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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Well Wrench these are the nodes. Left wing Sphère01 Sphère03 Rigth wing Sphère02 Sphère06
  2. Are the bombers IJA? I just checked the Nell and It and the textures are IJN, but the 'sf2_ad_oscar_pak' Is 'Japanese Empire', the oscar zip I have is dated 9/12. Something to look at maybe?
  3. My DL copy has no out? I looked at the lod. When I did the blisters for the Hurricane Mk2c I started with a capsule in Max. Found the .out.
  4. Wrench try these. (from the spit_mk8.lod) Capsule01 Capsule02 Capsule03 Capsule04 Capsule05
  5. P-40E1CU was updated with a new cockpit.
  6. I tried to locate the texture for the phd_lens, well their is none. I pulled all the textures from the pit and put the A-6A in SFP1 (no A-6 in the object cat) and the lens is still black, any ideas?
  7. A-6A_RADAR.bmp in the cockpit folder. Instead of just black I renamed this .bmp
  8. Well this is doable. Test 1 Instrument[046]=ADI_BankIndicator2 [ADI_BankIndicator2] Type=BANK_INDICATOR NodeName=vdi_component_lens MovementType=ROTATION_Z ValueUnit=DEG Set[01].Position=0 Set[01].Value=0 Set[02].Position=-360.0 Set[02].Value=360.0 Needs refining.
  9. Coming out of the civilian closet

    Good Luck,stay safe and never forget: CYA!
  10. Capuns Destroyer. Had this a long time. Zip is data only. Destroyer Data.zip
  11. Download page

    eel's ate the files, :) Their fixing it. http://combatace.com/topic/78876-downloadsuploads-still-offline/
  12. I did not make the pylons because swambast is making an -F and it's much better to have the pylons as part of the model.also I'm using the YAP -F as a Wildweasil.
  13. Pivot point of the pylons?
  14. I want your 'Nose Gear assembly' for my Mig-21I ( begging on knees) :) Very nice!
  15. YAP copies a lot of FM's without making corrections, lots of meshes called-out that don't exist, mostly pylons.
  16. I'll see what I can do, have to make a SF2 Test install on my XP machine. All my SF2 is still in the box waiting for new GPU.
  17. Maxing pylons, please stand by:)Research the pylons and they did have them, but tha aircraft mission as a FAC or Wildweasil did not require Aim-9's and YAP left them off for that reason , So I can make a pair if you want them? Not sure how to mount them other then 'Fakepilot'?
  18. Pro's 1) increased FPS. 2) ? Con's 1) Making them sucks!
  19. Just Want to Remind Everyone...

    AAHhha... eelsharks!
  20. In my test terrain (using Nothingness) they do that.
  21. Gerwin , that's what I do to make them and 'Optimize' sucks with Max9 also.

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