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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, MEF

    Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, Middle East Forces, late 1942 onwards.


    These will add an RAF-specific MkIXc version of the Spitfire included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for early production F.MkIXc ("MkIXA") aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the period.


    A large number of early MkIX aircraft were conversions from MkV airframes; if you look up the serials of these aircraft, they will fall in blocks attributed to MkVs. All the aircraft represented in this pack were either converted to MkIX standard, or in the earliest MkIX production blocks.


    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


  2. @ ndicki - Great work with the Spits!


    Slightly OT but I'd really love to have one with normal (unclipped) wings and the pointy fin/rudder - just like the old Matchbox kit!


    So would I! But unfortunately, there are only the two, rather than the... ten or twelve variants I'd like to see! A MkVIIIc would be useful, too, as well as a MkIX/XVI with a cut-down fuselage. Just for starters! Anyway, it's keeping me out of trouble for the time being. Mustang's next, too.


    The Matchbox kit was real rubbish, though, be honest. Almost as bad as the ancient Airfix MkIX that they are still selling!

  3. Spitfire LF.MkXVIe, RAF

    Spitfire MkXVIe, RAF 1944-45


    These will add an RAF-specific MkXVIe version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for LF.XVIe aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2. The only difference between MkIX and MkXVI aircraft was that the MkXVI substituted a Packard-built Merlin for the original Rolls Royce. HF, F and LF variants were parallel.


    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


  4. Spitfire MkIXe Royal Danish Air Force

    Spitfire MkIXe Royal Danish Air Force, 1945-1955


    This will add an RDAF-specific version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes correct serial numbers for all airworthy RDAF MkIXe aircraft.


    Unfortunately, the LF.IX is not correct for the RDAF, as all MkIX aircraft in service with the RDAF were HF.MkIXs. I can not correct this myself, but if somebody else could, it would be a useful addition. The visual model is in any case identical. Danish Spitfires had rounded or clipped wingtips indifferently, and as these were interchangeable, a photograph of any particular aircraft will only show the configuration of that aircraft on that day. The "LF," "F" or "HF" designation concerns only the engine variant, not the wingtips, canopy type or armament fit.


    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


  5. The Universal wing was actually the C-wing, since it could mount anything from 8 .303 Brownings to 4 20mm Hispano cannons...of course C-wing Spitfires usually carried the same armament as the B-Wing.


    I think you could also mount two .50 cal MGs and 2 Hispano cannons, but judging how these guns were mounted on the E-wing, that was probably done only as a field modification.


    FYI, I have a rather complete list of all RAF squadrons that have flown the Spitfire...



    Useful! Thanks.

  6. Spitfire MkIXe RAF Middle East Forces

    Spitfire MkIXe RAF Desert Air Force mod.


    These will add an RAF-specific Desert Land Scheme version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for late-build LF.IX aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2.


    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


  7. Spitfire MkIXe RAF North West Europe

    Spitfire MkIXe RAF North West Europe mod.


    These will add an RAF-specific Day Fighter Scheme version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for late-build LF.IX aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2.


    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.



    Serial numbers can drive you nuts :crazy:


    LoL! Tell me about it! I'm doing the Mustang MkIV as well - that's even worse. Most sources give three blocks of s/ns, which is correct, but neglect to tell you that the final block (KM744 - KM799) was not fulfilled...


    All the Spits I've done so far correspond to late-build LF.MkIX aircraft, though as the armament fit wasn't recorded - Universal wings, by that point - I can't guarantee whether they were fitted with C-type or E-type armament. And I haven't checked which squadrons they served with! Sometimes you have to draw the line somewhere, and SF isn't the same as modelling individual aircraft.


    I will take all them thank you! Love the Spitfire.




    Uploading just as soon as I can make it comprehensible!

  9. Just off the top of my head, Y2 is No. 442 Sqn RCAF. Later converted to Mustang IVs.


    Have you jumbled the s/ns and individual letters? One of the most unrealistic and annoying things the SF series does in attribute individual letters, serials, etc, in strict order - 000=A, 001=B, 002=C and so on. So you end up with Red Flight in A, B, C and D, Blue Flight in E, F, G and H, and so forth. Totally unrealistic. But if you start with 000=D, 001=K, 002=B, etc, then it looks better... My two penny's worth, in any case!

  10. (Hello all - Back again after a while!)


    I've been fiddling with the new SF2I Expansion Pack Spitfire - the stock markings are OK-ish for post-war Spits at a pinch, but to be honest, they still needed work. So I've been busy.


    As these stand, I've done set-ups for MkIXs in Middle East and Home/NWE colours typical of 1943-45. You get correct RAF markings, serial numbers, individual letters and squadron codes that correspond to mid-late War deployments. If I get very creative, other things may follow... If anyone's interested, I'll try and sort out the bits into some sort of coherent package and upload it over the next few days.

  11. Hi Stan! Long time, no see...


    True - in the film, he played Howard, while another actor played Capt. Richard Todd of 7 PARA. Odd...


    Makes a change from today's actors, who would faint and go weak at the knees at the prospect of doing anything remotely dangerous or bellicose. It used to take real men to play real men...


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