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Posts posted by ndicki

  1. OT (forgive me) but there are some amazing Rhodesian and South African TSR.2 profiles here




    I saw the Lightnings, too - interesting idea... One mistake, though - the serial numbers. Probably 776 of 2 Sqn, since 7 Sqn flew choppers, and 6 Sqn was a training squadron. (The serials are not difficult to work out, just deliberately obscure...) So they got them to replace the Vampires - OK, but the Lightning isn't a ground attack aircraft. It would have gone to No.1 Sqn to replace the Hunters. But still... And the "R" prefix was not used on the aircraft, even when the serial was, which wasn't often.


    The TSR would have been 566 from 2Sqn, for similar reasons. Interesting ideas...


    Nice ideas, though!

  2. Last night I was doing this for you... but here we had a blckout from 3 AM to 12 noon.






    I see now that you already start doing the missing pylon, if you like I can send you mine, if not, well, it could be usefull for another project.


    AleDucat, that looks brilliant! Mine is rubbish in comparison - I'd be really grateful if I could use yours - it looks exactly right! I'll PM you with my e-mail address. Many, many thanks!

  3. Thanks!


    The difference being that the Chileans, Singaporeans and Swiss, among others, used the outboard pylon. The South Africans added a third central pylon, which is the unusual bit. Although the aircraft were Rhodesian - SAAF didn't fly Hunters - they were modified by SAAF techs.


    By the way, Spinners, as you're into "What-ifs" - have you seen my Rhodesian Gina? Ex-Portuguese AF, the story goes...

  4. Just to tease a bit - I'm quite proud of this. A couple of days work on the part of a relative newbie to SF. :biggrin: With Sidewinders...


    I admit the aircraft needs weathering and generally making less "regular." That's the next bit of work.


    SF2 only - don't ask for miracles! And I still need a real modeller to do those pylons/rails, which frankly aren't up to it. But still... And I hope Spinners agrees - it's his mod of the stock FGA.9 which I've used as a starting point. It'll be a full stand-alone, and the tanks are version-specific, so they won't get in the way of your RAF Hunters. Makes life easier.

  5. That is one major problem with SF. 3DS MAX. It costs a fortune to buy - we looked while a gang of us were wondering where to go after CFS3 - and even if it is apparently easier to use than GMAX, nobody's going to pay that kind of money just to pass the time. Why TK didn't go for GMAX, I don't know - he'll have his reasons, I'm sure, but I wish... I could do it myself, given probably several hours (!) in GMAX. Or if there were a GMAX exporter...



    They have a 30-day trial version. In 30 days, with my incredible modelling abilities, I may just work out how to make a cube or something. In GMAX, they have a "make-a-teapot" button. I'm good at making teapots. In fact, that's about all I've really ever managed.


    The funny thing is that as a rule, the modellers can't paint, and the painters can't model. Wonder why!

  6. No probs. That is something I can do. Check this Hunter: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=37734


    I need someone to knock out a pylon/rail, though, that I can fit here. It could go in as a fake pilot or as a fixed drop tank, if I've understood the work-arounds.




    Hey, anybody got "I wish I was a blue job" by John Edmond? Mine's gone funny. I was thinking we could use it somewhere.



    "I wouldn't have to walk if I could fly..." I should have listened!

  7. So, for the final answer, you need someone to CREATE a pylon set, spaced to fit between the drop tanks, and added via the known methods.

    Adding the weapon stations themselves, as you've done, is a pretty simple matter.



    kevin stein


    OK, except that I said "rail" for "pylon with a rail". Look on the bright side - I've understood how it works! I did hunt through the weapons packs I've got to see what there might be, but there wasn't.


    Know any easily-tameable modellers?

  8. I have read the knowledge base... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=24863... And if I've understood, I need a model of a sidewinder launch rail in order to fit one to this Hunter I'm messing round with (SF2).


    Here are the screenies as we are now; the missiles appear in the right place, and function correctly, but don't have a rail. If I've got it right, that's because the aircraft model itself doesn't have a rail there either. Right so far...? So I have to add one.


    Which is the problem. I have GMAX, but not 3DS MAX. And GMAX won't export LOD files.


    So... Does anybody have any advice on where to get a rail from?




    PS Don't look at the aircraft itself too much. All very WIP!Incidentally, in the photo of the real one, spot the "mistake"...

  9. WOW! Coin ops? excellent! Is not the AC47 used by the South Africans? The Rhodesian Air Force used it? Is a perfect COIN plane


    Steady, china, steady - the AC-47 is a strictly American concept and was not adopted by any other Armed Forces. To begin with, it's a rich country's aircraft - look at the expenditure in rifle ammunition. Rhodesia could not afford that kind of wastage. And frankly, I'm not certain that the AC-47 was any more effective than a couple of golf bombs, despite the obvious psychological impact.


    The Dak was used both by RhAF and SAAF as a transport/psyops aircraft - it was not armed and did not carry out (therefore) any kind of strike. It was however used for dropping parachutists as part of the "Fireforce" concept.


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