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Everything posted by logan4

  1. img04868

    From the album screens

    Sun & Moon rise over Iceland
  2. EricJ, my post was never ment for anyone to feel like that, I know you make great skins(+other mods) and upload anything you can share as well as other modders do. Simply ment "everyone's free choice is what they share and what they don't" and no one can be blamed for it or things can't be demanded. Many times happened that a modder lost everything or bigger part of their work due to HD faliures and sort, so simply sometimes there could be nothing to give even if it is asked for. Beside, I myself thought too that they were uploaded at some point in the past...
  3. In case you got Gimp or any other drawing program which handles layers you can make one by modifying an already existing skin. Unfortunately not each plane has a template in circulation so that leaves plenty of practice options creating templates. That is your easiest way. SF1 and SF2 knowledge base has many data or links to more advanced knowledge/technics on it. Most of us started that way and still do where there are no released or shared templates. No modder can be forced or obliged to give anything to anyone. All our creations - or at least most - is free and given for free by its creator. If they share a model great, if share a skin or template, campaign, terrain is all their will and kindness. We get it for free and we share it with each other for free for our passion. Asking nicely might help but take no guaranty.
  4. Yes as Fubar wrote. btw sorry for being a bit unspecific...
  5. Very nice looking, can't wait for it... Russ, one thing I noted is that the gun vents are off (actually on all released mig29 skins so far not only the one above) in case want to modify before release. They are located a bit back, something like on my attached WIP skin.
  6. For the hook instead of SystemType=ARRESTOR_HOOK try SystemType=ARRESTER_HOOK I think thats only a type-o. Btw, nice plane. Also (might not needed) RetractTime=2.0 or something similar
  7. I think the R27 and R73 is covered by silverbolt's pack: http://combatace.com/files/file/9250-hd-russiansoviet-aams-for-sf2/
  8. " i think i have to release a missile pack" :biggrin:Yes, you should ;o) very nice work
  9. "How do I get the F4F's to upgrade later to say F4U's or for the Navy, F6Fs? Anyway to get that upgrade fairly quickly?" You will have to set the upgrade type to fixed with a specific date in the campaign_data.ini. Like in following example (using A-4 as xmpl): UpgradeType=FIXED Upgrade[01].Date=9/28/1961 Upgrade[01].Type=A-4C Upgrade[02].Date=3/12/1963 Upgrade[02].Type=A-4E Most campaign uses "Upgrade[01].Year" statement.
  10. Maybe has nothing to do with it but some of the 'Nation=' call outs are out of sink for japan. In ground unit you listed it as "Empire of Japan" in air unit it is listed as "Japanese Empire"
  11. Thank you very much and your very welcome.
  12. Thanks Erik for making the donate option working again. I sent a gift for the site, should be there in few days. Merry Xmas
  13. Heading home

    From the album screens

  14. Hi, I am working on a model and during its mapping process noticed some incorrect polys and corrected these while still having mapping assigned. It created a strange multiplying event in the number of vertices. For example mesh "APU-68ume_L" (see attached pic) If I look at the mesh in max it shows 471 vertices. When I export it the "no decals" option shows some 929 and the one with "decals" show 2814. 938 polys which also close to double the actual count in max. I tried the "resetXform" function of max and remapped the object but was no change. Is there any trick to get back to the original numbers of 450+poly and 560+vertex. Or my only option is to recreate the mesh again from scratch? Thanks any input in advance!
  15. Thank you very much guys the info . I thought it handles editpolys as polys(square/triangle) and editmeshes as face (only triangle). Then I go on, i believed I really messed up something. One more thing learned....
  16. Thanks the info Russo. I'm not sure as I created and worked with Editable poly mode for me easier to manipulate the object that way. As of now found 2 other loose vertex so the count vent down to 469 vertices and 490 polys - based on the mesh "object properties" data. I had few minutes today and found if I convert the mesh from editpoly to editable mesh than the numbers in the "no decal" export are identical to the number of faces count in the max file. Somehow the exporter converts it to editable mesh? Probably there where my headache comes from...
  17. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Rog, you missed the point again. The point is that no one can predict what will be the reactions of others to any sudden - even sometimes funny - tricks, pranks, jokes or even predict that the prank will go down the way they expect in their planing. 22 years ago while in the army, at the base there were two best friends in the guard squad. Very close to the end of their service time they were in the readyness room, loaded weaps, live ammo, etc. One of them from joke pointed the AMD65 at the head of his friend with only one hand, but the same time he miscalculated the weight of the msg and his finger slipped to the trigger to keep it in the air he wanted. The only problem was the weap was on single round setting and he splattered his friend's brain all over the wall. Did he broke some regulations, yes certainly, but hey, it did look like a funny joke to begin with.
  18. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    The video maybe, but the situations are not. The thing is, at certain times cute little things can go haywire. That is the point. I know couple of handbreaks or broken noses or other material damages made when others thought "that was funny". It is hard to calculate the actual reactions from people even we think we know well, and if more person is involved in the surroundings of the event those can accumulate to unforeseen mix of consequences.
  19. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Well, pranks go bad unintentionally see for yourself. Does not mater how fairly innocuous prank that is. This is just one example. Wonder what htey told to the kid's parents.
  20. morteza, did you try out cocas' apu-60-1 rail? it is in the download section at the bellow link http://combatace.com...13461-apu-60-1/
  21. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Actually you can never be sure about where the other person is or what is their limits in getting over the edge. In my area and close family I have 2 person with "successful" and 2 other with attempted suicide. They were "normal" in any respect but there were just that one data or info/situation which would be no problem in any other given time, but then and there pushed them over the edge. Specially when someone deals with people on the phone. Even a simple joke can be misunderstood and have serious consequences. The thing is, only she has all the data, we others can only speculate about details and the correct why's it did happen. A free media for me does not mean "free to do anything" media. They should all abide the laws of their own country and if from abroad, then the given country's law system too where they "work".
  22. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    Yeap, with steel toed boots! Peoples responses are varying from each in this situation. Also probably we didn't got every details, media tends to do that. If that prank really caused her flip, than both person should financially fill up the place of the mother for her family, at least until both attends schools of any form. Would be good taking a full investigation on the radio station's pranking events. That should alert all other stations to stop doing these pranks. Yes, prank can be fun at the time but truly nobody thinks over any side effects their act might have. Only when something goes haywire, but then its too late to "be sorry about it".
  23. Virtual airshow VFAT2012

    The VFAT2012 - 8th is its event - is ongoing currently from 7dec to 9 dec. All schedule times are for GMT. Enjoy! Live stream link: http://www.virtual-airshows.com/english/vfat-tv Schedule link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aj-5PTSoVZU2dDNhRXR1dmZMczR0RnIxcERlMzltSlE#gid=0
  24. On the MiG-15 see the linked picture, it is item 132 -a foldable light (pic is 7MB if downloaded). Also on the 2nd link there is a photo of the MiG15UTI which shows clearly the lamp. Based on that 2 you can set your parameters. As "SystemName[005]=Right/LeftLandingLight" should be added to the entries of "LeftWing" and "RightWing" - according to each. Then with Trial and error you can home in on the exact location and make the entries after the pisition lights at the end of the _data.inis. But to be honest I think not all the MiG15 variants had landing lights. http://www.google.co...mig15-ecorche(2) http://www.airliners...edc2e7f86fd6b6b

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