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Everything posted by ndicki

  1. Later... Still not going to win prizes for elegance, but...
  2. OK, so it's blocky, disappears at certain angles (????? Why? Admittedly, it isn't textured, only coloured in MAX) and it's in the wrong place - BUT IT IS THERE! Using the false fuel tank principal. Now I have to read more about that bloody modelling program before I can go much further.
  3. That is one major problem with SF. 3DS MAX. It costs a fortune to buy - we looked while a gang of us were wondering where to go after CFS3 - and even if it is apparently easier to use than GMAX, nobody's going to pay that kind of money just to pass the time. Why TK didn't go for GMAX, I don't know - he'll have his reasons, I'm sure, but I wish... I could do it myself, given probably several hours (!) in GMAX. Or if there were a GMAX exporter... They have a 30-day trial version. In 30 days, with my incredible modelling abilities, I may just work out how to make a cube or something. In GMAX, they have a "make-a-teapot" button. I'm good at making teapots. In fact, that's about all I've really ever managed. The funny thing is that as a rule, the modellers can't paint, and the painters can't model. Wonder why!
  4. It'd be better than the bloody awful stock UI music, in any case!
  5. No probs. That is something I can do. Check this Hunter: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37734 I need someone to knock out a pylon/rail, though, that I can fit here. It could go in as a fake pilot or as a fixed drop tank, if I've understood the work-arounds. Hey, anybody got "I wish I was a blue job" by John Edmond? Mine's gone funny. I was thinking we could use it somewhere. "I wouldn't have to walk if I could fly..." I should have listened!
  6. OK, except that I said "rail" for "pylon with a rail". Look on the bright side - I've understood how it works! I did hunt through the weapons packs I've got to see what there might be, but there wasn't. Know any easily-tameable modellers?
  7. Spot on. The SAAF never used Hunters, primarily because they'd already been excluded from the Commonwealth for being "unmentionable"; so they got Mirages instead in 1963, to replace their Sabres. This Hunter can only be Rhodesian - and the paint scheme corresponds to what was in service at the time. Goes to show, though!
  8. And fitting it with Sidewinders. Yes, that shocked me, too. At least two Hunters were equipped with IRMs by SAAF workshops in early 1979. I didn't know, either.
  9. Fair enough, I stand corrected as far as SAAF is concerned. But what I said is still valid for the RhAF! Back to painting that Hunter...
  10. Ah, you see, the advantage of experience. You know what you don't know.
  11. Ag, yes. Long time. Age. Debilitude. When's my nurse coming with the medicine?
  12. Steady, china, steady - the AC-47 is a strictly American concept and was not adopted by any other Armed Forces. To begin with, it's a rich country's aircraft - look at the expenditure in rifle ammunition. Rhodesia could not afford that kind of wastage. And frankly, I'm not certain that the AC-47 was any more effective than a couple of golf bombs, despite the obvious psychological impact. The Dak was used both by RhAF and SAAF as a transport/psyops aircraft - it was not armed and did not carry out (therefore) any kind of strike. It was however used for dropping parachutists as part of the "Fireforce" concept.
  13. Gyaaaaargh! I hate people who remind me of things like that! Thanks, anyway. I've fixed it by importing the last weapons pack, and I'll go from there. Seems to be working so far...
  14. I confirm. I've just updated an existing install with the October Update, and there is no weaponsdata.dat or .ini to be found. Only the stock weapons appear to be available, and how they come to work, I have no idea. Any suggestions? Copying the missing files over from another install does not work.
  15. I'm trying to find a nice, credible cockpit for the Rhodesian Gina I'm working on, and so far, the best I've found is the one from the Hawk T.1, which is based on the one from the F-86. (See this thread - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34400) I don't want to step on anybody's toes, so obviously, I need to ask permission from all those who were involved in its building (I've seen the freeware agreement - count me in, for what it's worth!), but I want to be absolutely sure. As I'm new round here, I don't know many people yet... So, does anybody know who I should ask? Thanks!
  16. If you haven't read Larry Bond's "Red Storm Rising", do so. It's a highly plausible account of a second Korean War, and there'll be quite a lot in there that might give you some inspiration. Sounds good...
  17. On its way. Still a few bits to be polished, but it'll do for the time being.
  18. Ah, OK - that's why I didn't get what you meant! No, painted helmets are an American thing. The RhAF didn't do it. Helmets were just basic white, except for some Fireforce chopper crews, who daubed them with aircraft paint. Overalls were simply RAF-type olive green, with rank braid on the epaulettes, and wings - no name or anything - sewn directly on in the usual place on the left breast. Dead boring! "Zimbabwe Ruins" is a goodie. That's John Edmond. Have you heard this one about Bob? Killing. Edit: If you PM me with your e-mail, I'll send the Gina.
  19. Eish, gimme a chance, china! I can't do everything all at the same time!
  20. How do you mean? If you mean aircraft paint colours, it's standard BS381C Dark Earth and Dark Green - the same colours as used in WW2. Undersides were usually painted with dark earth, but could be sky, azure blue or aluminium. (No RAF or Commonwealth aircraft is every left natural metal, by the way.) The RGB values I use are: Dark Earth : 110, 93, 63 Dark Green : 68, 76, 56 If you wait a bit, I'll send you the Gina, complete with the photoshop templates, etc. By the way, I've got permission to use the Hawk cockpit, too. And if you want photos of uniform, give me a while to dig mine out, and I'll get on with it. Good video, even if I don't always like Clem Tholet. And that isn't one of his best, either! Smithy's son-in-law, though, so he must have been a decent enough guy.
  21. Thanks, guys - made my day! That pit is a nice bit of work, and it looks miles more credible than the current stock A-4 one.
  22. And I've started work on my own 100% new skin for the Hunter, in high-res, too. The current skins are 512x512, and it's a bit small. As it was originally intended for AI-only, fair enough, but I want to do a really nice one. Don't know if I will manage - graphics in SF are not quite the same as in CFS3. CFS3 is far, far sharper.
  23. They look beautiful! Thanks!
  24. Ag, that's a shame. We were looking forward to this, as well. Sorry your trouble was for nothing.

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