and don't give that crap about support the Genre arguement cause that's BS too. Just my opinion folks and I'm not flamming anyone who's own opinion differs from mine. But beleive it or not I can and will delay on the purchase. Peace BirdDogg. 8)
  5. HOAX - A Salute to PW - HOAX

    I am very sorry to hear this, and my condolenses to the family. BirdDogg.
  6. Excellent read MJ, I like the way you put things. BirdDogg. 8)
  7. Burried Mig-25 in Iraq

    Actually, it's not quite as bad as you might think, I used to work Corriosion Control for Marine Corps Aircraft, If they placed the Intake covers and exhuast covers on the birds they could be un-buried and made servicable in a short time (not over night mind you, but a veryshort time). Consider it a "hastey preservation" kinda like our own moth-balled fleet at Davis Moffet. Aircraft Corrosion would be min. It also adds to Mr Bush's arguement of buried WMD! Keep diggin and we all may be very suprised at what else pops outta the sands of time. BirdDogg. 8)
  8. Didn't Matt release some "pre-benchmark" specs awhile back? at least on the system they were developing on or using at the E-3 show? if I recall correctly. I thought those specs were lower than Bubba's. BirdDogg.
  9. 11 countries to blockade N.Korean ships

    Your right this is starting to get interesting. Stay tuned folks! BirdDogg.
  10. F16 Game Released

    Pretty steep System requirements Dude! The most realistic Flight model I've ever used!! Thanks for the link Fates BirdDogg. 8)
  11. Tribute to the Troops (Video)

    Excellent Seawolf, I'll be saving that one BirdDogg.
  12. Patch

    I look foward to the second patch, no longer anxious about it though. Mainly because I don't want to get my hopes up about what it will address. Secondly I just haven't had the time lately to fly. I just hope that TKand Crew will continue to support thier sim, and that the community continues to help improve it. BirdDogg.
  13. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Wow, can't beleive no ones posted this yet, Anywho get it here.... http://www.fragland.net/index.php?page=dow...wnloads&did=682 BirdDogg.
  14. Fair Strike Demo is out

    Whoa! thats is a huge file I didn't get file size info until after it completed. Anywho, I'm looking forward to running it over the weekend if I get the oportunity, Family obligations in the past couple months have severly hampered my Flight Sim time! Hope you all have fun with it BirdDogg.
  15. Should Biohaz add some FPS forums?

    I don't own any but I think it would be good for the BioHaz Community BirdDogg.
  16. I just can't believe the lack/omission of the mission builder. Mods are nice but, what I need is a feature. No mention of even a simple editor from TK or any of the testers so I won't hold my breath. However; I'll be breaking out the old Visual Basic BirdDogg.
  17. IMHO, it would be awesome to import Project 1's Flight models into USAF. Could you imagine USAF's F-4 with Project 1's F-4 flight model and sense of speed? That would be Kick_ _ _ opinions? BirdDogg.
  18. Welcome Skater to Biohaz

    Welcome Aboard Bro. BirdDogg.
  19. See ya for now

    Good Luck, and Check Six Eagle BirdDogg.
  20. Freelancer, 4 years worth the wait? YES!

    Hey Cowboy, I hear it only has mouse support and no joystick support whatsoever, how do you like it, and can you elaborate on the controls some. I'm standoff-ish until I hear a little more but I'm interested. Thanks in advance BirdDogg.
  21. Dudes., put the Dogg down for 2 Mugs (I'm Clumsy as hell!) BirdDogg.
  22. I've joined the fashion industry

    Okay, I'm definately in on the BioHaz Coffee Mug! It would get plenty of use trust me, put me down for 2. (I'm Clumsy :D ) BirdDogg.
  23. site symbol

    that is a pretty cool symbol Ranger. BirdDogg.
  24. What are we doing to conserve gas?

    Well... I went out and bought a used Honda, and fixxed up my old subaru Brat which always got about 25/28 MPG. Parked my Toyota PU and Kicked my Wife out of here gas drinking Rodeo. (what can I say, I like Japanese cars) Gas in the Wash DC area is fastly closing in on 2 bucks a gallon, and I've got a 20 mile commute. I wish I could find a rider to car pool with but no in my area seems to go in as early as I do. I'd train it in but, the cost of parking daily at the station, along with the ticket is actually more money than the gas, and the nearest stop is 10 miles away! Oh well... Go Go go little subaru! 0 to 60, in like 5 minutes!!! :D just trying to do my part. BirdDogg

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