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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. I'm tring to wrap my brain around how to move from the cockpit to the bombsight like Kesselbrut's Camberra pit, I've serched for data on How To, No Joy. So could someone give me a short and simple explanation on how this is done? And please don't say "Just push the H key"
  2. Thanks Thats what I was thinking on how it worked. Now if I can get a Remote Fwd view working (think I have a workaround) this is going to be cool.
  3. Try This. Options.ini -------------- [singleMission] AircraftType=F-104g MissionMap=NOTHINGNESS MissionType=RECON MissionTime=NOON MissionWeather=BROKEN AirActivity=RANDOM AirDefenseActivity=RANDOM LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=A-10A Close Air Support.MSN MissionYear=1980 StartYear=1940 <--------------------------------- EndYear=2040 <--------------------------------- Service=USAF
  4. Post your gear data from the .ini and will have a look.
  5. looks like you have a unwanted or extra animation key frame hooked to the landing gear.Also did you export the LOD with the gear retracted(Key frame 0)?
  6. I just ckecked Ajundairs Starfighter's and it looks like he used the same node names for the gear as TW, so the mod to steer should work on his 104's as well .??? Have to check it.
  7. No Stock TW with 3 Tone NATO Camo skin. I extracted the LOD's from the cat to find the node.
  8. If (and I do mean if) the 2Gen LOD is based off of the 1st gen LOD then this will work. CastoringNodeName=lg_front_piston It's the same node for the shock in the 1st gen F-104 and the shock still works and steers.
  9. Common mistake is "Not" being all the way into the subcategory that you want to upload to, Otherwise it won't let you upload.
  10. This what you need? I don't have SF2,But I still collect sfuff for It. MirageIIIE_DATA.zip
  11. You'll have to find a ref. drawing for the waterline, if the aircraft is exported with the waterline at Z=0.0 then the game will set the aircraft on the wheels acordeing to the "RollingRadius=0.??" Bottom Pic The Hurri Fuselage PivotPoint is at X 0.0, Y 0.0,Z 0.0
  12. In max the center of the AC (Waterline) should be at Z=0.0 , Pivot point for the fuselage should be at a percent of MAC (I can't find the ref. so you'll have to search) All the landing gear Parts should be "Reset XForm"'ed in the fully extended position and exported Retracted - Frame 0,This is what I did for my Hurricanes. For the ini stuff take a look at the data.ini's for the TMF F-5's as Refrence.
  13. P-39 Won't download ,says I'm not loggedin, I'm Loggedin Logged out and loggedin agin still no Joy. Location trace: <LI class=first>Downloads> Strike Fighters / Wings Over Vietnam / Wings Over Europe / Wings Over Israel by Thirdwire<LI>> Strike Fighters 1 Series by Thirdwire<LI>> SF/WO* Add-On Aircraft<LI>> WW2 Aircraft <-----------------------------------------------------??? <LI>> P-39 'Airacobra', Soviet Air Force
  14. ChampionsVA56"s T-28 VT-2Pack Nice Pylons, I put them on my Camberrai, Made them into fake Fuel/bomb pylons that way their selectable.
  15. I just went over the B-26 And got some strange Rendering with the SF1 Game engine. I just checked the OUT. files and (DrumRoll) The Node Hierarchy dose not match from Lod =B-26 to Lod= B-2601 So comment out the entries for the second lod. CockpitDataFile=B-26_cockpit.ini [LOD001] Filename=B-26.LOD Distance=100 [LOD002] Filename=B-26.LOD Distance=250 [LOD003] Filename=B-26.LOD Distance=8000 [shadow] CastShadow=FALSE ShadowLOD= ShadowType=1 Photos are Before And After Raven
  16. Mk.4 Pit Construction Update
  17. We Have Liftoff Comment out the "//CarrierBased=FALSE" Raven
  18. But all their stuff is Free! (kinda,sort of ,maybe)
  19. MinBaseSize=LARGE < -------------- Change to MEDIUM or SMALL, For PTO/CBI/KAW major cause of CTD
  20. OK I understand the “MovementType=ROTATION_xyz” and “MovementType-POSITION_xyz”, but what is?” MovementType=TEXTURE_V” and some of the Light Callouts don’t have movement, Like: [LandingGearWARNINGLight] Type=LANDING_GEAR_WARNING_LIGHT NodeName=GearWarningLight (ß------node that lights up) MovementType=Light I know that the game engine dose a lot of the animation on it’s own, like props, wheels ,rudder,ect, and I’m thinking that some of the lights are either on or off. I just need a pointer , or I can just do it the hard way and make a lot of useless nodes. BTW I'm tring to figure out the animation for "[LandingGearLight]" Raven
  21. That It Dels, Now if I have a 1" sq. flat plane do I UVW map it to fit (1x1) and make the texture 1x10? I'll try some diffrent things and see what works in my (If I screw it up,Deleate.) Test file. I got about 50 copies,Well 47.
  22. Thanks FastCargo That's pretty much what I was thinking on the static lights "On or Off" Whats got me stumped is the Texture_V movement, from what I'm reading in max is you can animate the texture and keep the Node static. Sort of switch color's. I could do what I want by stacking some nodes (like Fastprop/Slowprop) and lots of .ini entries, but I would like to keep it less complex. Raven
  23. File Name: SeaHurrican Mk.IIc File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 04 July 2012 File Category: Allied Fighters SeaHurricane_Mk_IIc (Hurricat) SF1 06 Patch Level Installs. Creidts: Cockpit By Myself TW AC 3D Model,Textures, Myself. Light Fix Wrench MAC Hinchinbrooke Hawaii Terrian Wrench Sound ? This Mod is Freewear and not to be sold! Raven 08/14/2013 Click here to download this file
  24. I don't have SF 2 ,so I can't help you. An SF 2 version is not supported at this time. Raven
  25. Ok I just Downloaded the SeaHurri 2c Droped the folder into my PTO install (No other Hurris inthere) and the decals showup fine, What platfrom are you using, I'm doing everything on XP . You might try to redownload it.

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