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Everything posted by logan4

  1. Hello Gents, Sorry for getting back so late but, haven't got much time recently. So far not much progress, but noticed a vierd thing. If I use the older, not the dec2010 max exporter, than in the F6 view it zooms off from the plane to about 200m. It is still better than the 106004800300000km I had with that same exporter a year ago. With the dec exporter the "F" views work normally. If anyone has some notion about that please share. Thank you very much in advance. Logan4
  2. Hunter F.58 is the Swiss version of F.6 with air-to-ground features of FGA.9, modified to carry AIM-9s in 1963, and uprated engine in 1970 as F.58A. Includes 3 player aircraft versions with 2 Swiss Air Force texture sets.
  3. Hi russouk, Might not the full handling but the DecalNumberEnd=21 should say DecalNumberEnd=20 as you have only 10 numbers not 11. I had similar issue once and the game always tried to give that last number i had missing. It doesn't matter what is on the actual tga picture or list file as serial. Also try what florian wrote above. logan4
  4. TK uploaded a quickpatch to the sep update. In case you have the stuttering on your sys, try it out and please let TK know your results or experience. http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=8660&start=20 Please note, it is still a beta to trying to resolve fully the problem, so might not work for eveyone, but certainly the data could help him to sort out the possible causes. Read on at the link above. BR, logan4
  5. Just pure luck, log-ed in to see if there is anything new..and there it was sitting 1min old, I could not resist ;o)
  6. Quick peak in versions.ini: StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic=FALSE
  7. Yes, they are only linked, no mesh groups in the model.
  8. I got some starting "results". First I rem-ed the above in all items, I and my wingy managed to crash on the runway without freez in the game. Next try I enabled all min-max extent and the plane was only reported "damaged" me still being alive, but the srceen itself was a big white image and speed and altitude readout was 1kts and 1ft. Aside the whiteness and unable to get an outside - F5,F6,F10 view of my own plane the game was running the wingies still in landing patern. I use the following sounds which I listed in the data.ini. They are all located in the sound folder, and other planes using them have no landing issues. [sound] WindSoundName=USNwind StallSoundName=USNstall EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=Xle2 DamagedEngineSound=USNovsp FlapsSoundName=USNflaps AirbrakesSoundName=AirBrakes GearsSound=Gear LandingSoundName=TireTouch So going for check all collision data. Just for clarification, originally I used the mesh connection/touch points to each other. Was I on the right track or way off in my methode? Again thanks all the info and the help you gusy gave logan4
  9. ErikGen, The only difference in the model is that I have the landing gear open. Attached some pics. Others did not tried out my models yet as I thought it is better to send over if I have it working properly in my installs then can be tested on various systems and I wasn't sure that if I ever get to the finish line on it. Thank you the info on the decal solution. Since 3 of you advice on the ini problem, after work I gonna start to look it through searching for the missing mesh or colision points mistakes. Thank you for the infos and the data. Have a great day/night for all! Logan4
  10. SF2 DLC 008: J 34 Hunter F.50 Swedish Air Force is out.2 aircraft and 4 skin. Also there is a hotfix for those who had problems with decals after the august patch. Happy hounting!
  11. Since its still planing.. the area on the pic allows for the yugoslavian wars/nato, Stary's Belarus idea, a 56 scenario in the hungarian revolution, 68 czech intervention, an all out push from bulgaria/romania/hungary in a fictional cold war scenario against the balcan/italy and central europe countires, or a very fictional croatian-hungarian allyship wars to regain their theritories owned before the trianon peace treaty...
  12. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    Hello, franklin the 3rd is on the way with paypall so should be there in few days.
  13. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    A second transfer with PayPal on the way, same like before
  14. falcon - in an other cloth

    From the album screens

  15. "brotherhood"

    From the album screens

  16. CombatAce Needs Your Help

    Since my status was inorder, a PayPal fr...n on the way. At the moment that I can spare.
  17. Looks great Spinners. Do you plane to release it?
  18. Glad to be help. Regarding the decal positions I'm afraid to say it is a trial and error series. If you didn't yet checked out, then I suggest TK's decal tutorial, out of it page 4 is respective. For basic positions you can use the appropiate view of max and with the cursor you can determine approx value. Then in the game you can see howmuch more to move and if needed also what modifications you have to make to the scale and/or rotation of the decal. The values are in meters. You can find it here: http://combatace.com/index.php?autocom=downloads&showfile=345
  19. Regarding question no1, There is a min-max extent script in the SF1 utilities section. It gives the extent data for all components comprising your model. Downloads> Strike Fighters / Wings Over Vietnam / Wings Over Europe / Wings Over Israel by Thirdwire> Strike Fighters 1 Series by Thirdwire> SF/WO* Utilities/Editors> Min Max extents http://combatace.com/files/file/10253-min-max-extents/ It has the description how to install it and use it. It does work in 3dmax2k9 also. Great model, congrats!
  20. That can be also out of range. Try to change it back to the original: OverheatTemp=750.0 DamageTempDelta=300.0
  21. I dig this line "DecalNumberBlockSize=26". Makes life a bit easier....
  22. Both Files in the SF2E\Flight\MissionData001.cat files of your main game install. I used sf2e as example.
  23. Unfortunate... Do you have "Active@ File Recovery" software? Might able to salvage it.. Just a thought. If not look around at the following address: http://www.file-recovery.net/download.htm L

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