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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Windows 10

    Makes you wonder why 23% still use XP (and run it in Classic.)
  2. You need DirectX 9 installed, Put WOV in root of C:, not Program Files Folder.its protected I belive. I just copied my install from my XP machine and pasted it on to my Win7 C drive, works greate.
  3. On building cockpits. I've found (for myself to build) a cockpit, that it's esyer to start from scratch, even tring to convert one that I made for another aircraft involves a lot of work. I've spent twice as long changing one then it took to build the original and it's still not done, but I'm too far into it to start over. (Maybe?)
  4. draging

    Take care my friend. I know how the modding can burn a person out. I've had to just stop a few times and now I limit my 3d time. Funny thing is I get more fun out of it with no pressure or dead line for completion.
  5. Photoshop will let you setup a macro to alter a folder full of .tga's. I changed the 100 decals for the F-100 to Red with it. I had to change the names manually. It's done with "Actions". I did it a year or so ago so I would have to rereaserch how it's done, I don't remember exactly how. I used Photoshop 6.0
  6. File Name: Cutting a Aileron with ProCutter File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 26 September 2014 File Category: SF/WO* Utilities/Editors This is a Tutorial on Cutting a Aileron in 3D Max using ProCutter. This method works well for a very clean cut of any mesh and a variety of mesh shapes. Raven 9/14 Click here to download this file
  7. Version 1.0


    This is a Tutorial on Cutting a Aileron in 3D Max using ProCutter. This method works well for a very clean cut of any mesh and a variety of mesh shapes. Raven 9/14
  8. Just a FYI for you Bob. The Mustang tut's help, but their misleading. I lerned a real slick way of cutting parts on my own that's way better then the Tut. He did. So when you get to that part give me a yell and I'll have a Doc. For you. I couldent wait so I finished the .doc. Cutting a Aileron with ProCutter.zip
  9. OK, Its done, Half a year is all i could swing right now.
  10. 3 view in max, Spec research, photos and details. All the fun stuff so far. Someone will have to port it into Max2009 for the bumps and the spectacular textures. Drag cute? And a XB-56 as a bonus.
  11. Wrench, perpair to be besyer than a three legged cat, digging a hole on a concrete floor. Welcome to the realm of 3d madness.
  12. Tried to PM you and got an error. I'll check it if you send it to me. Max9.and the Data.ini
  13. How about a raffle, for a flight stick or something? Just a thought. PayDay is Thursday, I'm in then. (Subscription that is.)
  14. The (Booster) mesh can have any name, like 'Stage-1' or 'Cylinder01' as long as it matches. (BoosterNodeName=Cylinder01) in the WeaponsData.ini. To make other things (Other meshes) disappear depends on what function it serves. LandingGear can disappear when retracted. Air brakes, inside nodes, You can fool the game a number of ways, but it has limits. Look at the Me-163 Comet the Gear falls off, until it's extended again. Another trick is to animate a mesh to move to the inside of the model, you can control it by Assigned ID, or use a AerodynamicSpeed statement trick. Like I said , it depends on the meshes function. One of the most important things I've lerned is the 'hierarchy' of the meshes in 3DMax to make things do what you want them to do. One other thing, the position or proper function of a mesh in game sometimes depends on how it's exported. Example is a Rear firing machine gun,(tail gun) it has to be exported facing forward to be correct in game, I spent a few days pulling out my hair to get the Storch aft gun to work correctly.
  15. US sends Advisory squad to Iraq

    "Anyone else want to negotiate!" Corben Dalles, Fifth Element
  16. Simple. Make the Warhead the 'MainStage' then the secretion to detach the 'Booster' in Max you will have to link everything that you want to fall off to the Booster mesh, then link that to the main Mesh. Weapons Editor dose the rest. Look at the weapons.ini at a Sam for Ref I did that for my Natter/Sam and the boosters separate when the booster burns out.
  17. ? What is the object/mesh? Depending on what it is, their are a coupe of ways to hide something, That is, fool the game engine into hiding it.
  18. OK I'll ask the question Dave. Why? :)
  19. This workes if the Gun is part of the Model and animated to ID 1, Don't know about Gunpods??? Hurri Mk.IID [Left40mm] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=VickersMk1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN GunFireAnimationID=1 <------------------------------
  20. Kid's don't know S**t!

    Anyone can be a teenager again. You just have to live past 113! :)
  21. Kid's don't know S**t!

    Road Rash and Silent Service !!!!!!
  22. white spaces ?

    I had artifacts similar to above, Graphics card memory overload due to too big of textures when, say 16 of the same aircraft are rendered with 5+ textures each at 4096x4096., but I'm only running 1Gig of video memory in XP. Game set on high.
  23. 9 yr old kid shoots instructor with uzi..

    Makes you wonder how some people made it out of the Stone Age.

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