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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Got Punked......

    Or they got promoted. :)
  2. I'll have to try that Stary. The - n is finished, I swapped parts ( meshes) from the -E and -F to make the -K's using 'Merge' instead of inport and it works real good , then did the same thing with all the distance lod's. For the N cockpit I made a copie of the N master file, pulled the textures off the parts I needed then merged them into a copie of the E pit , All I need now is a new ins. panel , the gauges are just moved around. ETA on the N pit' two weeks.:)
  3. Well I read all the links and some of it I learned from the editing.pdf I have. I think I understand the trade off in memory better now , Thanks Of course now I will have to go over all the Hurricanes and fix the Ailerons glitch .And I think I'll keep the mapping because of the shader info I read for the July 13 Hotfix
  4. I think the way I'm mapping won't let me do that, but I write down the gizmo XYZ and remap of the reduced mesh is very easy. You just gave me an idea I'll have to try.
  5. I must be doing it the hard way then? 003 ,4 5 are not too bad, it's the 002 that gives me headaches ..
  6. Thank's. -B and -C are on the list and that's another pit, then.....
  7. P-40N-20-CU I still have to do the pit,
  8. Got Punked......

    They didn't see that coming ?
  9. If installing to do just a raw backup ( for the unpatched stuff), with no mod's can the Username..... Folder be skipped?
  10. Thanks , but I'm just looking to see what I can access (instead of working on the- P-40N , bad me)
  11. Too bad TK won't release the . out's No Wrench I was just doing some catfishing as a test. Catpak will open the 002cat 2009.
  12. I've had time to refine the planes that were ready to upload and fix those little things that always never get remembered . So yes, take your time. :)
  13. Ground Object? I put the YAP LST in my test terrain to look at it real close and I got a random freeze, never had that before, So my guess is one of TK's ground objects is porked, freezes when it loads the .ini / lod. Something to look at maybe? Or an airfield .ini / lod.
  14. Do both noses, then you won't have to make one or the other later.
  15. I went through every post I could find to get AOE2 (age of) to run on my Win7 Laptop, NoGo! My HD graphics sucks. I car run SF2, but.when I hook to my 24 in. LED TV it go to hell.
  16. Instead of installing, did you try to just copy an install, that's what I did for an old ( out of the box orignal) SFP1 install to test my Win7 laptop.
  17. Kittyhawk II in the Desert taking a new 75gal drop tank for a spin.
  18. It's looking like the flap is linked to the spinner or a extra animation key? (Did that to the Hurri keyed the prop to the canopy by mistake).
  19. The pilot's wanted a fighter version, but it was just a test bed, now it's what if.:)
  20. P-40K-15-CU and the Kittyhawk III (-K version) are done, the -L (Kittyhawk II) is in Max. -L is finished.
  21. Cocas is their an ETA on this project? Because I'm working on a side project (back burner) that you might like as a Red interceptor:
  22. ZBot Trojen

    I'm Pissed!!! Trying to remove it, Anyone else?
  23. ZBot Trojen

    All clean:),CCleaner Shredder Trojen was. In the trash bin, strange.
  24. ZBot Trojen

    I 'll check it out. Thanks. My Laps are clean, now I have to scan the Tare drives. Just how I wanted to spend my day,then go to work.

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