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Everything posted by flightdude

  1. Hi all hope you are having a good day? Does anyone know where or if there is a CH-53 about in the strike fighter world ? I know there is a few helicopters about! a CH-53 Super Stallion would make my day lol....would that not be cool flying that thing around maybe for transport or rigged for support as mini gun weapon or something... may i dream......or could it be reality... Cheers Fellow Flyers flightdude.....
  2. Nice one cheers Soulfreak and Panama Red!! will look into that just had a quick look at web site amazing all modded up ready for you to just fly your heart out!! these guys must have put some work in to project to get it so realistic yeah!! oh and the mighty CH-53D YAHHOOOOO..... Cheers again fellow flyers!! flightdude
  3. Hi Soulfreak, cool that would be good ! do you have a link to guide me in gaining this beast!! I think worth getting especially if you have an Iraq campaign or mission! got all the others but something missing CH-53 weather you are flying about or flying in your mission as a planned flight more realistic if you know what I mean!! Thanks for your time... Cheers flightdude...
  4. Hi Soulfreak, yeah BF110G from desert camo to winter camo I can load into paintshop and spray over main colour but I will destroy panel lines and weathering and so forth!! what template are you talking about does that allow you to get to the layers? fade the panel lines so can spray camo theme on background and bring back panel lines and save ! might have do weathering again but not to much of a problem!! and where could I find this template? Thanks for your time... flightdude
  5. Hi Veltro2K, thanks for your time in responding to this! I downloaded Wolf's aircraft pack in which SBD was one of the many Pacific aircraft for USN IJN and just rechecked the folder of SBD and can not see a rear gunner folder in the main folder I downloaded from Combat Ace web site fantastic site I might add!!! so not to sure what happened to this folder it has all the other main files for this aircraft to operate within SFP1 I tryed to look at the SBD_Data file and see if I could adjust from there but cant do !! Flightdude
  6. Hi Kuba, Are you talking about ground mission window in the mission editor and when you select the ground units there are none? I had the same problem when i was trying to find ground units in WOE and did not show! the mission editor does not work in full with WOE / WOI the aircraft selection is ok in WOE / WOI ! but mission editor works fine in SFP1 ! i am having same problem with WOI as trying to get ground missons objects list to show in the mission editor of my Afganistan map not happening! flightdude.....
  7. Thanks for reply dave! I think its on normal play on install ! do you have to re- install the WOE again and set hard play mode or is there a simpler way without total re-install and all the mods! can this be sorted within the game software ? No DS MOD installed on fresh WOE 1 ! is this SF: Europe a total new install or update? flightdude UK (Trev)
  8. Hi Dave is this related to my question is this patch or update being worked on currently!
  9. Sorry Jomni what do you mean ported over to SF2E?
  10. does anyone how to get more AAA and air defences in and around Baghdad as seems redundant for this ! as you see on tv news air raid on Baghdad all hell breaks loose... Cheers....
  11. Hi all, I Play this game WOE very good game at that! but does anyone know how to set up a Falklands War conflict with the available adons and patches! if this is possable? Many Thanks...........
  12. I would like to thank all who was involved with the (How to build a Falkland War Conflict with Addons/ Patches) forum I have a wealth of info and mods to do and learn. I would just like to say Merry Christmas and happy new year !!!to everyone and all who joined the forum on this subject and the Combat Ace team thanks again catch you all in the new year. Flightdude UK
  13. Very interesting issues here! after all its only a game! I take my hat off for all you guys making this fab info available, but I am a newbie here so bare with me its so much to take onboard in one hit. I am still having problems with the fuel tanks on all new addon aircraft and I downloaded the weapons pack 03jul06 I put the fuel tank files into the object/weapons folder I copy the txt data to dump into the weapons ini file but where the hell is this file I can not find it I see a weaponsdata-configuration settings file in the the weapons folder is this it ? I paste it into this file with the next number added and saved, checked the loadout in the game for fuel tanks aaaargh nothing I tried to open the weapons editor double left click to open it " nothing happens" I double click again still nothing I think this is way over my head very frustrating. I think I need to start again so many files so many locations to put these files I think it will be fantastic to use these addons and patches to its full capacity once I grasp the basics... flightdude Uk
  14. Cheers for that I will check it out have a good day flightdude UK
  15. Any you guys know how to find the weaponsdata.ini file in SFP1 as I am trying to make up the falklands War conflict the adons from you guys tells me in the txt file how to load the aircraft into the object/aircraft folder no problems I do that, but then I need to load the fuel tanks in the weapons folder or weapons editor with the adjust for the ini file added text data, But I cant find any of these in my SFP1 folder I can find the object/aircraft no problem and I test aircraft in the game and it is there in its glory without the fuel tanks as Ihave not done the adjustments. I am at a lost here I wonder if any of you guys can get me to see the light!!!! Many Thanks flightdude UK..............
  16. Wow! guys what a response I am Knocked out by all of your replys thanks to you all """ I dont know where to start "yeah I do" these .rar files do they open in Wings Over Europe which is the game I use and how do I get them into the game software to start building the falklands War conflict environment? this has made my day flightdude UK...........
  17. Great stuff I will check that and have a look cheers for that info Have a good day...... flight dude UK "happy hunting "
  18. Cheers for that I will have a look and have a go at building a falklands War format! if I am not succesfull I will wait for the new version build........ Have A nice day...... flightdude UK
  19. Cheers for that do you know when this new version will be available on the WOE game will it be a retail or download? but I will also look at the downloads currently on this site.......... Many Thanks flightdude UK

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