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Everything posted by BirdDogg

  1. I need to give the store a call later today! I think this sim is more anticipated then MS-CFS3 or LOMAC, mainly because I believe it will have across-the-board appeal. Don't get me wrong I not bashing the other Sims mention just thier appeal factor. BirdDogg.
  2. Thanks for the Update TK, I'm waiting for it to arrive in my local area. I hope the sales and Fan base are good enough to warrant Project 2 You have my support BirdDogg. 8)
  3. New here.

    Welcome Seawolf, I've seen your handle around the other community boards and I hope to see others migrate over here as well, this site is going to grow, I'm sure, I just hope MADJEFF can handle the bandwidth :) Hope to see you around Seawolf BirdDogg 8)
  4. Movin' on up...

    Jeff take it as the compliment it is! This site is teriffic IMHO, and like DiceMan said, "once you get some articles going" you'll be seeing alot more traffic. I admire people like you who can get a nice site up and running. You have my support, and if you need anything, just ask BirdDogg. 8)
  5. What screen rez do you run at?

    1024x768 I can't go much higher BirdDogg.
  6. Yup, been waiting months for this one like everyone else, I can't wait to get a copy. Il'll be hanging out at the Best Buys near me . This is going to be Great! BirdDogg. 8)
  7. Has anyone heard any news from TK on a release date yet? Thanks in advance BirdDogg.
  8. The State of Flight Sims today?

    I think that CPU and Graphics horse power use to be a hold back point, especially in the early days. But now I think it is possible to render a trully awe-inspiring flight sim the likes of IL2, Lomac, and even Project 1 (Graphically). I think that alot of the Aircraft have been done to death Such as th F 22, F 16 among others. Now if some company were to do the Harrier and maybe incorporate the V-22 death trap into a naval based sim, that would sell, I'm sure. Also the F-14, as complex as a two seat modeling would be, it would be awesome to get that bird. Then there's always the Tornato, the Rafale, Gripen, and an updated Euro-Fighter. My hope is that deveolpers continue to go the path that LOMAC is traveling, but try to go for the birds not done yet. Also, this brings to mind another question. Do we simmers demand to much from the developers with our constant whinning about this function, that button, padlock views and such? Let's face it, we're a hard to please niche market. Overall no, I don't believe flightsim are dead, I think the genre will survive. Good topic MJ BirdDogg.
  9. Yeah, it was kinda sudden. I hope it was under good circumstances (his departure from UBI Soft I meen). Still I hope that LOMAC gets finished up soon! BirdDogg.
  10. LOMAC is shaping up nicely another SIM I can't Wait for BirdDogg.
  11. That's good news, I can't wait to get this one. I always wanted a graphically enhanced, fun to fly Sim like Fighters Anthology. I thought UASF was going to be that sim, but it turned out not even close to my expectation. Not knocking USAF mind you but it wasn't that good (flight models). So, I anxiously await project one, and even LOMAC for that matter Cheers. BirdDogg.
  12. Take a look at the new forum

    I like the New look MJ, keep up the great work BirdDogg
  13. Just wanted to say to those whom built it, I came! Seriuosly, the site looks great and I hope it will become a new home for myself and others. Keep up the fantastic work! BirdDogg.
  14. Who flies X-Plane?

    MJ, I've got the same question myself, I've been interested in this one for a while now. I too have played the demo, but I'm waiting for December, because there is suppose to be an X-plane Combat addition released around that time. I think there's more info availible at the X-plane website. BirdDogg.
  15. Welcome to BioHaz!

    Great site MadJeff, I think I've found a new home. BirdDogg.

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