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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Unless you created the fake pilot object off center you have to put it forward, as "SeatPosition=0.0,0.0,0.99" is probably inside the fuselage. In the Typhoon the pilot is [Pilot] SystemType=PILOT_COCKPIT PilotModelName=typhoonpilot Position=0.0000,3.97,0.5 <---- place it more forward than 3,97 somewhere in the range of 4.3-4.8 and about -0.6 to the left and 1.0 on high. Test with these values -0.6,4.6,1.0 from there on you can fine tune it's position.
  2. question

    Daniel you not need to ask for permission. You are someone who creates models that are not around by others and you can only be missed by all of us, we can never complain if you "restart" the way you want or about the model you want to create. Keep the creation of models to be a fun process that you enjoy doing, and never feel it as burden. I would be glad to see you around for sure!
  3. Is it possible that the radar dish is a separate mesh in itself? Also they no need animation in lod. I use engine fans without any animation for them in max, only fake propengine entry in data.ini.
  4. Actually that seems turning around Y axis based on drawing's blue line. Not sure how your model is set up but if pivot is oriented to world, meaning X axis points toward right wingtip, Y axis pointing toward nose and Z axis point upward then correct setting would be. RotationAxis=Z-Axis Also not sure if the "PropRotationdirection=Y-Axis" overrides your previous rotation entry. I would only leave the first and delete the 2nd. works perfect on engine fans. Edit: fix wording mistakes
  5. Your weapon station names and their system names not match. [Fuselage] ..... SystemName[002]=GenieStation SystemName[004]=FrontMissileStation SystemName[005]=RearMissileStation Your existing weapon station names: Relevant existing system name: [WeaponsBay] Geniestation [LeftFrontMissileStation] FontMissileStation [RightFrontMissileStation] FrontMissileStation [LeftRearMissileStation] RearMissileStation [RightRearMissileStation] RearMissileStation You have to correct these, If you made those name changes in the weapons section then do the same naming in the system names under the Fuselage entry SystemName[002]=GenieStation or Weaponsbay .. SystemName[004]=LeftFrontMissileStation SystemName[005]=RightFrontMissileStation .. SystemName[009]=LeftRearMissileStation SystemName[010]=RightRearMissileStation
  6. Welcome to the world of modding the SF series. I think your AC skins look good. Regarding the template, each person has his/her own preference on layer arrangement, their content, etc so some can feel perfect some not so. Do not get intimidated by the quality of the "great" ones, you will get there and should not hold back if you want to share your work with others. The important thing is that you enjoy the process of creating skins, decals, etc, if something not turns out the way you like it then can always restart or correct, many of us do so, we are not perfect either.
  7. Best Naval Combat \ Submarine Sims

    The only naval/underwater sim I ever played was AquaNox1-2, not sure if that classifies by your terms. I did like it although my rig that time was a bit weak for its requirements.
  8. Well, you certainly did pass the eye test. In my AC test install I have a western version of the adder to foul around and it did made it onto the screen with that m4B version. The game itself so far auto loaded only french stuff and the plane will not come with it for sure. Cliff also included it as part in post #68.
  9. It got a little chisel and hammer work but still original mesh.
  10. Thanks cocas, 90% are original mesh and I did a little face lift and contour refining on some parts. The O could happen....
  11. OK, found the print screens of it, happened last year.
  12. Hi Jarhead1, I was talking about the "in-game" marines and when you fly a ground support role on the red side. In RL you guys are great dudes and do awesome things, didn't mean to offend anyone.
  13. The "US_Marines" are an angry bunch, they would throw anything move able against your bird to bring it down. Give them a try, but do not get surprised if you not make it through the first low pass over them.
  14. To establish a proper strategy to keep the site alive I think might be good to know what we are up against... 1-2-6 or 10 grand we have to come up with each month? That will enable us to think in the right frame of mind. Based on existing subscriptions, their expire time and activities of those users can be forecasted what might come in - sure will never equal to it as few might go few might join but it will show some trend we are up to tackle. I personally only able to imagine the various costs we have but surely unable to say numbers. Not sure what is our power bill, don't know what is the provider fee for the site management and hosting, site band width/traffic fee, etc. Yes we can limit band width, implement payable mods or add-on modules which go to cover site costs, etc. Some will be OK with our users some will start to complain, each for their own reasons...
  15. After completing the basic flight tests, heading to paintshop for proper finish and system calibration...
  16. Sent what I could spare this month via Paypal, should be there in few days.
  17. Top Ten FPS Games

    I only play are the STALKER trilogy and the Mass Effect trilogy from that type. Own few more but hardly played them through even once.
  18. I normally use X axis as rotation, that way no special RotationAxis= entries required in the data.ini.
  19. Yes it is, only, progresses as life allows. Single seater is almost at finish line, dual seat version is under chisel and hammer getting a facelift at the moment.
  20. Welcome to the club! If you looking for the mirage3O you can find it at the ThirdWire online store at this page down the middle, contains 3 versions and 5 skins sets for each: https://store.thirdwire.com/store_dlc.htm
  21. dawn.....

    From the album screens

    WIP bird
  22. Structurally the 21 was a very well build machine, it broke harder than its pilot, also all russian AC was build with unprepared runway operation capability, which they practice almost each year. the wing shape and size would gave more issue...
  23. You can try to set up the Masurca like the SA2 missile. the booster should fall of if you determine in the data.in BoosterNodeName=booster <---- or what you named it.

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