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Posts posted by Talon_

  1. Well, this is interesting but I must oppose: basic formula for computing an aerodynamical drag (Q) is:






    Therefore, fuel tanks DO have their noticeable drag, which depends mainly on speed of carrier and diameter of given fuel tank. Only possible explanation is, that in comparation with thrust given by P&W F-100 engine, drag of fuel tanks is insignificant OR that this drag is noticeable in speeds much higher than those achieved in ACM.


    And, this also stands again another statement about Gripen - because on LeBourget airshow, Gripen lose simulated fights with Su-39 in incredibly high ratio (think about 3:1 or even 9:1) while F-16 lose them only about 1.5:1 [sure they both lost it because Su-39 is subsonic and has wing and aerodynamics optimized for low-speed maneuvreing, but such an asymmetry between F-16's and Gripen's achievements while they should be the same? Chmm.]


    (sorry for possibly over-complicated article, english is my secondary language)




    Cite sources, or this means nothing. I currently don't trust you.

  2. What, you mean like this?


    Beale was my last active duty assignment back in 1999-2001. Man, if they made the T-38 instructor pilot a reserve job at Beale AFB, I might have never left...flying 38s in ACC is WAY more fun than AETC!


    Jug, if you're a grad of the Colorado School for Wayward Boys, you're probably interested in this photo and how it came about.


    I'm a 1990 grad, and for my 10 year reunion (Oct 2000), I decided to take a 2 ship up to C Springs and do a flyby for the football game. So, right after we fly over the stadium, I send my wingie out to route, pass the jet to my front seater, and start snapping shots.


    This was one of the best ones.


    That was a blast of a reunion. Interestingly enough, Class of 1980 was having their 20 year at the same time, so it was interesting comparing stories of then and now. Appearantly, a lot of them couldn't make the 10 year because of Desert Storm deployments...so there was a lot of interest in making the 20 year for them.


    Beale was a blast...even got to play in the spacesuit in the chamber (I was a T-38 only guy...no Deuces for me). Interesting watching a beaker of water boil right next to you...then playing 'Michelin Man' trying to reach the ejection handle...





    Academy! I live right across "the I," I can see it from here. I'm applying, chances aren't the best, but that's what everyone faces, I guess. No doubt I'll be part of the 80 ish percent that are rejected. Trying for ROTC too, there's so many possibilities for me right now, not all military.

  3. I personally like laying down a long stick of 30 CBUs with SFWs in all of them...


    Destruction for all my friends...


    Lol. SFW is a sweet deal. How many can the Bone load? Are they usually laid down in pairs with a long ripple? A good guy I know flew the Bone in Desert Storm, has horror stories about levelling Iraqi guards at night with CBUs, getting the 100% BDA report... :( He retired pretty shortly afterward, couldn't stomach it, I think.




    On topic...


    Can you adjust ripple interval and/or burst alt in WOE? Really the best way to do it is get them timed out to saturate the whole target area in one pass, if you can. Any more time spent in the target area is just putting yourself at risk. (Onepasshaulass)

  4. RWR stands for Radar Warning Receiver. You will hear tones (at least in real life) when a radar beam passes over your aircraft. The tone will become more intense when you are locked. By monitoring the sources of radar beams hitting your aircraft, the system is able to tell you the bearing and threat level of each return. It does not measure distances however. So when you look at the RWR, and you see a blip that is closer to you than another, it does not mean that emitter is closer to you, it means that he is a greater threat.


    The RWR monitors each return for signs of a launch, generally the lock/activation of a radar-guided missile, ARH or SARH these days. Because these missiles (and the aircraft firing them) send out special signals when they are launched, the RWR will let you know. However, if the missile is a passive seeker, infra-red like the sidewinder, or Electro-optical like assorted SAM loads, you will receive no warning. It does not send anything out, just takes things in, like your heat signature, or visible shape. So they're extra dangerous, but also easier to fool, if you notice them at all.



    That's the danger of a MANPAD like the SA-5 (I believe is used in WOE, correct?), hand-launched and with no warning, it's very easy to miss.


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