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pato poli

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Everything posted by pato poli

  1. hooo my Gooooooooood!!!!! amazing dude...amazing great work we are waiting....for ever!!! PS: i goooooot the joystick!!!!! (read it with he-man style) PS2: 19.90 y es una ganga directa!!!!
  2. well...a long time.... the episode in the photo is very clear to me. the FAA send some B-707 in recon mission to find where is the fleet, and get an estimated time to reach the islands. In a couple of time the british try to intercep the Boeing, but it fly back home in time to "escape". One time, that in the picture i guess, they reach it, the comander start to fly high and the sea harrier cant mantein that level...the harrier is not desing to fly high. even one time the fleet launch 4 sea dart missiles...and the B-707 make the impossible...the comander go down almost to sea level...2 missiles past in front and 2 behind...then like nothing they retornd home. sorry by the english...bye
  3. there are some good videos on youtube IAF dogfight from the discovery channel, very explained with computers grafics and you will learn from the best pilots in the world
  4. I think the F-14...alone. but i like do some kinds of mission when the F-14 not was used until get old. in Argentina everybody love the mirage family, the III or Dagger, or the last Finger model...if you dont know too much you look all them like one. And the A-4 is very loved by those pilot and ground crew.
  5. in my opinion israel got the best pilot in the world. They train and keeo trainig a lot of hours.... They work, and think, and love they country. they live together...not like we i will like a lot see some excercices betwen Argentina air force and israel air force...at least 1 for year. keep up your heads....you should be proud of yours pilots!!!
  6. very nice work... excelent info about real life exocet??? 1. "the missile dont sink the ship.....why?" because dont is design to do it. the idea es that the missile hit the center of the target, where destroy the room called "C&C", the center of command and control, without this the ship cant do anything...and you need another ship to pull it out of the zone...so with 1 shoot you put out of combat 2 ships. 2. "about malvinas/falklands airplanes and missiles?" Argentina receiv 5 SUE and 5 exocet. then put 1 airplane out of service to take pieces of it if needed. Do all the missions with 2 SUE (super etendart) and 1 missile for plane...except the last one with only the last missile. Try to buy in the black market but no way... 3. "sheffield" Two missile launch, 1 it the target at about 15 miles. dont explode but the rest of the rocket fuel start a fire, it become out of control and burn the ship. 4. "why dont explode?" a malfunction on all the early models of the exocet, then reprogramed and fixed. 5. "why your english is so bad?" because i dont practice too much...but i just wanna share mi opinion with all of you. thanks for your work and keep doing things...when i fix my joystick "ill be baaaaaaaaack" good night.
  7. ho my god....superb work man..... high quality.... amaizing job.... look at the kill marks on that sea harrier man!!!!! naaaaaaaa..naaaaaaaaa...naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! i wanna it.
  8. Be careful who you point that thing at!

    the italian way is more realistic...the police got a beatifull lamborghini in blue and white....for race in haigways....and they got a few guys with an intensive driving technic. is a expensive car to crash...
  9. Be careful who you point that thing at!

    I read the same history but about a tornado of the RAF...
  10. yeap....a buck up is a good idea...specially BEFORE the doom. thats why i never do it, and AFTER simply start all over again...with a lot of "puteadas", "doh", high arterial pression and derivates... very good work, we are here waiting your "job done".
  11. Movie Lines that make great signatures...

    we train young men to drop bombs on people, but we dont let them write "f*** you" on their planes becose its obscene...the horror...the horror. last words of marlon brando in apocalips now.
  12. What exactly is BVR?

    i think that your eyes dont work viewing your monitor like in the real life... you (me and all of us), cant "see" or "watch" simply because a monitor dont give at us the deep effect, and that make very difficult to make a "lock" on a object that is moving respect the surface, or see a reflect of the sun light on the glass or in the metal side of a plane... is more easy with smoke engines or when a plane fly high and make those white lines behind...
  13. i really wanna know much more of ECM... this is mi contribution... the ECM pod or internal work with your RWR. it take the info of what frequenci is pointed at you, then start to put on the air a lot (A LOT) of energy in that frequenci...and teorically, the missile or radar will bi blind... if you put it on without lock on you...the ECM will put all the energy in the air, but devided in a range of frequency that know as possibli lock by the enemy (thats why is important upgrade your software in the RWR) so, is much effective when it work in only one frequenci with all the power... the ECM dont work only on radars....can also interrup your radio comunications or datalink...i so this on youtube about the SU-35 in the war of Malvinas/Falklands in the 82, the argentine radar detect an heli asault group...when the recon pilot go to check there was nothing...the british jam the argentine radar to make those "bip" on the screen!!! I remember when i play the F-19 stealth fighter...even older that the F-117 of the microsoft...excelent work on the RCS and the use of ECM and chaff/flare and decoy...amazing an only 1.2mb....so small for today!!!
  14. ok....how can i put "conchudisimo" word in english??? that word only have sens in Argentina... what can be most close to it??? maybe: "very-pussy-joystick" ??? was fun...at least for us...
  15. F-16 X 0V-10 ROCKWELL

    mmm that was a few years ago...in a kind of "golpe de estado" (when military take the power by the force) the news said: "4 broncos made a few bomb runs over the instalation of the command of the air force in the airport, then start to shut guns" the woman said that the F-16 shooted down a bronco. maybe the F-16 only make some damage on the OV-10...you can see that the pilot put the wheels down and the airplane in line with the runway before eject...that was in the middle of the city and if the airplane fall in other place could make a lot of damage to civilians... is very ugly eject and land in the place that you was bombing a few minutes ago...those guys in the ground maybe arent happy with you, dont you think??? maybe some venelueza guys can explaind it better...
  16. The Best of 2007

    simply... found this place and all of you guys. Thanks to all of you.
  17. mainly...i got 2 problems... 1. here at Fano city, i cant found a "conchudisimo" joystick!!! what the hell...i hate playstations!!!!. here nobody used a PC to play... 2. the money is limited. thanks to my whife and mi age...31.....hooo..im feeling old....(but i will fly again baby!!!!) over those problems, is what kind of joystick buy...i got a TRUST predator...4 buttons, power and POV...but is analog (potenciometros) and i think that 1 is broken...i cant calibrate it !!!! I try and i try...more than 20 times...i cant calibrate it well...so i think its dead. i wish a digital one...but i cant found it i only found one called "top gun", but i dont know if its analog or digital, i read the boxs and only said...pc compatible..bla.bla.bla...3 axis control, power, POV and 6 buttons....END so? do you know it??? is a good one?? i whas thinking on the saitek 90...but it desapear a few days ago.... i dont want a super-joystick-super-expensive...i just wanna control my airplane...i dont thinks that a super joystick made of you a super-pilot. its help, yes...but dont give victory vs a better pilot. i wanna go to play on line...but i cant take-off!!!! and if i do i cant control anything...is a disaster... so, what is your opinions????
  18. yabadabadooooo!!! thanks to mrs. Cachifality now I goooot the poweeeeeeeeer!!!! not, the sea harrier...ejem.... ok...whats next??? aaa..."the joystick afair" mmmm... what do you guys are using??? in this moment we are trying to build a home...so...the money to expend in "the device" will be limited. any coments....idea....thanks to you, now im feeling better....much better bye
  19. Rover mirage..... la gran siete che!!!! Te re-zarpaste ....no me podes hacer esto ahora que tengo roto el joystick...naaaaaaaaaaa que me "muero muerto" (?) Deci la verdad...sos bill gates no??? daleeee confesaaaa Excelentisimo trabajo...muchas gracias por la dedica...casi me piyo encima!!! Che, esto de poner en español....no seria mejor para el foro usar ingles??? PD1: de donde bajo el sea harrier??? PD2: quise modificar una campaña (para empezar) y me salio mal...mejor no toco mas nada. PD3: muy buena idea lo de los aviones civiles...conozco ya un sim con Malvinas..."dogfight 80 años de guerra aerea", muy viejo por cierto y bastante limitado....pero es lo unico que conozco con este escenario que taaaaanto nos atrae. traduction: rover mirage...the big seven!!! amaizing job...you cant do this now that my joystick in browken, naaaaa, im deathing death (?) tell us the true..you are bill gates ... would better if we write in inglish?? PS1: where i download the sea harrier? PS2: i try to modif. a campaing and doesnt work...better if i keep my hands off PS3: great idea the civilians airplanes...there was a sim. with Malv./Falk.. as escenario "dogfight, 80 years of air war", old and limited...but the only game with this escenario...
  20. Super woopy work....increible....i dont have words.... As always my support, if i can help, call me. by the way....where is the sea harrier FRS-1???? i dont see it....anywhere!!! how can i fly over Malvinas/Falklands without a Sea Harrier trying to catch me??? like i read in a magazine..."la muerte negra y nueve lima" (the black death and nine lima, about the dark color of the sea harrier and the lethal AIM-9L sidewinder) thanks to all...happy new year...and make me happy with this super-escenario please... very good the link to the A-4AR....excelent material... bye
  21. im waiting

    THANKS YOU VERY MUCH....MY MOTHER TE SIGUE ALWAYS!!!! Muchas gracias, expectacularrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Me muero ya por ese material....se me encrispa la piel (existe encrisparse la piel?) Excelent work... los que opinan mal son los que no saben nada de nada, son unos frustrados que nunca lograron nada en la vida y son envidiosos de aquellos que intentan. te paso esta frase de Pavarotti para animarte a seguir asi: "Los que saben de musica la cantan. los que saben un poco menos la tocan. Los que saben bastante menos la escriben...y los que no saben nada de musica la critican"
  22. sorry wrench, i dont wanna disturb, just i didnt know. In Argentina i never heard about "scooter" as a nickname of the A-4, maybe because i dont live near their base, but i never read about it in argentine magazines or others. Maybe you dont know what means "la chancha"??? but every argentine citizen knows, specialy those in trouble La chancha is our nick to the C-130, means like "the female pig" or something like that. We dont have "fat albert" but our C-130 pilot and mec's are realy good guys...i recomend read about they and they "adventures" doing strangers things Turning back to the AR...is a very diferent plane respect the M, i wish like they put the engine of the F-18 like in Singapur, but no way...that will be a great A-4!!!! but israel buy the M??? or they modify E/F models???? I believe that only the marines use the M???? thanks for the patience and call me if i can help
  23. wrench dud...eeee....what is "woI" and IDF M Scooter??? About the AR is based on the M model but with complet diferent avionics, a new radar APG-66 (from the F-16 A/B) lightly small antena and in the bigginig minor software capacitys, but the FAA keep the option to upgrade it without limits from US goverment (or UK pression to avoid it) have the data into the first link up
  24. OK...please stop...you are killing me...not now that mi f?&%$"king joystick is broken!!!! I not good with .ini but im starting to do something to learn, im started to modifi a campaing to put mirage-IIIEA and daggers in burning sand...i dont know if will work (obviusly) If i can help call me, im here until my wife come back. may be you can found some data about avionics of the AR here: "under the skeen of the fightinghawk" www.hangardigital.com.ar/bajolapieldel_a4.html (in spanish) "A-4 fightinghawk in the FAA" www.hangardigital.com.ar/a4ar.html (spanish again) if im not here, write me at elpatoestaloco@hotmail.com and i will respond ASAP, im VERY interesting about a Malvinas/Falklands campaing-terrain-A-4B,C,E,F,M,AR,everything, all of it and more Pato
  25. lo quiero YAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lo quiero loco....subilo che.....dale...dale gassssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!! dale antes de que venga mi jermu che!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! si si si ho si......mas .....mas.....aaaaaaa muy buen trabajo.....exceleeeeente. Megagalattico como diria mi jefe... esta...un kilo y dos pancitos. felicitaciones, muy bueno, muy bueno.... ha! este si ponen a Brazil....en una hipotetica campania....no deberia invadir el norte de Argentina? digo tipo Misiones y Corrientes....en la hipotesis de un gobierno brazilero hostil, uno mas pro-sudamericano podria (como lo hizo) apoyarnos con medios, tipo aviones de exploracion a quienes no solo NO debemos derribar, sino al contrario escoltar. o proteger buques mercantes de ataques de fragatas o aviones ingleses. I want it NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW i wanna it lunatic...uploadet dud...cmon....step on the gas!!!! cmon before my women get back yes yes hooo yes..more...more...aaaaa vewry good work...excelent. "mega-galactic" like mi boss said it is half pound and 2 little bread congratulation, very good, very good ho! if you put Brazil ...in a hipotetic campaing...dont should invaded the north of argentina? i mean, the state of Misiones and Corrientes...into an hipotetic hostil Brazilian goverment, if the brazil is more "pro-sud american", like they was at 82, could help argentinian with materials, may be..some recon planes for be scorted, or ship that protect from fragates and harriers attack.

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