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Everything posted by ndicki

  1. OK, I've just stumbled across Bunyap's website. Looks as though I wasn't the first to get that idea... http://www.bunyap2w1.com/ Lots of goodies - if you don't already know!
  2. Here you go - I've included an external view to show the canopy structure. The paint job is WIP, which I'll release once I.ve finished, got permission, etc, etc. I'd like to release it as a stand-alone with the P-40 cockpit included, and the one or two tweaks I've put it, but we'll see.
  3. I'm flying the T-6 Harvard equipped with UV-32 rocket pods. For some reason, on this aircraft, they fire downwards at a marked angle of some 10 degrees, although on other aircraft, they launch at 0 degrees. I have tried modifying the angle of the pylons (normally 0.0,0.0,0.0) to 0.0,10.0,0.0 and this changes the visual appearance of the pods/pylons, but not the launch angle. Funnily enough, changing the first co-ordinates to angle left or right does change the launch angle. When I use gunpods, they do more-or-less coincide with the gunsight. You'll see what I mean from the screenies - on one you can clearly see the rocket leaving the pod at a very strange angle. Any bright ideas, anyone?
  4. Bang on - it was set to -1.5, would you believe! Setting it to =1 does the job perfectly. Thanks!
  5. Thanks, Ravenclaw - that looks promising.
  6. Already tried, as per the initial post - thanks anyway.
  7. I have a number of theoretically separate installs; SFG, SFG_Europe, SFG_Israel, etc, etc. Is it possible for an object installed in, say, SFG Israel to look for a texture file , insignia, etc, in the standard SFG install or outside an install altogether? For example, I am having loads of fun with the MiG-19PM, which shows with a camouflaged radar nose on a silver aircraft. I have searched not just my SFG_Africa install, but all the others, too, and cannot find this camouflaged nose. And so on. All I can find are the silver texture files, which the object is not using. Maddening! Anybody got any ideas?
  8. And it isn't dates, either. Is there another Sov radar nose other than 19PM and 17PF that it might be getting confused with? SFG does seem to do its own thing with regard to loadouts.
  9. Well, I don't have WOI, so my Israel install is a bits-and-pieces; in other words, the aircraft concerned are all pretty well as downloaded. Now here's the fun bit - I got sick of this, so I hex-edited the 19 and 17 noses referred to by the loadout.ini, and changed the names of the bmp files they use. 19PPM.BMP became 19_MY.bmp, and MiG-17PFU.bmp became MiG-17_MY.bmp. Both are the "issue" silver textures. And it didn't change one little thing. Not one. Dates. Must check that, if there is another nose type out there which it's picking up on. Meanwhile, here's a screenie to keep you amused!
  10. File Name: F-86F-30FB 2Sqn SAAF Korea File Submitter: ndicki File Submitted: 30 Mar 2008 File Category: F-86 F-86F-30 Sabre, No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, Korea, 1953. No.2 Squadron "The Flying Cheetahs" served throughtout the Korean War, attached to the USAF 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing. Intially flying F-51D Mustangs, they were converted onto Sabres in January 1953. This is a rebadged stand-alone of the F-86F-30 Sabre contained in the package put together by USAFMTL, David Zurawski, Jimmy Bib, Fubar 512 and Tazkiller; please read the enclosed "Original Read Me" for details of credits. My only contribution involves decalling, some nationality tweaking and hangar/loading screens. Click here to download this file
  11. Another question... There's an RCN skin for a Fairey Firefly in the downloads section, but... no Firefly, or at least, none that I can find. I have used the search tool, for what it's worth, and been through the files manually. No joy. Any suggestions, please?
  12. Thanks. I'll see what I can find.
  13. I felt like doing a mod of the F-86F-30 Sabre for No.2 Sqn South African Air Force, in Korea - not for release until I get permission, if I could figure out quite who to ask! But - as you'll see from one of the screenies, I'm getting linear bleeding along the fuselage, and underneath, in the form of heavy black lines. Is there some way to fix this? I also had it from the squadron insignia, just aft of the guns, so I had to place it in the bmp instead of using a decal. Thanks for any help!
  14. Talos, did you say... A CHEETAH? (Happy, happy, happy!)
  15. Pity. It's the final, most highly evolved variant of the Mirage, in many respects. Though if this sim is for combat, well, the Cheetah finally didn't. That hasn't stopped people modelling a lot of other aircraft which didn't either, though.
  16. It's up. By the way, PGC, with all thiose Mirages you've got - anybody thought of doing a Cheetah?
  17. F-86F-30FB 2Sqn SAAF Korea



    F-86F-30 Sabre, No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, Korea, 1953. No.2 Squadron "The Flying Cheetahs" served throughtout the Korean War, attached to the USAF 18th Fighter-Bomber Wing. Intially flying F-51D Mustangs, they were converted onto Sabres in January 1953. This is a rebadged stand-alone of the F-86F-30 Sabre contained in the package put together by USAFMTL, David Zurawski, Jimmy Bib, Fubar 512 and Tazkiller; please read the enclosed "Original Read Me" for details of credits. My only contribution involves decalling, some nationality tweaking and hangar/loading screens.
  18. Sorry if this is a thick question, but I'm going round and round here... Got an aeroplane I'd like to upload, but I don't know how! Also I need info on such things as thumbnail size, etc, etc. Thanks!
  19. Thanks! Sounds simpler than some I've known. Good news. Edit: All done. SAAF rebadge of the late model Sabre...
  20. Cheers, Kevin! Uploading soon - just got permission.
  21. Bleeding fixed. The decals did not have a wide enough border. Learning curve, here we come...
  22. Bang on - thanks. All sorted out, including the squadron badge.
  23. I think that may be it - let me test it out. As the letters are pretty large, I did use most of the available vertical space in the image file. Thanks!
  24. Getting there - new decals, serials and codes, but I'm getting bleeding on the nose section and fuselage - thick black lines along and underneath the fuselage, caused by the large individual letter. I got the same thing for the squadron insignia on the nose, so I had to fix it into the skin, instead. Is there a known work-round for this? It is my first SFP1 mod, so be charitable! And then - who can give me permission to upload, please?

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