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Files posted by ndicki

  1. Spitfire MkI, No.66 Sqn RAF, 1939

    Spitfire MkI, No.66 Sqn, Royal Air Force, Duxford, September 1940
    Operating from Duxford, No.66 was the second squadron after No.19 to convert to the Spitfire in November 1938. During early 1939, the highly coloured Type A1 roundels on the fuselage and mainplanes (see my 19 Sqn 1938 Spitfire) were toned down and replaced by more discreet Type B markings as here. Squadron codes were initially "RB" but during the reshuffle which took place in the course of 1939, these became the "LZ" codes which were subsequently carried throughout the War.
    The markings are typical of the period from early 1939 up until early 1940; although the uppersurfaces roundels remained of Type B until late in the War, fuselage roundels changed yet again at the beginning of 1940 to move back to red-white-and-blue Type A roundels. Black-and-white undersides were replaced by Sky according to AM Signal X915 of 6th June 1940. In common with many of the early Spitfires which were delivered with undersides painted Aluminium, this aircraft's ailerons were left in aluminium paint when the black-and-white scheme was applied. This was ostensibly to prevent "balancing problems" and is commonly seen on many fighter types of the immediate pre-War period.
    Serial numbers given in the menu list correspond to aircraft used by 66 Squadron during 1939.
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Includes 2048 and 1024 size skin sheets.
    Model by Third Wire
    Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, data.ini modifications, formations, sounds and assembly by ndicki
    Guns by AvHistory


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  2. Spitfire MkI, No.19 Sqn RAF, October 1938

    Spitfire MkI, No.19 Sqn, Royal Air Force, Duxford, Autumn 1938
    The first operational RAF Spitfire was K9787 which arrived at Duxford airfield on 4th August 1938, followed by K9792 on 16th. 19 Squadron was tasked with getting up to 400 hours as quickly as possible onto these two airframes, in order to test the Spitfire's long-term serviceability. Other than some trouble caused by weak undercarriage legs, there was very little to report, other than a number of cases of a phenomenon called "Spitfire knuckle" - sometimes severely grazed on the inside of the fuselage while pumping the undercarriage up!
    These initial batches of Spitfires were finished on the uppersurfaces in the Temperate Land Scheme of Dark Earth and Dark Green, with Aluminium undersides. (It is worth noting that in the RAF, aircraft are systematically painted with Aluminium paint rather than left natural metal.) Unfortunately the SF game engine does not allow for specular layers, and so the undersides appear simply pale grey. The Type A1 roundels were soon replaced by more sombre blue-and-red B Types. Finally, the figure '19' in flight colours on the tailfin was applied only briefly, possibly only for a series of air-to-air photographs taken on 31st October 1938. Underwing serials were carried in the normal way.
    Serial numbers given in the menu list correspond to aircraft used by 19 Squadron during late 1938 and early 1939. Where a pilot has been identified as having flown a particular aircraft (The Royal Air Force did not attribute aircraft to particular pilots, although many did tend to have their favourites) that pilot has been listed in the menu.
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Includes 2048 and 1024 size skin sheets and new loading screen sounds.
    Model by Third Wire
    Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, data.ini modifications, formations, sounds and assembly by ndicki
    Guns by AvHistory


       (1 review)



  3. Spitfire MkI, No.54 Sqn RAF, May 1940

    Spitfire MkI, No.54 Sqn, Royal Air Force, Hornchurch, May 1940
    Operating from Hornchurch in Essex, No.54 was one of the Fighter Command squadrons tasked with defending the BEF and Royal Navy in Northern France, especially during Operation Dynamo, the withdrawal from Dunkirk. At this time, the squadron was led by S/L James Leathart, and included two Pilot Officers from New Zealand who were to make quite a name for themselves, namely Alan Deere and Colin Gray. Alan Deere's autobiography "Nine Lives" is well worth reading, and gives a clear idea of what it was like to be one of the Few, before, during and after the Battle.
    The markings are typical of the period and include the fin flash and underwing roundels which were used at the time only on those Home-based aircraft operating over the French mainland. Black-and-white undersides were replaced by Sky according to AM Signal X915 of 6th June 1940, although it would be mid-August at the earliest before significant quantities of this new shade were generally available.
    Serial numbers given in the menu list correspond to aircraft used by 54 Squadron during May 1940. In common with a number of fighter squadrons in 1939 and early 1940, however, 54 Sqn painted out the serial numbers on the aircraft, and the corresponding decals are therefore not included in this pack. Where a pilot has been identified as having flown a particular aircraft (The Royal Air Force did not attribute aircraft to particular pilots, although many did tend to have their favourites) that pilot has been listed in the menu.
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Includes 2048 and 1024 size skin sheets.
    Model by Third Wire
    Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, data.ini modifications, formations, sounds and assembly by ndicki
    Guns by AvHistory


       (1 review)



  4. Spitfire MkIa, No.610 Sqn RAF, August 1940

    Spitfire MkIa, No.610 (County of Chester) Sqn, Auxiliary Air Force, Biggin Hill, August 1940
    No.610 Squadron received its Spitfires during late September and early October 1939, and moved to Biggin Hill on 8th July 1940 in time for the Battle of Britain. The Squadron stayed at Biggin until the very end of August, and bore the full brunt of the German offensive. By the end of August, it was utterly played out, and moved up to Acklington in Northumberland on 31st August.
    Serial numbers in this pack correspond to aircraft used by 610 Squadron during September 1940, although many of these aircraft were on strength only for some days, for obvious reasons. The individual letters and serial numbers of each aircraft correspond. Equally, where a pilot has been identified as having flown a particular aircraft (The Royal Air Force did not attribute aircraft to particular pilots, although many did tend to have their favourites) that pilot has been listed in the menu.
    The list is eloquent. Only two of the pilots listed survived unharmed. They majority of these men were under 25 years of age at the time of their deaths, and they made the ultimate sacrifice to ensure our freedom and independence today.
    This assumes that you have already installed the AvHistory Guns for SF2 and my 19 Squadron Spitfire MkI.
    Model by Third Wire
    Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, data.ini modifications, formations, sounds and assembly by ndicki
    Guns by AvHistory
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.


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  5. Spitfire LF.MkVIIIc, SEAC

    Spitfire LF.MkVIIIc, No.607 Sqn RAF, 1944-45
    No.607 (County of Durham) Sqn began flying on the Spitfire MkVIII in March 1944.
    The serial numbers included all correspond to LF.MkVIIIc aircraft built in late 1943 to early 1944 and shipped out to India.
    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    Decals, placement and data.ini modifications by ndicki
    The canopy is activated by toggling "shift 0" - RAF procedures dictated that the canopy should be open and locked back during take-off and landing.
    As the MkVIII had a retractable tail-wheel, I have removed the MkIX-type fixed tail-wheel.
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.


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  6. Hawk template, PSD format

    Layered PSD template for Russo_UK's BAe Hawk


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  7. Seafire MkIII, Irish Air Corps

    Seafire MkIII (Modified), No.1 Sqn, Irish Air Corps, 1947 - 1955
    The Irish Air Corps bought 12 Seafires in 1947; these were denavalised by removing the 'hook' and at least in most cases, locking the wing-fold joints. They were numbered from 146 to 157. There is still considerable debate among the Irish aviation historians as to the precise colour used; they were clearly painted overall with a greenish-grey shade, possibly MAP Light Slate Grey. No detailled information is available. I have simply used one of the stock TW skins, slightly modified, although it is not single colour as it should be.
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    DEcals and placement by ndicki


       (0 reviews)



  8. F-4D, ROKAF 1969

    MDD F-4D Phantom II, 110th TFS, 11th TFW, Republic of Korea Air Force, Taegu, from beginning 1969
    After some hard negotiating during 1968, ROKAF was given 18 F-4D aircraft in return for agreeing to transfer 36 on-loan F-5A/B aircraft (which ROKAF did not greatly appreciate in any case) to RVNAF. These aircraft were used by 110 Tactical Fighter Squadron, and supplemented by further deliveries over the years, remained in service with 110 and 151 TFS, 11th TFW until 2010. They retained their SEA camouflage at least into the 1980s.
    Serial numbers were simply based on the USAF serials, with the initial '6' removed - so the first aircraft delivered, USAF 64-0931, became ROKAF 40-931 and so forth.
    To the best of my knowledge, they did not participate in the Vietnam War, although given the Republic of Korea's considerable contribution to supporting South Vietnam, it is a reasonable what-if...


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  9. Spitfire MkIXc, No.303 (Kosciuszko Polish) Sqn RAF

    Spitfire MkIXc, No.303 (Kosciuszko Polish) Sqn RAF, 1943-44
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    DEcals and placement by ndicki


       (0 reviews)



  10. AvHistory WW2 Guns for SF2

    This file contains the major gun types used by the combatant nations (UK, USA, Germany, Japan, Italy, USSR, France) in World War Two, along with effects for the specific types of tracer colour used by each nationality.
    All the credit here goes to gregoryp and Bear of AvHistory
    As I have had to recompile the original file, please let me know IMMEDIATELY if anything appears incorrect or absent. Thanks!


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  11. Bf109g-10 JG 11 'Kanonenboot'

    Bf109g-10/U4, I./JG 11, Germany, Early 1945.
    By this date, JG 11 was equipped essentially with Bf109g-10 and g-14 aircraft.The yellow JG 11 Reich Defence fuselage band should not be confused with the narrower Eastern Front markings. THe yellow rudder should theoretically be accompanied by a yellow band around the nose - the final type of quick recognition markings introduced in early 1945. Needless to say, by this stage, official directives were not always scrupulously respected!
    Despite the fact that MG151/20 gondolas were rarely if ever fitted to g-10 type 109s, this aircraft has them fitted as standard for all air defence missions.
    For SF2 only.
    Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
    Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki


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  12. Bf109g-10 JG300

    Bf109g-10/U4, 2./JG 300, Borkheide, September 1944.
    JG 300 was originally created in July 1943 as a Wilde Sau free-range night-fighter Geschwader, but owing to the high accident rate and the relative lack of success, was
    transferred at the very beginning of 1944 to daylight operations.
    For SF2 only.
    Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
    Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki
    UPDATED! Now includes modified ini files for the Dev A-Team WGr.21 mortar!
    Thanks to Capun and Company!
    For those who downloaded the original version, the necessary inis are also available separately in the Weapons section.


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  13. WGr.21 Airborne Mortar tweaks

    Modified ini files for the Dev A Team WGr21 weapons add-on.
    You will need to download the original files here:
    Under "Weapons and Vehicles"
    This will modify the WGr21 projectiles into IRMs, but without the growl or ability to manoeuvre. Use as unguided rockets from a distance of about 800+ metres. Too close and you will find that your probability of missing actually gets higher - we have cheated a bit, in order to try and get as close as possible to the
    originals, which detonated automatically between 1000 and 1500 metres after launch, according to fuzing.
    These are anti-aircraft projectiles, and were not used against ground targets.
    For use with the JG 300 Bf109g-10 to be found here:
    Many thanks to Cesar 'Capun' Pun and the Dev A-Team for the visual models and skins, and for thinking up the initial idea!


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  14. Bf109g-10 JG 53

    Bf109g-10/U4, JG 53, Kirrlach, February 1945.
    By this date, JG 53 was equipped essentially with Bf109g-10 and k-4 aircraft, and had been absorbed completely into the Reich Defence organisation. The black fuselage band was attributed on 20/02/1945 in replacement of the earlier rust-red one.
    For SF2 only.
    Visual model, flight dynamics and original skin template: Monty_CZ
    Cockpit including original paintwork: Kesselbrut
    Skin, decals, partial cockpit repaint, ini tweaks and loading screen: ndicki


       (1 review)



  15. Spitfire MkIXc D-Day

    Spitfire MkIXc, No.312 (Czech) Squadron RAF, June-July 1944
    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.
    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire
    Cockpit by Kesselbrut
    DEcals and placement by ndicki


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  16. Mustang MkIV, Royal Air Force, 1944-45

    Mustang MkIV, Royal Air Force, 1945
    These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for Mustang MkIV aircraft of the RAF in early 1945. Admittedly, few RAF Mustangs remained unpainted, but there were some! The squadrons represented served in North-West Europe and in the Mediterranean area.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  17. Mustang MkIV, 5 Sqn SAAF

    Mustang MkIV, No. 5 Squadron, South African Air Force, Italy 1945
    These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for Mustang MkIV aircraft of the SAAF in Italy in early 1945.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  18. F-51D, Republic of Korea Air Force, 1950s

    F-51D, Republic of Korea Air Force
    These will add a specific version of the P-51D included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers and correct markings for F-51D aircraft of the Republic of Korea Air Force, early 1950s.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  19. Spitfire MkIXc, 31st FG USAAF, Tunisia

    Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, USAAF 309th Fighter Squadron, 31st Fighter Group, Tunisia, May 1943.
    These will add a USAAF-specific MkIXc version of the Spitfire included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes squadron and individual codes and correct USAAF markings for the period.
    31st FG originally flew Spitfire MkIXc aircraft; these were later replaced with the MkVIIIc, before the Group was finally equipped with P-51B/C Mustangs in mid-1944.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  20. Spitfire F.MkIXc, South African Air Force

    Spitfire MkIXc, No.4 Sqn, SAAF
    These will add a SAAF-specific MkIXc version of the Spitfire included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for early production F.MkIXc ("MkIXA") aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct SAAF markings for the period.
    A large number of early MkIX aircraft were conversions from MkV airframes; if you look up the serials of these aircraft, they will fall in blocks attributed to MkVs. All the aircraft represented in this pack were either converted to MkIX standard, or in the earliest MkIX production blocks.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  21. Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, MEF

    Spitfire F.MkIXc, early production, Middle East Forces, late 1942 onwards.
    These will add an RAF-specific MkIXc version of the Spitfire included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for early production F.MkIXc ("MkIXA") aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the period.
    A large number of early MkIX aircraft were conversions from MkV airframes; if you look up the serials of these aircraft, they will fall in blocks attributed to MkVs. All the aircraft represented in this pack were either converted to MkIX standard, or in the earliest MkIX production blocks.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  22. Spitfire LF.MkXVIe, RAF

    Spitfire MkXVIe, RAF 1944-45
    These will add an RAF-specific MkXVIe version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for LF.XVIe aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2. The only difference between MkIX and MkXVI aircraft was that the MkXVI substituted a Packard-built Merlin for the original Rolls Royce. HF, F and LF variants were parallel.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  23. Spitfire MkIXe Royal Danish Air Force

    Spitfire MkIXe Royal Danish Air Force, 1945-1955
    This will add an RDAF-specific version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes correct serial numbers for all airworthy RDAF MkIXe aircraft.
    Unfortunately, the LF.IX is not correct for the RDAF, as all MkIX aircraft in service with the RDAF were HF.MkIXs. I can not correct this myself, but if somebody else could, it would be a useful addition. The visual model is in any case identical. Danish Spitfires had rounded or clipped wingtips indifferently, and as these were interchangeable, a photograph of any particular aircraft will only show the configuration of that aircraft on that day. The "LF," "F" or "HF" designation concerns only the engine variant, not the wingtips, canopy type or armament fit.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  24. Spitfire MkIXe RAF Middle East Forces

    Spitfire MkIXe RAF Desert Air Force mod.
    These will add an RAF-specific Desert Land Scheme version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for late-build LF.IX aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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  25. Spitfire MkIXe RAF North West Europe

    Spitfire MkIXe RAF North West Europe mod.
    These will add an RAF-specific Day Fighter Scheme version of the Spitfire LF MkIXe included in the SF2 Israel Expansion Pack. Includes serial numbers for late-build LF.IX aircraft, squadron and individual codes and correct RAF markings for the later part of WW2.
    This will run only in SF2I or a merged install including SF2I and the SF2I Expansion Pack.


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