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Everything posted by RAVEN

  1. Thanks The File You Ziped is the one I was looking for, I'm doing a 06 patch level AC .The Link to the KB, I Have that file. I think the "StrikeFightersEditingInfo.doc" was updated in 2006 (I think it's one of the files that got lost when CA got hacked).Most of those early files that went by by,I have on disk in my moterhome ,sept my moterhome is in Colorado and I'm working hear in Calif. Thanks agin Raven
  2. I 'm doing the Min / MaxExtentPositions For my bird and what I would like to know is: 1 Can I use the numbers from Unwrap and 2, are the numbers generated in Unwrap not in the correct order for SF? Unwrap looks like XZY!
  3. Edit the Flightengine.ini [MapSettings] MapMaxSize=450000 MapMinSize=10000 MapInitSize=100000 MapScaleRate=5.0 ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL
  4. First of all , What Game WOV? What patch Level 06? 08? There two editors one for 06 , an one for post 08 patch, What type of mod are you tring to do? Add a weapone ? There are abought a hundred reasons for weapons going byby. So more info is needed ,Also did you check the KB? http://combatace.com/forum/189-adding-weapons/
  5. I need a pointer. The aircraft flyies like it's on the ground when the gear is extended, flyies level with it retracted. hear is what I have: Fuseage Pivot point set to align with center of object (tried 0.0,0.0,0.0 no change) Align to world. animation 0 empty , Gear 1-10 ID=1, Hierarchy - Fuselage at the top, Reset XForm on everything (XForm on all gear parts in extended position.). I'm using a FM from an other similar a/c Min/Max Extent Positions and the Collision Points are a tad off (working on those). I know it's just something simple. ;
  6. Ok Time to skin the plane. Question. Can I UVW Map the Plane with the parts linked? The Hierarchy Is compleat and I'd hate to have to redo it.
  7. Thanks Guy's, I decided to test ingame so I copyed to a temp and textured with simpe stuff, Glade I did, Found things to fix and mapping would have made it harder. Still have to ajust the max-extents and collisonpoints. FM almost finished.
  8. Check the KB. It's Map water effect's related with Vista I beleave. Also look at this link. http://combatace.com...__1#entry348943 The Flight enigne.ini has to be extracted form the FlightData.cat
  9. First Should I Reset Xform on the Gear parts (unlinked) In the extended or retracted position? I know Frame 1 of the Gear animation is retracted OK I’m Head up agin a wall with the gear animation. This is what I have All the parts,(Left_Wing) , Reset Xform?, Frame 1-10 ,Proper rotation, Linked, the Left main gear moves real good, retracts and extends to the correct position. Struck Part!!! I can’t get the Children parts of the gear to do anything except deform when I try to rotate them (pivot correct) and the animation for the gear goes to the void. I need a hint. I've serched the forms and found lot's of info on the animations (canopy works now) and the left main tire rotates at the correct angle without wobbel. Raven
  10. I Don't no if it's correct, but I reset XForm all the gear parts in the extended position so all the parts are at 0.00 rotation at frame -10 ,then animated the parts one at a time using the same key frames(1-10) while linked. Worked, Have to put the plane togeather somemore in my test file and try it ingame.
  11. OK I, Have the Aircraft 3/4th built and I got the canopy to animate, (opens and closes real smooth), But I can't find how to assing a Animation ID to it, I know that the main controls (rudder,ect.) work with the game engine. I need a Hint!
  12. Thanks, I was looking for a 3ds hint, I think I fuigred it out (keyframes) And the Xform Reset. New question, If I build the Left_Wing compleat with landing gear,animation (01-10).ect, then can I mirror It ,Then fix the mesh names to Right_Wing?
  13. Is there a way to make a gunpod fire a tracer every round? I know that you can do it with a internal gun by adding TracerLoading=x to the Data.ini. Any ideas?
  14. From the thred I read some timeago you need to add the " _OK" ,I add it and it's worked to make the AN-12 a -8. Distroyed two of the engines and the cowls an stuff ModelNodeName=refueling_probe _ok
  15. Try This, Worked for the SU-25 [AircraftData] // Hide Parts------------------------------ Component[010]=HidePart1 [HidePart1] ParentComponentName=torn_2250_tankL ModelNodeName=torn_2250_tankL_ok DestroyedNodeName=torn_2250_tankL DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE You'll have to chang the Compont number to the next inline and make entries for everything you want to remove. Example: // Remove---------------------- Component[010]=HidePart1 Component[011]=HidePart2 Component[012]=HidePart3 Component[013]=HidePart4 [HidePart1] ParentComponentName=Rightwing ModelNodeName=RightWingTR_ok DestroyedNodeName=RightWingTR DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [HidePart2] ParentComponentName=Leftwing ModelNodeName=LeftWingTR_ok DestroyedNodeName=LeftWingTR DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [HidePart3] ParentComponentName=LeftMainTR ModelNodeName=LeftMainTR_ok DestroyedNodeName=LeftMainTR DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE [HidePart4] ParentComponentName=RightMainTR ModelNodeName=RightMainTR_ok DestroyedNodeName=RightMainTR DetachWhenDestroyed=TRUE HasAeroCoefficients=FALSE //End --------------------------------
  16. I use the 06 patch level for my Prop installes (PTO-CBI) and the only thing that I miss is the "SpecificStationCode=" So I just use a "Attachment Type" of a nation that is not in that theater for things I want to Specific Station. Works good. How did you git rid of the "Instant Action", and "Multiplayer" sections? I tried ,best I could get is you click them and git CTD.
  17. I'm tring to make a taildragger aircraft, I have the specs, pics all the good stuff, The question is how do I position the 3view to get the hight right? The 3View has the airframe level (in flight) So airframe hight is from ? Right now it looks squashed from the front.
  18. What I'm Looking for is ,Is the aircraft hight mesured from the groung with all the wheels tuching or as if in flight?
  19. File Name: F20Details.zip File Submitter: RAVEN File Submitted: 08 February 2012 File Category: Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's F-20_Details For SF*** This Mod adds details to Veltro2k's F-20 Included part's: VHF/Comm Spine Antenna Tail top Antenna Left and right Pitot tubes Left and right Intake Bleedair vents Left and right cockpit inteior panels (To hide the exteior decals). Raven Click here to download this file
  20. OK I exported a lod ,Main runway for a terrin mod i'm doing, Looks greate. Got it textured , In the game and every thing works just like it should. Sooo I made some aircraft Fake pilot type details to add to a jet and they came out Huge ( I mean 6 times bigger then the aircraft) ? All the objects are in the right places. I checked the KB (no joy) Did miss a step for more then one object?
  21. Ok All fixed Their was a system unit scale mismatch Thanks Cocas for pointing me in the right direction.
  22. Ok I checked the Unit setup and it's set to metric, I tried to create a test box with and without (real-world Map size) And this is what I'm getting:
  23. Is their a way to restrict an airfield to one type of aircraft ,other then size (MinBaseSize=Large/Medium/Small) I'm trying to make an airfield that the game will only let you lanch a seaplane from? Raven

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