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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. The Saint-Cyr bourgeois you criticise are not the ones who decide the defence budget, I'm afraid to say. If they did, rather than the especially useless load of left-wing morons you elected recently, then this sort of thing would happen less frequently. Most of the older Saint-Cyr bourgeois have their own sons in the Forces too.


    Do not use the death of a good man as an excuse to vent your own ignorant social prejudice and score feeble political points.

  2. the stock ones (non Kitty dlc) would be stored in objectdatacats. 026, iirc


    Which I don't have, because it's SF2NA. Back to square 1...


    There is only one VX-4 tail marking in DLC Skins Pack & agressor tail patch for two skins. Rest - IIAF S/N, USN agressor numbers, sq names...


    The VX-4 marking comes with the F-4 skins DLC as well, so I've got that one. Others not...

  3. I haven't got NA because I'm still on WXP, so instead, I got the DLC Iranian F-14. It works. It's a nice model, etc, etc, but I thought it might be fun to reverse-engineer it into a USN aircraft. So with a bit of tinkering around, I found it still had the strike/attack weapons hardpoints, and with a bit of editing of the texture names, it can carry Pappychecksix's skins.


    But... I don't have the stock tail/ventral fin/etc markings that came with SF2NA, and that rather limits matters.


    So does anybody know if the USN F-14 skins in the DLC intended for the NA F-14 have ALL the necessary markings included, or do they rely on your having the original set from NA? In the first case, I'll get the extra skins, and in the second, it's not worth it.


    Over to you...

  4. I have a couple of weird what-if installs which involve European aircraft but few US-built ones, and no Soviet-built ones. Think of the break-up of the European Union, for example, with the continental Europeans led by France and Germany vs the Free Traders with the UK, Denmark, Norway and so on. It's mainly for single missions, and without any sort of campaign. The terrains are set up with limited nations, and the shortened nations.ini reflects this.


    I've deleted the usual culprits, the A-4s and F-4s except -F, -K and -M, the MiGs, etc, etc. And it works for a while, with RAF Phantoms vs Mirages and Luftwaffe F-104s... Until the game engine reloads the stock stuff and I end up with French MiG-21s and Luftwaffe MiG-17s against RAF F-4Es.


    It's driving me mad...


    So is there a way to stop it reinstalling all the stuff I don't want?

  5. Nigel, if you want the template, just ask!!! :biggrin:


    Got it already, thanks! Each one weighs about 80,000 KB... And there are a good ten or twelve. Don't ask me why my disks are saturated and my memory low...


    i dont know too lets someone does know to get in max after it in 3d max i can take the rest of the work just need it format i can load it in max whiout distorcions so i dont have to rebluid all of it!


    Er... What?

  6. And finding the bit for the oil coolers didn't take long - it's one of the places where the updated CFS3 texture map was changed from the original, which is being used here.


    This is Alec Lumsden's steed:













    If anybody's interested, I'll upload them, but for the time being, I don't have the time to go through the whole rigmarole of doing code letters and serial numbers - getting the panel lines to appear correctly across the codes takes ages...

  7. Well, it does seem to work. This is Sgt George Unwin's X4179 from No.19 Sqn, which as I said above, I did for CFS3. All I've done here is export it as a BMP file, although it does need the oil cooler, etc, painting in.


    Interestingly, the mapping on the cockpit door is out of line. It was on Patrick Didier's, as well, and I had to ask the modeller responsible for upgrading it in CFS3 to get it sorted out - although offhand, they do not appear to be the same model.


    In any case, a welcome addition! Well done chaps!














  8. Seafire MkIII (Modified), Irish Air Corps

    Seafire MkIII (Modified), No.1 Sqn, Irish Air Corps, 1947 - 1955


    Completely new version.


    The Irish Air Corps bought 12 Seafires in 1947; these were denavalised by removing the 'hook' and at least in most cases, locking the wing-fold joints. They were numbered from 146 to 157. There is still considerable debate among the Irish aviation historians as to the precise colour used; they were clearly painted overall with a greenish-grey shade, possibly MAP Light Slate Grey. No detailled information is available.


    I have included the serials for the 6 Spitfire T.MkIX aircraft also acquired by the Irish Air Corps, in order to make up a suitable minimum number of decals. These go from 158 to 163.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.





    Model and flight dynamics by Third Wire

    Cockpit by Stary

    Skin, screens, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  9. PAC Theatre was a tuff one for soldiers and pilots early on w/the concept of hold the fort with the older beat up stuff while we take down the Nazi's with the better stuff. It wasn't until the end of WWII that allied Soldiers, Sailors, Marine's, and Aircrew started to get the newer better stuff. Hats off to the allied troops in the PAC for doing what they did with what they had. Building small ships, planes, tanks, and guns by combining deadlined gear that was written off. To hold the fort, and they did, until better gear came. Pilots from different services and nations that were staged together often went over each others planes and even flying them. When the air raid siren went off what ever plane you were next to thats the one you flew. Just another example of the exemplary, the Greatest Generation! :drinks:


    Er.... yes....




    • Like 1

  10. Spitfire MkVb, VCS-7, US Navy, June 1944

    Spitfire MkVb, VCS-7, US Navy, 5th - 26th June 1944.


    Because of the high vulnerability of the SOC and OS2U spotter aircraft normally carried on board US Navy cruisers and battleships, it was felt that naval artillery spotters during the landings in Normandy would need aircraft better able to defend themselves against German fighters. As a result, 17 pilots were drawn from the cruisers CA 31 Augusta, CA 37 Tuscaloosa, CA 71 Quincy and the battleships BB 33 Arkansas, BB 35 Texas and BB 36 Nevada; they were affected to the Air Spotting Pool, based at RNAS Lee-on-Solent, along with two RAF Spitfire squadrons, Nos. 26 and 63, and four FAA Seafire squadrons, Nos.808, 885, 886 and 897.


    VCS-7 became operational on 28th May 1944.


    During operations, all aircraft were pooled, which meant that in fact, any pilot from any of the seven Spitfire/Seafire units could find himself flying any Spitfire or Seafire available, regardless of any theoretical 'ownership'. As a rule, aircraft operated in pairs, one spotting, the other covering.


    After three weeks of highly successful operations, VCS-7 was stood down on 26th June as the fighting moved beyond the range of the ships' guns.


    As they were on temporary loan from the RAF, all the aircraft used by VCS-7 retained their RAF markings.


    For use ONLY with SF2 including the Israel Expansion Pack. This will NOT work if you do not have the stock TW Spitfires installed and working.




    Model, Flight Dynamics and Decals by Third Wire

    Flight Dynamics by ShrikeHawk based on TW Spitfire MkIXc

    Cockpit by Stary

    Skin, data.ini modifications, sounds and assembly by ndicki

    Guns by AvHistory


  11. Finished.


    As far as it is possible, the serials correspond to those of MkVb aircraft used by units assigned to the Air Spotting Pool during June 1944. It is not possible to determine which were actually used by VCS-7, as the aircraft of a number of squadrons were pooled centrally.


    Anyway, this is as close as you can get!


    Uploading tomorrow, all being well.














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