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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Damn its Cold!

    61 deg here.
  2. Hurricane Gear Fix All: [TailGear] ModelNodeName=Tail_Gear_Strut ShockAnimationID=5
  3. Didn't someone make low poly 'collision mesh's' for the YAP carriers already ? Though I read a post on that?
  4. Interesting poem

  5. For reference I look on the net at plastic model reviews and copy (print) the part's trees because they have access to drawings we can't get to make their molds.This is not the one your doing,but check this out and you can see the info . http://www.largescaleplanes.com/reviews/review.php?rid=919
  6. Very nice. I decided that's it easier to make a new model than try to match a lod to someone's lod without the Max file, although I've almost got it matched by rotating or moving the pivot points of my meshes.
  7. Mine is OK it's the orignal lod that's wacked Daniel, and I don't have the scorce file for it, but I did learn some mapping from doing it and I might do something with what I made.
  8. I think it's the RWR. http://combatace.com/topic/67094-can-i-delete-the-rwr-from-f-4e-vert-tail/?fromsearch=1
  9. Well that wasted two day's. Note to self Don't do this agin. Major 'Reset XForm' and pivot point mismatch. I don't think I can fix it. Pic 1 Both .lod's Pic 2 Just mine.
  10. Well I got it mapped. Not something I would like to do everyday, but I was worth it..
  11. China's First Carrier Completes its Test

    They've been working on it for 8,000 years, what's a few more?
  12. Not as nice as Daniel's, but it's just a distance .lod. Mapping and mesh name matching it to Russouk2004's Bf109E_4, Hope to get the FPS up and I've never done this type of mapping before , so something new to learn. And thank's Wrench for the .pdf
  13. Well for a test and FPS I'm converting one of the _005 hurri lod's into a Bf 109E for 1000 to 8000m. I just have to map it to the tex file.
  14. Just checked my files and found an lod up date for it?
  15. WIP painted train tracks

    I see rail guns an flak trains an targets , oh my.
  16. That's odd, You try changing Airfield to Small just for a go?
  17. I'm not sure what B-26 you have, I have a B-26 Marauder, works OK and a B-26k (moded to a. A-26) had to jack the tire radius on it . I uploaded a fix for that one.IIRC the 1 lod was for SFP-1 Gold.
  18. Dose it CTD if you start in the air? What map is CTD on?
  19. I've been comparing the terrain data from 06 and 08 and they differ slightly in the 'Hightfield' statements , going to test and will post the results
  20. I think is is, got it from my recovered data from 2003-2006
  21. Thanks , will do cause the one I have (ogi) is strange.

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